Information string flowcharts by Herb Zinser reviews LANGUAGE word clues about subset math and science word clues in books, newspapers, magazines, etc.
List of pages and topics ... covered later with the numbered, handwritten pages
2 Sterling hall bombing / cover-up
3 Food war
4 Donald Sterling and the Clippers
5 Agatha Christie and silver ware mystery
6 Silver code names and gene textbooks
7 Perry Mason and hamburgers
8 Kentucky Fried Chicken
9 Sam hengel and 23 chromosomes
10 movie - Cool hand Luke
11 Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand and Sam Hengel Iron-54
12 Sinai and PLO
13 Sports Bar and Barcelona Spain ERRORS ....... Germanwings crash
14 Warren Buffet and FET circuits
15 Cozy D McNeal
Sugar molecule and Mark Zuckerman
16 sugar
17 Blog sites and biology
18 Roundup Ready molecules
19 Port Richmond train crash
20 gravity and GMO corn
21 Ray tensing and DuBose
22 Ross Truett Ashley
24 Giants football
25 Test Kitchen PBS errors
26 TEST Kitchen murder of Haroon Khan and Zoellick
27 Test Kitchen creates the Boston bombing
28 airports
29 Nairobi Kenya shooting and Wojciech Braszczok
30 Junior Seau and WTC1 and age 43
31 Junior Seau and Oceania
33 Warfin blood thinner in San Bernadino
34 john T Scopes trial
35 Monica Lewinsky and Jefferson Airplane
36 Railway Expressway Agency (REA) --> Reality
37 the BIG EAR
39 Zinjan skull project
41 Jane Wilde Hawking
42 J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter
43 K = Potassium atom and K = Kathryn Stalbaum codes
44 Watertown Wisconsin
45 Waukesha iron foundaries and the Kettle Moraine High School
46 Runway 26
47 Hannah Graham
48.5 Chuck Norris and Norris Hall shooting
49 Walker Texas ranger
51 Spanish language
52 Adenine
53 Germination
54 Milwaukee Art Page ..CAUSE and EFFECT
55 O. J. Simpson and the electron orbitals TRIAL
56 carbon black social messages
57 Orenthal Simpson codes
The evolution of the living language with math and physics equations, computer science flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams. etc has resulted in a new version of LANGUAGE ...... known by various terms as
the Universal Mind Language,
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE language,
Carl Jung collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND expression systems of behavior and feeling that sometimes rises up to a surface level of information display ( crimes, protests, demonstrations, etc) and other language / behavior mechanics.
Books and printed news articles may contain subset messages that are embedded within the larger context of the written text.
read between the lines - Collins Dictionaries › English Dictionary
Example Sentences Including 'read between the lines'.
Nothing was spelled out, yet everything was there for those who could read between the lines. Ashford ...
In this blog post ...... we shall provide information strings using WORDS and subset WORDS and see their relationship to REALITY events.
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in BASIC math and science college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
For example ............ Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities" ..... about two worlds on the EARTH surface.
What is the 2nd world?
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and THOUGHT that may get a
mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH .......
that is...... the EARTH surface as an information display surface using 3-dimensional vertical humans and their behavior and daily activities.
Given the background concepts ...... let's look at some math and science information strings ... very useful empirical data about the structure of REALITY and its descriptive words ......
data for those in science.
Thus ... in this blog post you have some information strings ..... the language fabric and its LINKS to physical reality and events.
Agatha Christie: The world's best-selling Ag / sterling silverware mystery author of all time - Agatha ...
Donald Sterling - Wikipedia
Former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling settles with NBA ...
Sterling Hall bombing - Wikipedia
The Sterling Hall Bombing that occurred on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on August 24, 1970 was committed by four young people as a protest ...
The Sterling Hall Bombing that occurred on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on August 24, 1970 was committed by four young people
was committed by four young people
The DNA nitrogen bases within the bombers used a Ford Econoline van stolen from a University of Wisconsin professor of Computer Science.
It was filled with close to 2,000 pounds (910 kg) of ANFO (i.e., ammonium nitrate and fuel oil). ...... thus the DNA nitrogen base THOUGHT molecules usage of messenger word --> nitrogen ..... thus the selection of a nitrogen molecule bomb.
thru their usage of silverware ... thus Agatha established a hands on relationship with the
Ag atomic family in the periodic atomic table.
Ag..........Ch .....tie / string theory ...... information strings / messages tied together at Sterling Hall ........
String Theory Group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Theoretical Nuclear, Particle, Astrophysics, and Cosmology (NPAC ...
- Genetics & IVF Institute
Humans grow and develop based on the instructions contained in our genetic material. A normal human cell should contain exactly 46 chromosomes. They are ...
Silver | Lone Ranger Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
Silver is the Lone Ranger's great white stallion. ... The accepted story of Silver's origin has the white horse living in Wild Horse Canyon. ... Silver sired a son, named Victor, who belonged to the Lone Ranger's nephew, Dan Reid Jr.
Silver Thursday - Wikipedia
Nelson Bunker Hunt - Wikipedia
Silver Thursday: How Two Wealthy Traders Cornered The Market ...
The stock market gets most of the media's attention because it's easier to grasp than its cousin, ... The Hunt brothers believed that inflation would result in silver becoming a haven, just like its more expensive cousin, gold. ... Bunker foresaw at least a tenfold increase in the price of silver as a result of the plummeting real value ...
Perry Mason (TV series) - Wikipedia
Perry Mason – defense attorney (played by Raymond Burr)
Della Street – Mason's confidential secretary (played by Barbara Hale)
Paul Drake – private investigator (played by William Hopper)
Hamilton Burger – District Attorney (played by William Talman)
Hamilton Burger – District Attorney
Carmen Ortiz - Wikipedia
US Attorney Carmen Ortiz's secrets to success: Get ... -
Carmen Ortiz, US Attorney for the District of Boston, Boston University ...
May 20, 2016 - Carmen Ortiz is first woman and first Hispanic to hold post ... to be a lawyer, although at first it was the Perry Mason show that motivated me.
KFC - Kentucky Fried Chicken menu
Restaurant menu, map for KFC - Kentucky Fried Chicken located in 53716, Madison WI, 604 Cottage Grove Rd.
Comair Flight 5191 .. chicken brain DEMO - Wikipedia
Comair Flight 5191, marketed as Delta Connection Flight 5191, was a scheduled United States (US) domestic passenger flight from Lexington, Kentucky, to Atlanta, Georgia, operated on behalf of Delta Connection by Comair. On the morning of August 27, 2006, at around 06:07 EDT,[2] the Bombardier Canadair Regional Jet 100ER that was being used for the flight crashed while attempting to take off from Blue Grass Airport in Fayette County, Kentucky, 4 miles (6.4 km) west of the central business district of the City of Lexington.
The aircraft was assigned the airport's runway 22 for the takeoff, but used runway 26 instead. Runway 26 was too short for a safe takeoff, causing the aircraft to overrun the end of the runway before it could become airborne. It crashed just past the end of the runway, killing all 47 passengers and two of the three crew. The flight's first officer was the only survivor.[3][4]
Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular - Jsonline
Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies After Shooting Self in Hostage ...
Samuel O. Hengel - EH Extra
Teen dies - EH Extra
Nov 30, 2010 - A barricade outside Jon and Ann Hengel's home in Porterfield ... "Sam was a 15-year-old sophomore at Marinette High School. He was active in the Boy Scouts, tae kwon do, loved his iTouch and was an avid outdoorsman.
Outside Hengel's home in Porterfield was a large sign that said,
Outside Hengel's home in Porterfield was a large sign that said,
Outside Hengel's home in Port er field was a large sign that said,
Outside Hengel's home in Port error field was a large sign that said,
Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies After Shooting Self in Hostage ...
Nov 30, 2010 - A 15-year-old student, Samuel Hengel, died today after shooting himself Monday night after holding a teacher and 23 classmates hostage, police said. ... Sam as someone who was "active in the Boy Scouts, tae kwan do,
and 23 classmates hostage,
and 23 classmates hostage,
and 23 classmates host --> genetics code word
Samuel Hengel, died today after shooting ... His family described Sam as someone who was "active in the Boy Scouts, tae kwan do, ... He loved hunting and fishing,
He loved hunting and fishing,
He loved hunting and fishing,
He loved hunting and fishing,
Man who shot 2 officers describes Badger Guns as go-to place
Nature's 23 chromosome pair .....
Oct 7, 2015 - Former Milwaukee police office Graham Kunisch (center), Kunisch's wife, Margaret Kunisch (left), and Milwaukee officer Bryan Norberg (far ...
Badger Guns settles genetics/chromosome WAR trial
Jun 15, 2016 - Badger Guns and its owners this week settled a lawsuit brought Milwaukee ... In the Norberg and Kunisch case, the jury issued a first-of-its-kind ...
the jury issued a first-of-its-kind ...
Nature's 23 chromosome pair .....
