E090 by Herb Zinser
President John Quiver Adams explains the
--> President --> Pre-sent by the pre-consciousness
--> President --> P = Processor ..system 370
Resident load library of
Computer earth data & instruction graphs of the earth land surface .........
a geography information highway
the EARTH daily rotation and
Geography waves --> Geo Wa --> George Washington
in more detailed words /codes/ clues
President John Quiver Adams explains
Quiver ..oscillate ...vibrate up & down
vibrate tremulously;
signal processing .....
sine waves .....
year 1600 English atomic theater / agent
william atomic mass
quiver/shake .... shake a spear ... shakespear
the COMPUTER EARTH code word
--> President --> Pre-sent by the pre-consciousness
--> President --> P = Processor ..system 370
What is a load library? - IBM
Resident load library of
Computer earth data & instruction graphs of the earth land surface .........
a geography information highway
the EARTH daily rotation and
centrifugal force sideways ...... data stream wind
Geography waves --> Geo Wa --> George Washington
EARTH geography land waves of plowed farm land
first crop oats of Croatia-serbia
..... old SUN-EARTH GOVERNMENT region
.....Basic Assembler Language ....
EARTH GOVERNMENT Bal administrative region of
Baltimore Maryland .....
President of the United States of North America.
in modern words ....
James Madison and Madison Wisconsin,
“it is devoutly wished on
my part (myoglobin thought muscles and atomic thought particles) ,
parallel code name .....
domestic affairs
on family, community. school, and television/radio bull-shit and nonsense schemes and language manipulators
........ Karl Henry Zinser .......
thus Spoke Z and Nietzsche
John Quincy Adams

American (atomic mass numeric ) statesman, diplomat, lawyer, and diarist who served as the 6th president of the United States, from 1825 to 1829.
George Washington's Mount Vernon
George Washington's Mount Vernon
George Wa shington's Mount (molecule unit)
George Wave /quiver/ oscillation agent
Mount Vernon
around 1734.[4] George Washington expanded the house twice, once in the late 1750s and again in the 1770s.[4] It remained Washington's home for the rest of his life. Following his death in 1799, under the ownership of several successive generations of the family, the estate progressively declined as revenues were insufficient to maintain it adequately.
Queen V --> Victoria
and Asia ..... Sun-Yat-Sen ..send Sun-Earth orbital data to Wisconsin earth.....
Os.,,,,,,Oscillations .....sin
Os cill Oscope... ........... sin waves
An OshkOsh oscilloscope (informally a scope) is a type of electronic test instrument that graphically displays varying electrical voltages as a two-dimensional plot of one or more signals as a function of time.
The main purposes are to display repetitive or single waveforms on the screen that would otherwise occur too briefly to be perceived by the human eye.
The displayed waveform can then be analyzed for properties such as amplitude, frequency, rise time, time interval, distortion, and others.
An OshkOsh oscilloscope ..... used at the
Experimental Aircraft Association
of HAir people that breath oxygen
..... Air at the Air Venture Oshkosh
and the V-shape of India geography
partitioned data set - IBM
Notes os V-sections .....
the V-section battles of V = Vietnam
and the
V-section on the
American ciVil War .....
the ciVil war cannon bomb vibrations....
creation of
an under-ground sonar and reflected waves
V-section on the
American ciVil War .....
the North American
ciVil war cannon bomb vibrations....
creation of
an under-ground sonar and reflected
waves to Europe .....
received French frequency region in
1863 and published in 1864 .....
Jules V-section Verne
(the Journey of signal processing to the
Center of atomic iron/nickel EARTH core
and reflected bomb explosion waves)
and in England by
Lewis Carroll, Herbert Spencer,
and Charles Dickens using the
Geoffrey frequency Chaucer - Wikipedia
the inner earth geological message network ....
he theorized that an underground atomic electron message city of Nature exists ..... messages could be transmitted wirelessly through atomic rock/marble/limestone data pipelines .....
at long distances inside the EARTH sphere
and the sky ionosphere could have a similar systems of
human bio-radio .. neuro transmitter brain waves
Olson Electron agent Olson / Orson Wells in 1938
the inner earth geological message network
V path from
North American to Europe ...
underground to the EARTH center
atomic iron core ..then reflected to
northern Europe region of
French and English
human bio-electron bio-sensor
message interceptors
The earth geology CLAY battles
..... and Euclidean plane geometry
Earth language systems of the
3rd Earl of Russell (Bertrand Russell)
.... the Earth underground languages
.... name equation and letter codes
--> Euclidean
..... Earth geological underground clay layer of ideas & answers
.... thus we see the year 2022 .....
the atomic clay sub-soil layer of earth BATTLEs
being played out in the Ukraine black earth soil
Earth Ground wave .... agent code names / proper nouns
George Washington | The White House
took his oath of office as the first President.
(also known as Schrödinger's wave equation
or Schrodinger's quiver equation )
is a partial differential equation that describes the dynamics of quantum mechanical systems via the wave function. The trajectory, the positioning, and the energy of these systems can be retrieved by solving the Schrödinger equation.Oct 11, 2020
John vibrate/wave mechanics / quiver Quincy Adams | The White House
son of John and Abigail Adams, served as the sixth President of the United States from 1825 to 1829. A member of multiple political ...
and expression agents
Spectral Analysis and Its Applications
(Holden-Day Series in Time Series Analysis)
Hardcover – January 1, 1969
G wi il --> earth ground / land region of
Wisconsin and Illinois(e)
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