Genetic code - Wikipedia
of 43 = 64 amino acids at
Oct 13, 2015 - Heaton Juarez, of Milwaukee, who works in the financial sector, said the jury ... In addition, Norberg and Kunisch contended that Badger Guns, ...
a data generating EVENT
15 Year-old girl missing from Town of Genes see at Genesee
Town on edge after 15-year-old girl disappears
Search launched for missing gene social LAWs ......
Nov 6, 2013 - A 15-year-old Town of Genesee girl not seen by her family since early ... Kathryn J. Stalbaum, a freshman at Kettle Moraine High School, ...
The disappearance of a 15-year-old Town of Genesee
The disappearance of a 15-year-old Town of Genesee
The disappearance of a 15-year-old Town of Genesee
The disappearance of a 15-year-old Town of Gene .... and chromosome 15 agent
The disappearance of a 15-year-old Town of Genesee
The disappearance of a 15-year-old Town of Genesee
The disappearance of a chromosome 15 from the I/O port of Porterfield
of 15-year-old Boy Scout .... Sam Hengel
Umpqua Community College shooting - Wikipedia
The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Chris Harper-Mercer, a ...
Why is the long arm (q) and the short one (p) in the chromosomes ...
Dec 17, 2013 - P is for petite (i.e short arm) and 'q' follow 'p' in the alphabet. ... See http:// ...
Chromosome regions in the I/O Port of Oregon with
(3) Short arm (p).
Cool Hand Luke (1967) - IMDb
Cool Hand Luke - Wikipedia
Cool Hand Luke is a 1967 American prison drama film directed by Stuart Rosenberg, starring Paul Newman and featuring George Kennedy in an Oscar- winning ...
Longboat Key Club and Resort | Sarasota Florida Beach Resort
Learn more about the luxurious Longboat Key Club Resort in Sarasota, Florida. The perfect escape for friends and families of all ages. Learn more here.
Record sort /merge at Longitude data records .......
Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude Finder using Longboat Key ...
on Map Get Coordinates
The equator is the line with 0° latitude. The longitude has the symbol of lambda and is another angular coordinate defining the position of a point on a surface of earth. The longitude is defined as an angle pointing west or east from the Greenwich Meridian, which is taken as the Prime Meridian.
Longboat Key | Visit Sarasota County
Coming from Lido Key in the south, or north from Anna Maria Island, you'll discover an elegant tropical setting that offers every amenity you can imagine.
Sarajevo - Wikipedia
Sarajevo is the capital and largest city of Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a population of 275,524 ... In 1914, it was the site of the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria that sparked World War I, after which the city experienced a ...
Assassination at Sarajevo - History Learning Site
On June 28th 1914, the heir to the Austrian Empire, Franz Ferdinand, was visiting Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. Bosnia was in the very south-east corner of the ...
Assassination at Sarajevo - History Learning Site
On June 28th 1914, the heir to the Austrian Empire, Franz Ferdinand, was visiting Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. Bosnia was in the very south-east corner of the ...
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria - Wikipedia
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, occurred on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo when they were shot dead by Gavrilo Princip.
Samuel O. Hengel - EH Extra
Dec 3, 2010 - Sam was a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 in Peshtigo, Wis. He was in Tae Kwon Do .
An Introduction to Tensors for Students of Physics and Engineering
An Introduction to
Witness, fellow officers testify ...
MISTRIAL: Jury in trial of Ray Tensing, who shot Sam DuBose, hangs ...
What court records tell us about Ray Tensing - Cincinnati Enquirer
What court records tell us about
code Ten sin --> information pointer
code Ten sin --> sin -->
Samuel O. Hengel - EH Extra
Dec 3, 2010 - Samuel O. Hengel found peace on Tuesday, Nov. ... of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 in
Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 in
The Cub Scout Pack - Boy Scouts of America
The Pack Committee - Boy Scouts of America
Every pack is under the supervision of a pack committee, which consists of at least three members (chair, secretary, and treasurer). By handling administrative and support tasks, the pack committee allows the Cubmaster, den leaders, and their assistants to focus on working ...
The bottom, negative half of the SIN wave is represented by EARTH geography surface ..... information display with proper noun /concept label --> Sinai
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) | Palestinian political ...
Aug 25, 2009 - Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Arabic Munaẓẓamat al-TaḥrÄ«r Filasá¹Ä«niyyah, umbrella political organization claiming to represent the ...

The Best 10 Sports Bars in Madison, WI - Yelp
Best Sports Bars in Madison, WI - Jordan's Big Ten Pub, Players Sports Bar, Echo Tap & Grill, Blue Moon Bar & Grill, Babes Grill & Bar, Wilson's Bar, Hawk's Bar ...
Buffalo Wild Wings
@BWWings On Twitter · B-Dubs® on YouTube · B-Dubs® on Instagram · Sports · UFC at B-Dubs®. Buffalo Wild Wings® Company. Gift Cards · Careers · Giving ...
Buffalo Wild Wings® | Wings. Beer. Sports.
B-Dubs® is your local sports bar, offering hand-spun wings, a range of cold beer, and wall-to-wall live sports. Join the action now.
Germanwings Flight 9525 - Wikipedia
Jump to Investigation of Lubitz - Three days after the crash, German detectives searched Lubitz's Montabaur properties and removed a computer and other ...
Germanwings pilot Lubitz′s diary reveals how
Mar 7, 2016 - The pilot thought to have crashed a Germanwings plane was battling insomnia during training, according to his records published ...
Jack O'Neill - Stargate Wiki - Wikia
Jack O'Neill - Wikipedia
Jonathan J. "Jack" O'Neill, Colonel (later promoted), USAF, is a fictional character in military science fiction franchise Stargate, and primarily one of the main ...
Charge: Man was driving 100 mph over speed limit | Regional news ...
Beaver Dam Man Charged In Drunken High Speed Chase - WXRO
Charge: Man was driving 100 mph over speed limit | Regional news ...
Beaver Dam Man Charged In Drunken High Speed Chase - WXRO
The deputy made a U-turn and attempted to stop the vehicle.
Uracil (U) - Wikipedia
Uracil /ˈjʊərəsɪl/ (U) is one of the four nucleobases in the nucleic acid of RNA that are .... Jump up to: Horton, Robert H.; et al.Principles of Biochemistry. 3rd ed.
Mark Zuckerberg - Wikipedia
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984) is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur. He is the chairman, chief executive officer , and ...
Mark my words ..... sugar/Zucker molecule .......
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984) is an American molecular computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur.
He is the chairman, chief executive officer , and ...
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Sugar Ray Robinson - Boxer -
5 days ago - Considered one of the greatest boxers of all time, Sugar Ray Robinson held the world welterweight title from 1946 to 1951, and by 1958, ..
Sugar Ray Robinson - Boxer -
Boxing news, fight schedule and results | Daily Mail Online
In a promotional film commissioned by Matchroom Sport, Brook talked about his ... Mayweather celebrates birthday at Clippers game as boxer prepares to fight ...
Boxing Bell | eBay
Find great deals on eBay for Boxing Bell in More Exercise & Fitness Boxing. Shop with confidence. ... Great for a sports collector or s bell collector. Look at the ..
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Patty Hearst - Wikipedia
Patty Hearst — FBI
Hearst, it was soon discovered, had been kidnapped by a group of armed radicals that billed themselves as the Symbionese Liberation Army, or SLA. ... Assault rifle in hand, Hearst joins DeFreeze in robbing a San Francisco bank on April 15, 1974. ... The SLA’s plan worked and worked well ...
Welcome to the CIA Web Site — Central Intelligence Agency
Official site provides news and information, publications, offices of the CIA, and careers. Includes links to their World Factbook, chiefs of state, and studies in ...
Career Opportunities - Student Opportunities - Job Fit Tool -
FAQs --> Frequently Asked Questions about Patty Hearst and her Isaac Asimov equation
1954 --> Iron-54
On March 5, 1973, Donald DeFreeze escaped from prison. Radical penal activists and future SLA members, Russell Little and William Wolfe, took DeFreeze to Patricia Soltysik's house.[5] The SLA was led by DeFreeze, who, after a prison acquaintance named Wheeler left, was the only African American. By the time the group became active most of the members of the tiny group were women, some of whom have, like Soltysik and her roommate Nancy Ling Perry, been described as in lesbian relationships. The members included William and Emily Harris and Angela Atwood.
DeFreeze was suspected by many on the radical left of being a government provocateur, but his race and prison time gave him unquestioned authority in the SLA. He also had sexual dominion over women in the group.[6][7] They acquired resources by burglarizing the homes of leftists in the Bay Area. The first proposed operation, assassinating the head of the state penitentiaries, was cancelled because of possible repercussions for inmates; instead Marcus Foster, a black educator regarded by the SLA as a fascist who had brought police onto school campuses, was targeted and killed.
DeFreeze's projections of the military strength of the then dozen-strong SLA grouplet were hyperbolic, and he gave himself a concomitantly grandiose title of 'field marshal'. Soltysik is believed to have created much of the SLA ideological material, which stated the organization was opposed to "racism, sexism, agism, fascism, individualism, competitiveness, possessiveness and all other institutions that have made or sustained capitalism".[5]
Biology 4 DNA Nucleotides - Video Dailymotion
Dec 29, 20134
DNA Nucleotides -
Scholarshive is the online education service .
What is the Symbionese Liberation Army? - Slate 24, 2002 - Five former members of the Symbionese Liberation Army were charged last ... The word "Symbionese" comes from the biological term symbiosis, the ... February 1974: Eight SLA members kidnap 19-year-old Patty Hearst, the ...
BIOS (What It Is and How to Use It) - Lifewire
BIOS - Wikipedia
What is BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)? - Computer Hope
BIOS. 1. Short for Basic Input/Output System, the BIOS (pronounced bye-oss) is a ROM chip located on all motherboards that allows you to access and set up your computer system at the most basic level. In the picture below, is an example of what a BIOS chip may look like on your computer motherboard.
used to perform hardware initialization
What is Ping? Webopedia Definition
Webopedia on Google+ Webopedia on Twitter Webopedia on Facebook Tech Bytes Blog ... PING is used primarily to troubleshoot Internet connections. There are many freeware and sharewarePing utilities available for personal computers. It is often believed that "Ping" is an abbreviation for Packet Internet Groper, but ...
Ping (blogging) - Wikipedia
In blogging, a ping is an XML-RPC-based push mechanism by which a weblog notifies a server ... Today, most blog authoring tools automatically ping one or more servers each time the blogger creates a new post or updates an old one.
Ping (blog --> Body / Brain ....
- Wikipedia
In blogging, a ping is an XML-RPC-based push mechanism by which a weblog notifies a server ... Today, most blog authoring tools automatically ping one or more servers each time the blogger creates a new post or updates an old one.
Roundup Ready PLUS™ - Monsanto
Roundup Ready Sugarbeets - Monsanto
The Roundup Ready molecule Controversy ..........
Roundup Ready crops are crops genetically modified to be resistant to the herbicide ... Roundup is the brand-name of a herbicide produced by Monsanto.
The Roundup of Pentagon puppet soldiers in the corral /building ,,,,,
2009 Fort (Earth LAB) Hood shooting - Wikipedia
On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and ...
The Roundup Ready Controversy
Roundup Ready crops are crops genetically modified to be resistant to the herbicide ... Roundup is the brand-name of a herbicide produced by Monsanto.
Dylann Roof - Wikipedia
Jump to Charleston church shooting - Main article: Charleston church shooting ... later identified as Roof, opened fire with a handgun, killing nine people.
Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Soybeans Gain EU Import Approval ...
Jul 22, 2016 - The European Commission's approval follows Monsanto's February announcement ... Roundup Ready 2 Xtend is Monsanto's newest soybean platform that ... ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW PESTICIDE LABEL DIRECTIONS.
2015 Philadelphia train derailment - Wikipedia
in the Port Richmond neighborhood
Linus van Pelt - Wikipedia
Linus van Pelt is a character in Charles M. Schulz's comic strip Peanuts. The best friend of .... In one strip, Lucy confiscates Linus's blanket, locking it in a closet for two weeks as part of a bet. Linus thinks he can go without the blanket for two ...
Gravitational constant - Wikipedia
Gmo Corn - The Huffington Post
China's Rejection Of GMO Corn Has Cost U.S. Billions ... China's rejections of a banned variety of genetically modified U.S. corn have cost the U.S. agricul.
GMO Facts: 10 Common GMO Claims Debunked | Popular Science
Jul 11, 2014 - One frequently cited study, published in 2012 by researchers from the University of Caen in France, claimed that one of Monsanto's corn GMOs ...
Virginia Tech ....... black farm soil BATTLE site in Blacksburg
Coordinates: 37°13′37″N 80°25′19″W / 37.227°N 80.422°W / 37.227; - 80.422. The Virginia Tech shooting, also known as the Virginia Tech massacre, occurred on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, ..
Earth mas / acres of farm soil ORDERED -->
The violence began around 7:15 a.m., when Cho, a 23-year-old senior and English major at Blacksburg-based Virginia Tech, shot a female freshman and a ...
Mazomanie, Wisconsin - Wikipedia
Mazomanie /ˌmeɪzoʊˈmeɪni/ is a village in Dane County, Wisconsin, United States. The population was 1,652 at the 2010 census. The village is located ...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Wikipedia
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV Series 1997–2003) - IMDb
Action ... A young woman is forced to fulfill her destiny of fighting vampires and ... Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- Clip: Buffy and Angel · Buffy the Vampire Slayer -- A ..
Documentary Re-Examines Controversial Hmong Shooting : NPR
Oct 27, 2010 - Hmong immigrant Chai Vang went deer hunting in the woods of northern Wisconsin, not far from the town of Rice Lake in November of 2004.
Maurice Wilkins - Wikipedia
ii) "The double helix model was supported by the work of Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins." b) on the helices: i) "The structure of DNA was discovered in 1953 by Francis Crick and James Watson while Watson lived here at Clare."
the town of Rice Lake molecules
Arrest Made in Wisconsin MAU MAU molecule DNA battle
Nov 22, 2004 - Vang, who had a hunting license but not for Wisconsin, had ... the three wounded were well-known members of the community in Rice Lake.
Rice Lake dedicates a park to the dead Mau Mau people
| News |
Aug 7, 2006 - RICE LAKE - A new park was dedicated Monday to honor six northern ... Chai Soua Vang, a then-36-year-old St. Paul, Minn., truck driver, was ...
Shooting of Samuel DuBose - Wikipedia
On July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Samuel DuBose, an unarmed man, was fatally shot by Ray Tensing, a University of Cincinnati police officer, during a traffic ...
Judge gives Sam DuBose's 13 children $218K each
The family Sam DuBose left behind wrestles with its loss
Aug 6, 2015 - As if to underscore DuBose's presence, several of his children wear .... Sam DuBose, prompting Chyna and half-sister Teaila Williamston to ...
TrueCar: The Car-Buying App - Android Apps on Google Play
Rating: 3.8 - 8,496 votes - Free
TrueCar is a free service that helps car buyers connect with our network of over 13,000 Certified Dealers across the U.S to receive transparent pricing on over ... other words ....
TrueCar: The Carbon-Bullying Appetite attack on the human brain
Rating: 3.8 - 8,496 votes - Free
TrueCar is a free service that helps car buyers connect with our network of over 13,000 Certified Dealers across the U.S to receive transparent pricing on over ...
Broadcast Radio Links | Federal Communications Commission
FM Query - Federal Communications Commission
Dec 10, 2015 - Search for radio station information in the FM broadcast band (88 MHz to 108 MHz). You may request one-line-per-record list output, or more ...
Mystery over what made Virginia Tech gunman ...
Virginia Tech gunman named as Ross Truett Ashley | US news | The ...
Dec 9, 2011 - Police have named the Virginia Tech gunman who shot dead a policeman and then himself as Ross Truett Ashley, a part-time student from ...
Ross Truett Ashley, Virginia Tech Shooter, Was 22-Year-Old Radford ...
Dec 9, 2011 - Police said Friday that Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford, was responsible for killing a Virginia Tech police officer Thursday, triggering a ...
Was 22-Year-Old Radford murder victim of
TRUE --> Ross Truett Ashley
Armed suspect stole car before killing Virginia Tech officer -
Virginia Tech gunman named as Ross Truett Ashley | US news | The ...
Dec 9, 2011 - Student at neighbouring Radford University had stolen an SUV at gunpoint the day before, police say. ... Ross Truett Ashley, the Virginia Tech gunman who shot police officer Deriek W Crouse. ... The car was found on the Virginia Tech campus. Police ... Deriek W Crouse, 39, was the police officer killed.
New York Giants Football - Giants News, Scores, Stats, Rumors ...
New York Giants Football | NFL News -
Get the latest New York Giants news, blogs and rumors. Find schedule, scores, photos, and join fan forum at
General GI Symptoms Overview -
Common GI Symptoms of the Pentagon FED system
Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms such as heartburn, indigestion/dyspepsia, bloating and constipation are common in the community. However, these symptoms .
Boston Marathon Event .... RIGGED and BIASED Information
Boston Marathon Mile 27 - Official Post-Race Party presented by Samuel Adams · Volunteer ... DISTANCE: 26 MILES,
Bavaria attacks: Germans shaken by violence - BBC News
"These are strange times for Bavaria," Bethany Bell hears in Munich, following the spate of violence. ... 25 July 2016. From the section Europe. Share ... "To the victims of the 23rd of July" one message reads. "Love is stronger than hate," says ...
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America's Test Kitchen | Episodes, Recipes & Reviews
Watch Bridget Lancaster, Julia Collin Davison, and more of our expert Test Kitchen cast members explain exactly how and why our recipes work.
Equipment Reviews - America's Test Kitchen EM wave broadcasts
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Essential Knife Set – The America's Test Kitchen Shop . America's Test Kitchen Essential Knife Set set is our answer to expensive block sets filled with superfluous and impractical tools. We've identified four core ...
UPDATE: Student Murdered -
Sep 7, 2009 - Police say Zaborek admitted knowing his friend killed the student, but remained ... Tammi L. LaFave is accused of helping kidnap Haroon Khan, whose ... Milwaukee PD, Watertown PD, UW-Milw PD, Town of Emmett PD, and ...
UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say - Jsonline
Oct 7, 2008 - Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just like it. When Khan put his up for sale, ...
Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car - Jsonline
Oct 8, 2008 - Tammi LaFave met Travis Zoellick on MySpace in mid-September, about two weeks ... murder in the Oct. 1 homicide of 31-year-old Haroon Khan, who was reported missing ... According to the complaint, Zoellick killed Khan so he could steal his car. ...
UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say - Jsonline
Travis Zoellick (20) shot himself after killing a man for his car and ...
Oct 8, 2008 - But Haroon Khan's pleas were in vain and he was brutally stabbed near ... LaFave helped tied the Milwaukee man's hands and place duct tape ...
place duct tape .
place duct tape .
place duct tape .
place duct tape --> deductions message
place duct tape .
place duct tape .
place duct ----> pointer to keyword --> deductions
Pressure Cooker Perfection: America's Test Kitchen: 9781936493418 ...
Pressure Cooker Perfection Paperback – March 15, 2013. ... 100 foolproof pressure-cooker recipes that will change the way you cook. In Pressure Cooker Perfection, the first volume in our new test kitchen handbook series, the editors at America's Test Kitchen demystify an appliance ...
On April 15, 2013, two homemade bombs detonated 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 p.m., near the finish line of the annual Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring several hundred others, including 16 who lost limbs.[2][5][10]
Pressure Cooker Perfection: America's Test Kitchen: 9781936493418 ...
Pressure Cooker Perfection Paperback – March 15, 2013. ... 100 foolproof pressure-cooker recipes that will change the way you cook. In Pressure Cooker Perfection
Boston Marathon pressure cooker bombing - Wikipedia
On April 15, 2013, two homemade bombs detonated 12 seconds and 210 yards ( 190 m) apart at 2:49 p.m., near the finish line of the annual Boston Marathon, ...
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Given Death Penalty in Boston Marathon Bombing
... U.S. Attorney on Tsarnaev ...
Federal biochemistry ..... DEATH manuscript ..... molecular orders ..... kill TSA officer at LAX in 2013 pleads guilty and avoids ...
Sep 6, 2016 - An unemployed motorcycle mechanic who gunned down airport screening ... He first opened fire on TSA Officer Gerardo Hernandez at a ...
2017 Fort Lauderdale airport shooting - Wikipedia
Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting Coverage - Sun Sentinel
Full coverage of the shooting at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Westroads Mall .....
The Westroads Mall shooting was a mass shooting that occurred on December 5, 2007, in a Von Maur department store in Westroads Mall in Omaha, Nebraska.
Westgate shopping mall attack in Nitrogen region --> Nairobi - Wikipedia
On Saturday 21 September 2013, unidentified gunmen attacked Westgate shopping mall, an upscale mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack resulted in at least 67 deaths, and more than 175 people were reportedly wounded in the mass shooting.
2 Motorcyclists Found Guilty in 2013 Attack on Driver but Acquitted of ...
Man Who Filmed Video of SUV-Biker Brawl ... - NBC New York
[NY] Biker Suspect in SUV Driver Beating Surrenders to Police: Officials ... As the investigation into Sunday's SUV-versus-motorcycle attack continues, police are ...
'Most vicious' member of biker gang gets 3 1/2 years - NY Daily News
Aug 7, 2015 - ... of bikers that terrorized a Tribeca family was sentenced to 3 1/2 years. ... Robert Sims, 37, stomped on Alexian Lien and tried to pull his wife ...
How Did Tribeca Become the Most Desirable ... - New York Observer
Feb 20, 2015 - Tribeca consistently has the highest sales prices in the city.
that terrorized a Tribeca familythat terrorized a Tri bec a familythat terrorized a ....BEC science family of
- Wikipedia
On July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Samuel DuBose, an unarmed man, was fatally shot by Ray Tensing, a University of Cincinnati police officer, during a traffic ...
2015 Waco cycle shootout - Wikipedia
On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where ... Nine bikers were killed, seven of them members of the Cossacks Motorcycle Club, while eighteen others were injured. ..... Police officers reported receiving several threats after the shooting, which they are investigating. A former ...
Collapse of the World Trade Center - Wikipedia
The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed on September 11, 2001, as a result of ... bowing of the perimeter columns and failure of the south face of WTC 1 and the east face of WTC 2, initiating the collapse of each of the towers.".
failure of the south face of WTC 1
failure of the south face of WTC 1
failure of the south face of WTC 1
failure of the south face of WTC --> World Thought Control elements
Junior Seau dies at 43 the TC = 43 wars - -
Junior Seau, Famed NFL Linebacker, Dies at 43; Murder Is Suspected
May 2, 2012 - Junior Seau, regarded as one of the N.F.L.'s best linebackers over a 20-year career with the Chargers, the Dolphins and the Patriots, died of a ...
A look at some of the ways George Orwell's '1984' has come true - NY ...

1984 - Why is Oceania only at war with Oceanside, California ? - Science ...
May 11, 2014 - 1984 george-orwell .... According to Emmanuel Goldstein's book, there are only 3 political entities on Earth in the year 1984 in the book 1984.
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Wikipedia
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (MA): Top Tips Before You Go ...
Rating: 4.5 - 113 reviews
All reviews oceanographic institute titanic exhibit deep sea research vessel interesting exhibits small space underwater exploration visitor center peanut butter ...
Woods Hole Research Center
For over 30 years, the Woods Hole Research Center has been helping the world ... Woods Hole Research Center is an independent research institute where ...
Woods Hole Research Center
Woods Hole Research Center
Utoya Islands Woods .. Bullet Hole Research Center
Woods Hole Research Center
Woods Hole Research Center
Hole Municipality, Norway ..near Utoya ....
Warfarin - Wikipedia
Apr 4, 2016 - Tags: Warfarin, rat poison, natural alternatives ... Meet warfarin: a widely used blood thinner which, prior to being used to treat a common heart ...
Weekly Dose: Warfarin, the blood-thinner that's still used as a rat killer
Mar 23, 2016 - Warfarin is a blood thinner that has been used for more than 60 years to help prevent clots and strokes. But it also increases the risk of ...
SYMBOL MACHINE and molecule social policy ....
Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik - Wikipedia
2015 San Bernardino WAR CODE --> Warfarin attack - Wikipedia
On December 2, 2015, 14 people were killed and 22 others were seriously injured in a terrorist attack consisting of a mass shooting and an attempted bombing at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California. The perpetrators, Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married ... The attack was the deadliest mass shooting in the U.S. since the 2012 Sandy ...
Penn State schemes and racketts .... Scandal Fast Facts -
Nov 8, 2016 - BELLEFONTE, PA : Former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky leaves the Centre County Courthouse after being sentenced in ...
Jerry Sandusky Scandal | News, Updates, Photos & More - PennLive ...
Updates on the sex-abuse scandal involving Jerry Sandusky, a former Penn State assistant coach, accused of child molestation. Get breaking news and join the ...
Scopes Trial - Wikipedia
Monkey Trial begins - Jul 10, 1925 -
An introduction to the John Scopes (Monkey) Trial
Darrow questions Bryan during the Scopes Trial (July 20, 1925)(Smithsonian) .... (Judge John T. Raulston, the presiding judge in the Scopes Trial, had proposed ...
John T. Scopes - PBS
People & Events: John Scopes (1900-1970). John Thomas Scopes came to Tennessee fresh out of college. ... Though he couldn't remember actually teaching Darwin's theory, Scopes believed in evolution ... The trial began on July 10, 1925.
John T. Scopes - PBS
John T. Scopes - PBS
.........T. Scopes - PBS
Monica Lewinsky scandal - Wikipedia
The Lewinsky scandal was an American political sex scandal that involved 49-year-old President Bill Clinton and a 22-year-old White House intern, Monica ...
Bill Clinton - Wikipedia
William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton is an American politician who served as the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. Clinton was the 40th ...
United Parcel Service Inc
Get directions, reviews and information for United Parcel Service Inc in Chicago, IL.
Radio Astronomy and SETI - Big Ear Radio Observatory Memorial ...
Big Ear Radio Observatory - OSU Loses Telescope
Big Ear - Wikipedia
The Ohio State University Radio Observatory was a Kraus-type radio telescope located on the grounds of the Perkins Observatory at Ohio Wesleyan University ...
Death of Freddie Gray - Wikipedia
On April 12, 2015, Freddie Carlos Gray, Jr., a 25-year-old Black American man, was arrested by the Baltimore Police Department for possessing what the police alleged was an illegal switchblade under Baltimore law. While being transported in a police van, Gray fell into a coma and was taken to a trauma center.

J.K. Rowling - Author -
Joanne "Jo" Rowling, OBE, FRSL pen names J. K. Rowling and Robert Galbraith, is a British novelist, screenwriter and film producer best known as the author of ...
Harry Potter - Wikipedia
Harry Potter is a series of fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The novels chronicle the life of a young wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
The main story arc concerns Harry's struggle against Lord Voldemort, a dark wizard who intends to become immortal, overthrow the wizard governing body known as the Ministry of Magic, and subjugate all wizards and Muggles, a reference term that means non magical people.
Since the release of the first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, on 26 June 1997, the books have found immense popularity, critical acclaim and commercial success worldwide.
The central character in the series is Harry Potter, an English boy who lives with his aunt, uncle and cousin, and who discovers, at the age of eleven, that he is a wizard, though he lives in the ordinary world of non-magical people known as Muggles.[11] The wizarding world exists parallel to the Muggle world, albeit hidden and in secrecy.
His magical ability is inborn and children with such abilities are invited to attend exclusive magic schools that teach the necessary skills to succeed in the wizarding world.[12] Harry becomes a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a wizarding academy in Scotland and it is here where most of the events in the series take place.
As Harry develops through his adolescence, he learns to overcome the problems that face him: magical, social and emotional, including ordinary teenage challenges such as friendships, infatuation, romantic relationships, schoolwork and exams, anxiety, depression, stress, and the greater test of preparing himself for the confrontation, that lies ahead, in wizarding Britain's increasingly-violent second wizarding war
The central character in the series is Harry Potter, an English boy
Neurotransmitter Receptors - Molecular Cell Biology - NCBI Bookshelf
Voltage-gated K+ channels mediate outward K+ currents during nerve action ... Four identical copies of the K+ channel protein, arranged as a ring, form the
Evolving potassium channels by means Harry Potassium of FEMALE AUTHOR yeast infection .... selection reveals ...
J.K. Rowling -
Official site about the author and the Harry Potter books. Includes book rumours, biography, movie information, FAQs, news, and links.
15 Year-old potassium atomic agent K ...... missing from Town of Genesee -
Search launched for missing Town of Genesee girl
Nov 6, 2013 - A 15-year-old Town of Genesee girl not seen by her family since early ... Kathryn J. Stalbaum, a freshman at Kettle Moraine High School, ...
a freshman at K = Potassium high school
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Book a room at Potawatomi Hotel & Casino in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for your next getaway! Enjoy slots, table games, bingo, poker, live shows and 5 restaurants.
Above red line ..approximate route of Highway 19 and Highway 16 ...
that met in Watertown
Waukesha Iron and Metal - (262) 547-7293
Company Overview - Waukesha Iron and Metal - (262) 547-7293
Company Overview For the Last 50 Years, Waukesha Iron and Metal has used ability, integrity and service to build a company that emphasizes the importance ...
Nov 11, 2013 - Kathryn Stalbaum, who disappeared Nov. ... school bus and would be riding her bike to Kettle Moraine High School, two miles from her home.
Chicago Loop .. feedback message LINK to Waukesha - Wikipedia
The Loop is the central business district of Chicago, Illinois. It is one of the city's 77 designated community areas. The Loop is home to Chicago's commercial ...
found safe in Chicago ..
found ...fe in Cook ....... Kitchen metal equation
Boston Marathon kitchen WAR ZONE and rigged trial
On April 15, 2013, two homemade bombs detonated 12 seconds and 210 yards ( 190 m) apart ... images of two suspects, who were almost immediately identified as Chechen-American brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
enforcement officers searching a 20-block area
enforcement officers searching a 20-block area
enforcement officers searching a 20-block area
for a SYMBOL & CONCEPT MACHINE diagram of social systems REALITY
Comair Flight 5191 - Wikipedia
Comair Flight 5191, marketed as Delta Connection Flight 5191, was a scheduled United States ... The aircraft was assigned the airport's runway 22 for the takeoff, but used runway 26 instead. Runway 26 was too short for a safe takeoff, causing ...
The aircraft was assigned the airport's runway 22
The aircraft was assigned the airport's runway 22
The aircraft was assigned the airport's runway 22
The alphabet .....runway of letters/symbols .... runway 26 is the longest.
Brain Mapping - MIT Technology Review
The result may show something more like 100 to 200 distinct areas, providing scientists with a far more accurate road map for studying the brain's different ...
'Brain road maps' with the
Healthy Brain Initiative: Road Map | Health Aging for Older Adults | CDC
Jan 26, 2016 - The Healthy Brain Initiative: A National Public Health Road Map to Maintaining ... Healthy Brain Initiative 2013-2018 Interim report cover ...
Murder of Hannah Gra ...Grammar ... Graham - Wikipedia
Hannah Elizabeth Graham (February 25, 1996 – c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia ...

UV mapping - Wikipedia
UV mapping is the 3D modeling process of projecting a 2D image to a 3D model's surface for texture mapping.
Introduction to UV mapping at University of Virginia
Sep 9, 2014 - UV texture space uses the letters U and V to indicate the axes in 2D. UV texture space facilitates the placement of image texture maps on a 3D ...
Man Gets Life in Ax Murder - Free Republic
Walker, Texas Ranger - Wikipedia,_Texas_Ranger
Walker, Texas Ranger is an American action television series created by Leslie Greif and Paul Haggis. It was inspired by the film Lone Wolf McQuade, with both this series and that film starring Chuck Norris as a member of the Texas Ranger Division.
Clarence Gilyard · Sheree J. Wilson · Nia Peeples · Noble Willingham
Walker, Texas Ranger (TV Series 1993–2001) - IMDb ... Walker, a martial artist, and his partner Trivette are Texas Rangers. ... Chuck Norris and Haley Joel Osment in Walker, Texas Ranger (1993) Judson ..
Massacre at Virginia Tech leaves 32 dead - Apr 16, 2007 - HISTORY ...
On this day in History, Massacre at Virginia Tech leaves 32 dead on Apr 16, 2007 . Learn more about what happened today on History.
Students Recount Desperate Minutes Inside Norris Hall .... Doors- The New ...
Apr 22, 2007 - They tried the doors, but they had been chained shut and they could not get them open, so they ducked into a ground-floor classroom to hide.

Walker, Texas Ranger at bull-story University of Virginia
Walker, Texas Ranger is an American action television series
Hannah Graham code words ,,... see line 6 -->
she is a human walker with 2-legs ... texted friends at 1:20 am -->
Walker Texted --> suggests words --> Walker tex --> Walker texas ranger & LAWS
therefore the federal government ......
Boston ordered DEATH sentence .......
her Monticello (Molecular cell biology )
CAUSE OF DEATH code 1:20 am --> one human with 20 amino acids and the rigged trial
... 1:20 information pointer to 20 blocks in Watertown, Massachusetts
An unprecedented manhunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ensued on April 19, with thousands of law enforcement officers searching a 20-block area of Watertown ...and the subsequent rigged TRIAL.
Thus Hannah Graham re-enacts the route messages from Boston ...
in addition to the 1:20 AM --> 20 amino acid message about Watertown Massachusetts
SC--> Sub-Conscious --->
- Wikipedia
The shooting of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old black boy (June 25, 2002 – November 23, 2014), occurred on November 22, 2014, in Cleveland, Ohio. Two police ...
why are question marks upside down? | SpanishDict Answers
Mar 7, 2013 - Why is there a upside down question mark"¿" in the begging of a question ... this is just part of the Spanish language punctuation along with "¡".
Women's Shoes | Nine West
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Shop the latest in Nine West shoes, bags, and watches at Free shipping BOTH ways, 365-day return policy, 24/7 customer service.
botany - Seed Germination - Biology Stack Exchange
Germination - Wikipedia
Germination is the process by which a plant grows from a seed. The most common example of ..... Botany · History of botany · Subdisciplines · Plant systematics · Ethnobotany · Paleobotany · Plant anatomy · Plant ecology · Phytogeography · Geobotany · Flora.
The Arts Page | Local Programs | Milwaukee PBS
The Arts Page ORDERS to Wade Michael Page
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting near Milwaukee- Wikipedia
The Arts Page | Local Programs | Milwaukee PBS
The Arts Page is a 30-minute, Emmy-and multiple award-winning weekly series hosted by Sandy Maxx. Each episode features four to five segments on the arts ...
Connecticut Shootings Fast Facts -
Sandy Hook Elementary shooting: What happened? -
Twenty-six people -- 20 students and six adults ......
Sandy Hook Elementary shooting: ..... Ask Sandy Maxx and PBS what happened? -
Twenty-six people -- 20 students and six adults -- were shot and killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14. ... At some point before he went to the school, investigators believe Adam Lanza, 20, killed his mother, Nancy Lanza. ... Twenty students .
TouchVision, founded by radio industry veterans, shutters - Marketing ...
TouchVision - Wikipedia
UPDATE: Student Murdered in Electro-Magnetic Field wars 7, 2009 - Police say Zaborek admitted knowing his friend killed the student, but remained ... Tammi L. LaFave is accused of helping kidnap Haroon Khan, whose ... Milwaukee PD, Watertown PD, UW-Milw PD, Town of Emmett PD, and ..
Travis Zoellick (20 and his 20/20 optical signal)
Oct 8, 2008 - That man, 20-year-old Travis Zoellick of Watertown, shot himself while police were conducting surveillance on his house on Oct. 3, police say.
O. J. Simpson - Wikipedia
Orenthal James "O. J." Simpson (born July 9, 1947), nicknamed The Juice, is a former American football running back, broadcaster, actor, and convicted felon.
Orenthal James "O. J." Simpson (born July 9, 1947), nicknamed The Juice, is a former American football running back, broadcaster, actor, and convicted felon.
Simpson attended the University of Southern California (USC), where he played college football for the USC Trojans, and won the Heisman Trophy in 1968. He played professionally in the National Football League (NFL) as a running back for 11 seasons, with the Buffalo Bills from 1969 to 1977 and with the San Francisco 49ers from 1978 to 1979.
In 1995, Simpson was acquitted of the 1994 murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, Ronald Goldman, after a lengthy and internationally publicized criminal trial, the People v. Simpson.
Or ent hal --> Orbital entrance hall ... to even integer data BIT space of the even orbitals that exist between
Maria Callas - Wikipedia
Maria Callas - Singer and her --> call sub-routine NAME
6 days ago - Maria Callas was an internationally renowned opera singer known for her celestial vocal range.
The O. J. Simpson murder case (officially titled People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson, or People v. O. J. Simpson) was a criminal trial held at the Los Angeles County Superior Court, in which former National Football League (NFL) player and actor O. J. Simpson was tried on two counts of murder for the deaths of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend and restaurant waiter, Ron Goldman, that occurred on June 12, 1994.
hat occurred on June 12, 1994.
hat occurred on June 12, 1994.
hat occurred on June 12, 1994.
hat occurred on 6th month ..12th day ... carbon black data message
Black Holes & Time Warps | W. W. Norton & Company › Science › Astronomy
W. W. Norton & Company
Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ... Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
Information string ....... BLOG POST
W. W. Norton & Company
Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ... Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
Information string ....... BLOG POST
Agatha Christie: The world's best-selling Ag / sterling silverware mystery author of all time - Agatha ...
Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, Lady Mallowan, DBE was an English crime novelist, short story writer and playwright. She is best known for her 66 ...
Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie, Lady Mallowan, DBE was an English crime novelist, short story writer and playwright. She is best known for her 66 ...
Donald Sterling - Wikipedia
Donald T. Sterling (born Donald Tokowitz; April 26, 1934) is an American businessman and attorney. He was the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers professional ...
Donald T. Sterling (born Donald Tokowitz; April 26, 1934) is an American businessman and attorney. He was the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers professional ...
Former Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling settles with NBA ...
Nov 19, 2016 - NBA, former Clippers owner Donald Sterling reach legal settlement. ... Former Clippers owner Donald Sterling's legal fight with the NBA over the $2 billion sale of the team has ended as both sides have settled the dispute. ... Sterling filed the antitrust lawsuit in 2014, alleging that the ...
Sterling Hall bombing - Wikipedia
Sterling Hall 4 DNA nitrogen bases ordered bombing
The Sterling Hall Bombing that occurred on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on August 24, 1970 was committed by four young people
was committed by four young people
was committed by four young people
was committed by four young people representing four DNA /RNA nucleotides
Uracil (U)- Wikipedia
Uracil / (U) is one of the four nucleobases in the nucleic acid of RNA that are represented by the letters A, G, C and U.
The others are adenine (A), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). In RNA, uracil binds to adenine via two hydrogen bonds. In DNA, the uracil nucleobase is replaced by thymine.
Uracil (U)- Wikipedia
The others are adenine (A), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). In RNA, uracil binds to adenine via two hydrogen bonds. In DNA, the uracil nucleobase is replaced by thymine.
AUGUST equation .... subset letter codes
A,U,G .....T --> Adenine, Uracil, Guanine, Thymine
It was filled with close to 2,000 pounds (910 kg) of ANFO (i.e., ammonium nitrate and fuel oil). ...... thus the DNA nitrogen base THOUGHT molecules usage of messenger word --> nitrogen ..... thus the selection of a nitrogen molecule bomb.
Agatha Christie bibliography
Agatha Christie was born into a wealthy upper-middle-class family in Ashfield, Torquay, Devon ..and the wealthy family interacted with atomic SYMBOL Ag ...thru their usage of silverware ... thus Agatha established a hands on relationship with the
Ag atomic family in the periodic atomic table.
Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie
Ag..........Ch .....tie
Ag..........Ch .....tie / string theory ...... information strings / messages tied together at Sterling Hall ........ all/Theory of Everything
String Theory Group at the University of Wisconsin-Madison › String Theory
Feb 6, 2007 - String theory addresses one of the deepest problems of contemporary physics, namely the reconciliation of gravity and quantum theory. › String Theory
Feb 6, 2007 - String theory addresses one of the deepest problems of contemporary physics, namely the reconciliation of gravity and quantum theory.
Theoretical Nuclear, Particle, Astrophysics, and Cosmology (NPAC ...
The NPAC Theory Group research focuses on questions like these that lie at the ... String Theory group, as well as experimental groups in high energy physics, ...
What are Genes & Chromosomes and Gene Autry movies?
- Genetics & IVF Institute grow and develop based on the instructions contained in our genetic material. A normal human cell should contain exactly 46 chromosomes. They are ...
Above movie codes -->
genes and Silver --> influence on Lee M Silver
Silver | Lone Ranger Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
Silver Thursday - Wikipedia
Silver Thursday was an event that occurred in the United States in the silver commodity markets on Thursday, March 27, 1980, following the Hunt brothers' attempt at cornering the silver market. A subsequent steep fall in silver prices led to panic on commodity and ...
Nelson Bunker Hunt - Wikipedia
Jump to Silver manipulation - Primarily because of the Hunt brothers' accumulation of the precious metal, prices of silver futures contracts and silver bullion rose from $11 an ounce in September 1979 to $50 an ounce in January 1980.
Silver Thursday: How Two Wealthy Traders Cornered The Market ...
Perry Mason (TV series) - Wikipedia
Perry Mason is an American legal drama series originally broadcast on CBS television from September 21, 1957, to May 22, 1966. The title character, portrayed ...
Perry Mason (TV Series 1957–1966) - IMDb
Cast and characters
Hamilton Burger – District Attorney
Hamilton Burger – District Attorney
Ham........ Burger – District Attorney
Hamilton Burger – District Attorney
Hamilton Burger – District Attorney
Ham........ Burger – District Attorney
Carmen Ortiz - Wikipedia
Carmen Milagros Ortiz (born January 5, 1956) is a former United States Attorney for the District ... Ortiz has said that, as a child, watching Perry Mason on television inspired her to become a lawyer. After graduating from The Saint Agnes School ...
US Attorney Carmen Ortiz's secrets to success: Get ... -
Oct 28, 2015 - SPRINGFIELD — As a teenager, Carmen Ortiz used to watch "Perry Mason" on a small television in the apartment she shared with her family in ...
Carmen Ortiz, US Attorney for the District of Boston, Boston University ... 20, 2016 - Carmen Ortiz is first woman and first Hispanic to hold post ... to be a lawyer, although at first it was the Perry Mason show that motivated me.
it was the Perry Mason show that motivated was the Perry Mason show that motivated was the Perry Mason show that motivated me.
KFC - Kentucky Fried Chicken menu › WI › Madison
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Kentucky Fried Chicken mapping
Chicken --> air planes fly --> Comair airplane
Kentucky --> Lexington Kentucky and airport
Kentucky Fried Chicken new FORMAT
Comair Flight 5191 .. chicken brain DEMO - Wikipedia
Comair Flight 5191, marketed as Delta Connection Flight 5191, was a scheduled United States (US) domestic passenger flight from Lexington, Kentucky, to Atlanta, Georgia, operated on behalf of Delta Connection by Comair. On the morning of August 27, 2006, at around 06:07 EDT,[2] the Bombardier Canadair Regional Jet 100ER that was being used for the flight crashed while attempting to take off from Blue Grass Airport in Fayette County, Kentucky, 4 miles (6.4 km) west of the central business district of the City of Lexington.
The aircraft was assigned the airport's runway 22 for the takeoff, but used runway 26 instead. Runway 26 was too short for a safe takeoff, causing the aircraft to overrun the end of the runway before it could become airborne. It crashed just past the end of the runway, killing all 47 passengers and two of the three crew. The flight's first officer was the only survivor.[3][4]
Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular - Jsonline
Nov 30, 2010 - Marinette — By all accounts, Samuel Hengel was a nice kid. ... to hunt and fish, well-liked, a Boy Scout, even-keeled, plenty of friends, loving family. ... Outside Hengel's home in Porterfield was a large sign that said, "We do not ...
Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies After Shooting Self in Hostage ...
Nov 30, 2010 - A 15-year-old student, Samuel Hengel, died today after shooting himself ... Sam as someone who was "active in the Boy Scouts, tae kwan do, ...
Samuel O. Hengel - EH Extra
Dec 3, 2010 - He has been raised in Porterfield, Wis. and attended Marinette High School ... Sam was a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life ...
Teen dies - EH Extra 30, 2010 - A barricade outside Jon and Ann Hengel's home in Porterfield ... "Sam was a 15-year-old sophomore at Marinette High School. He was active in the Boy Scouts, tae kwon do, loved his iTouch and was an avid outdoorsman.
Outside Hengel's home in Porterfield was a large sign that said,
Outside Hengel's home in Porterfield was a large sign that said,
Outside Hengel's home in Port er field was a large sign that said,
Outside Hengel's home in Port error field was a large sign that said,
Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Dies After Shooting Self in Hostage ...
and 23 classmates hostage,
and 23 classmates hostage,
and 23 classmates host --> genetics code word
Samuel Hengel, died today after shooting ... His family described Sam as someone who was "active in the Boy Scouts, tae kwan do, ... He loved hunting and fishing,
He loved hunting and fishing,
He loved hunting and fishing,
He loved hunting and fishing,
Man who shot 2 officers describes Badger Guns as go-to place
Oct 7, 2015 - Former Milwaukee police office Graham Kunisch (center), Kunisch's wife, Margaret Kunisch (left), and Milwaukee officer Bryan Norberg (far ...
Oct 7, 2015 - Former Milwaukee police office Graham Kunisch (center), Kunisch's wife, Margaret Kunisch (left), and Milwaukee officer Bryan Norberg (far ...
in other words ......
Biology COMMAND Manuscript VIA carrier Julius Burton .... who
shot a chromosome PAIR officers describes
COMPUTER EARTH systems ... genetics/chromosome platform ....
Nature's 23 chromosome pair .....
chromosome/ gene address space at 2300 message block
Badger Guns as go-to place 7, 2015 - Former Milwaukee police office Graham Kunisch (center), Kunisch's wife, Margaret Kunisch (left), and Milwaukee officer Bryan Norberg (far ...
Badger Guns settles genetics/chromosome WAR trial
on the murder of Sam Hengel BOY SCOUT 23 hostage code ....
with chromosme PAIR police officers for $250000 - Milwaukee ... 15, 2016 - Badger Guns and its owners this week settled a lawsuit brought Milwaukee ... In the Norberg and Kunisch case, the jury issued a first-of-its-kind ...
the jury issued a first-of-its-kind ...
the jury issued a first-of-its-kind ...
the jury issued a first-of ...s-kin ...
the jury issued a ..... B.F. SKIN codes
Milwaukee region .... operant conditioning LAW school
rigged information choreography TRIAL
with the jury box
COMPUTER EARTH systems ... genetics/chromosome platform ....
Nature's 23 chromosome pair .....
chromosome/ gene address space at 2300 message block
Badger Guns as go-to place .............
address 2300 block S . 43rd Street .......
Nature's molecular social engineering DATABASE
...... data generating site
address 2300 block
address 23 ....... gene block data
43rd Street
43rd Street
43 equation
4 DNA nucleotide bases ...exponent 3 = 64 codons
Genetic code - Wikipedia
The genetic code is the set of rules by which information encoded within genetic material (DNA ... to encode the 20 standard amino acids used by living cells to build proteins, which would allow a maximum of 43 = 64 amino acids. ..... The DNA codon table is essentially identical to that for RNA, but with U replaced by T.
of 43 = 64 amino acids
of 43 = 64 amino acids
of 43 = 64 amino acids at
S. 43rd Street in Milwaukee
Jury finds for wounded officers in the DNA/ RNA and genetics / chromosome ........ unauthorized legal attack against
Badger Guns ,,,,,,,, - Jsonline
Rigged Milwaukee gene / genetics TRIAL causes
a data generating EVENT
15 Year-old girl missing from Town of Genes see at Genesee
..see modern Milwaukee law school schemes and BS -
Town on edge after 15-year-old girl disappears
Nov 7, 2013 - The disappearance of a 15-year-old Town of Genesee girl has set the ... looking for evidence in the disappearance of Kathryn J. Stalbaum.
Search launched for missing gene social LAWs ......
Town of Genesee girl
The disappearance of a 15-year-old Town of Genesee
The disappearance of a 15-year-old Town of Genesee
The disappearance of a 15-year-old Town of Genesee
The disappearance of a 15-year-old Town of Gene .... and chromosome 15 agent
The disappearance of a 15-year-old Town of Genesee
The disappearance of a 15-year-old Town of Genesee
The disappearance of a chromosome 15 from the I/O port of Porterfield
of 15-year-old Boy Scout .... Sam Hengel
Umpqua Community College shooting - Wikipedia
Why is the long arm (q) and the short one (p) in the chromosomes ...
Chromosome regions in the I/O Port of Oregon with
the proteins Einstein-Rosen bridge ......
Portland LINK to Porterfield Wisconsin murder /cover-up of
Sam Hengel 23 chromosome WAR message
- Wikipedia
(3) Short arm (p).
(4) Long arm (q).
Several chromosome regions have been defined by convenience in order to talk about gene loci. ... The centromere divides each chromosome into two regions: the smaller one, which is the p region, and the bigger one, the q region.
Thus we have the Long ARM of Nature's THOUGHT molecule laws
Cool Hand Luke (1967) - IMDb
Cool Hand Luke - Wikipedia
Cool Hand Luke
Cool Hand Luke .. COMPUTER EARTH base 16 hexadecimal
Longboat Key Club and Resort | Sarasota Florida Beach Resort
Resort at Longboat Key
Resort at Longboat Key
Re sort at Longboat Key .... computer science SORT data
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Record sort /merge at Longitude data records .......
on Longboat Key
Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude Finder using Longboat Key ...
Nature's Viking boat with vector coordinates ....
V (i,j,k)
on Map Get Coordinates
Longboat Key | Visit Sarasota County
Visit Sarasota County
Visit Sarasota County
Visit Sara County
Visit Sarajevo , Yugoslavia
Sarajevo - Wikipedia
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Postal code: 71000
Area code(s): +387 (33)
Elevation: 518 m (1,699 ft)
Assassination at Sarajevo - History Learning Site
Assassination at Sarajevo - History Learning Site
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria - Wikipedia
Samuel O. Hengel - EH Extra
Troop 1054 Troop 1054 Troop 1054 --> Iron-54 agent Sam Hengel
Troop 1054 Troop 1054 Troop 1054 --> 10 --> number Ten OR Tensor space/time on earth surface
An Introduction to Tensors for Students of Physics and Engineering
by JC Kolecki - 2002 - Cited by 19 - Related articles
The classical example of the use of tensors in physics has to do with stress in a material object. Stress has ..... But since gravity permeates all space and time, no.
An Introduction to
Tensors for Wisconsin ground /earth/land students ... code
Ten...........................sing -->
Sam Dubose shooting, Ray Tensing trial:
Witness, fellow officers testify ...
Nov 3, 2016 - Ray Tensing is charged with murder in the fatal shooting of Sam DuBose ... Kidd saw Tensing slightly in front of the B Pillar and saw Tensing ...
Nov 3, 2016 - Ray Tensing is charged with murder in the fatal shooting of Sam DuBose ... Kidd saw Tensing slightly in front of the B Pillar and saw Tensing ...
MISTRIAL: Jury in trial of Ray Tensing, who shot Sam DuBose, hangs ...
Nov 12, 2016 - The jury in the Ray Tensing murder trial has concluded without reaching a verdict after more than 24 hours of deliberations.
Nov 12, 2016 - The jury in the Ray Tensing murder trial has concluded without reaching a verdict after more than 24 hours of deliberations.
What court records tell us about Ray Tensing - Cincinnati Enquirer
Oct 14, 2016 - SHOOTING DEATH OF SAMUEL DUBOSEJoe Deters asks for retrial of Ray Tensing, seeks change of venue | 3:07. Joe Deters will seek a ...
What court records tell us about Ray Tensing
What court records tell us about
Nature's social engineering feedback control system message .....
code Tensing
code Tensing
code Ten sin --> information pointer
--> Ten --> number 10 --> 1054 and others .....
the football 10 yard line of BS
code Ten sin --> sin -->
pointer from CIN CIN (Cincinnati) to SIN region
--> WisconSIN
Samuel O. Hengel - EH Extra 3, 2010 - Samuel O. Hengel found peace on Tuesday, Nov. ... of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 in
Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 in
Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 in
Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 in
...fe Scout --> Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON
...Nature's atomic bio-physics hemoglobin IRON-54 SCOUT that
belonged to Darwin selection Iron-54 group ..... Troop 1054
The Cub Scout Pack - Boy Scouts of America
Below is an organization chart for a Cub Scout pack. Click any item for a more detailed description.
The Pack Committee - Boy Scouts of America › ... › Cub Scouts › Adult Leaders › About Cub Scouting
The bottom, negative half of the SIN wave is represented by EARTH geography surface ..... information display with proper noun /concept label --> Sinai
History & Overview: PLO - Jewish Virtual Library
The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is undoubtedly one of the most infamous terrorist organizations around the world. Created in 1964 during the Arab ...
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) | Palestinian political ...
History & Overview: PLO - Jewish Virtual Library
The Best 10 Sports Bars in Madison, WI - Yelp 
Buffalo Wild Wings
Buffalo Wild Wings® | Wings. Beer. Sports.
Sports Bars
Sports Bars
S ports --> Spanish airports Barcelona
Buffalo Wild Wings® | Wings --> Germanwings
Germanwings Flight 9525 - Wikipedia
Germanwings pilot Lubitz′s diary reveals how
his BRAIN software was attacked by bullshit and nonsense
| incomplete and biased News | DW.COM --> Comatose idiot ...
Germanwings Plane Crash Anniversary: What We Know About Flight ...
Wings ---> Germanwings airplane
Bar --> Barcelona Spain ....... data generating site for the American BAR Association of superior thinkers and perceptions of all EVENTS
Grill --> the crash site in the French Alps mountain ...range ...math range
OM = Oxygen molecule battle site --> OM --> Omaha
Jack O'Neill - Stargate Wiki - Wikia'Neill
Jonathan J. O'Neill, also known as John or, most commonly, Jack, is a Lt. General , in the United States Air Force, who served seven years in the Stargate ...
Jack O'Neill - Wikipedia'Neill
Charge: Man was driving 100 mph over speed limit | Regional news ...
Aug 27, 2013 - Charge: Man was driving 100 mph over speed limit ... Cozy D. McNeal, now of Jefferson, is charged with attempting to flee or elude a traffic ...
Beaver Dam Man Charged In Drunken High Speed Chase - WXRO
Aug 28, 2013 - ... they clocked him going nearly 100-miles-an-hour over the speed limit. Prosecutors say Cozy McNeal refused to stop once deputies initiated a ...
Charge: Man was driving 100 mph over speed limit | Regional news ...
Aug 27, 2013 - Charge: Man was driving 100 mph over speed limit ... Cozy D. McNeal, now of Jefferson, is charged with attempting to flee or elude a traffic ...
Man was driving 100
Man was driving 100 by Beaver Dam (BD)
Man was driving 100 + BD
Man was driving 100 --> B + 100 + D --> B100D war zone
Beaver Dam Man Charged In Drunken High Speed Chase - WXRO
Aug 28, 2013 - ... they clocked him going nearly 100-miles-an-hour over the speed limit. Prosecutors say Cozy McNeal refused to stop once deputies initiated a ...
According to the criminal complaint, a deputy was on patrol at 3:09 a.m. Monday when he noticed a silver 2008 Chevrolet Impala coming toward him on Highway A near Dodge County’s town of Oak Grove at a high rate of speed. The deputy pulled over, and radar showed the vehicle traveling at a speed of 127 mph in a 30 mph speed zone.
The deputy made a U-turn and attempted to stop the vehicle.
The deputy made a U-turn
The deputy made a U-turn ................ Uracil signal for the University of Wisconsin
Uracil (U) - Wikipedia
Chemical formula: C4H4N2O2
Melting point: 335 °C (635 °F; 608 K)
Solubility in water: Soluble
Flash point: Non-flammable
The deputy made a U-turn and attempted to stop the vehicle.
The deputy made a U-turn
The deputy made a U-turn
The deputy made a U-turn ......
The deputy made a U-turn ...... see diagram below
The deputy made a U-turn
The deputy made a U-turn
The deputy made a U-turn ......
Uracil (U) .... in DNA: error or signal? | www.scienceinschool.orgScience in School
frequently incorporates uracil instead of thymine during both replication and repair. Uracil-DNA glycosylase removes the uracil and initiates further repair
Mark Zuckerberg - Wikipedia
Net worth: US $53.6 billion (2017 estimate)
Salary: One-dollar salary
Years active: 2004–present
Relatives: Randi Zuckerberg (sister) other words ......
Mark my words ..... sugar/Zucker molecule .......
social science LANGUAGE agent .... ..... Mark Zuckerberg - Wikipedia
He is the chairman, chief executive officer
Net worth: US $53.6 billion (2017 estimate)
Salary: One-dollar salary
Years active: 2004–present
Relatives: Randi Zuckerberg ( molecular sister)
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984)
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984)
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg ---> 1984 codes
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Sugar Ray Robinson - Boxer -
Sugar Ray Robinson - Boxer -
5 days ago - Considered one of the greatest boxers of all time, Sugar Ray Robinson held the world welterweight title from 1946 to 1951, and by 1958, ..
5 days ago - Considered one of the greatest boxers of all time, Sugar Ray Robinson held the world welterweight title from 1946 to 1951, and by 1958, ..
Sugar Ray Robinson - Boxer
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Patty Hearst - Wikipedia
Jump to Kidnapping - Patty Hearst. Patricia Campbell Hearst (born February 20, 1954), now known as Patricia Hearst Shaw, is the granddaughter of American publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst. She became nationally known for events following her 1974 kidnapping while she was a 19-year-old student living in Berkeley, California.
Other names: Patty Hearst, Patricia Hearst Sha...
Children: Lydia Hearst; Gillian Hearst-Shaw
Parent(s): Randolph Apperson Hearst; Catheri...
Occupation: Author, actress
Patty Hearst — FBI, it was soon discovered, had been kidnapped by a group of armed radicals that billed themselves as the Symbionese Liberation Army, or SLA. ... Assault rifle in hand, Hearst joins DeFreeze in robbing a San Francisco bank on April 15, 1974. ... The SLA’s plan worked and worked well ...
Patricia Campbell Hearst (born February 20, 1954)
Patricia Campbell Hearst (born February 20, 1954)
.........cia Camp ............ cia agent code .... identifier profile codes
Welcome to the CIA Web Site — Central Intelligence Agency
Career Opportunities - Student Opportunities - Job Fit Tool - FAQs --> Frequently Asked Questions about Patty Hearst and her Isaac Asimov equation
Patricia Campbell Hearst (born February 20, 1954)
Patricia --> Pat + tric + cia --> Particle physics TRICK CIA
1954 --> Iron-54
Patricia Campbell Hearst (born February 20, 1954)
Patricia Campbell Hearst (born February 20, 1954)
On February 4, 1974, 19-year-old Hearst was kidnapped from her Berkeley, California apartment. She was beaten and lost consciousness during the abduction. Shots were fired from a machine gun during the incident. An urban guerrilla group called the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) claimed responsibility for the abduction.[3]SLA
The SLA was formed through contacts made by a leftist-oriented study group, coordinated by a University of California, Berkeley professor. Its purpose was the tutelage of black inmates, and over time the ethos became increasingly radicalized. Eventually, black convicts were viewed as heroic political prisoners, victimised by a racist American society.[4]On March 5, 1973, Donald DeFreeze escaped from prison. Radical penal activists and future SLA members, Russell Little and William Wolfe, took DeFreeze to Patricia Soltysik's house.[5] The SLA was led by DeFreeze, who, after a prison acquaintance named Wheeler left, was the only African American. By the time the group became active most of the members of the tiny group were women, some of whom have, like Soltysik and her roommate Nancy Ling Perry, been described as in lesbian relationships. The members included William and Emily Harris and Angela Atwood.
DeFreeze was suspected by many on the radical left of being a government provocateur, but his race and prison time gave him unquestioned authority in the SLA. He also had sexual dominion over women in the group.[6][7] They acquired resources by burglarizing the homes of leftists in the Bay Area. The first proposed operation, assassinating the head of the state penitentiaries, was cancelled because of possible repercussions for inmates; instead Marcus Foster, a black educator regarded by the SLA as a fascist who had brought police onto school campuses, was targeted and killed.
DeFreeze's projections of the military strength of the then dozen-strong SLA grouplet were hyperbolic, and he gave himself a concomitantly grandiose title of 'field marshal'. Soltysik is believed to have created much of the SLA ideological material, which stated the organization was opposed to "racism, sexism, agism, fascism, individualism, competitiveness, possessiveness and all other institutions that have made or sustained capitalism".[5]
Motives .......
Kidnapping .... On February 4, 1974
Kidnapping .... On February 4, 1974
....dna........................................4 -->
Biology 4 DNA Nucleotides - Video Dailymotion 
/x18zwp7_scholarshive-biology-4-dna-...Dec 29, 20134
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Scholarshive is the online education service .
What is the Symbionese Liberation Army? - Slate 24, 2002 - Five former members of the Symbionese Liberation Army were charged last ... The word "Symbionese" comes from the biological term symbiosis, the ... February 1974: Eight SLA members kidnap 19-year-old Patty Hearst, the ...What is the Symbionese Liberation Army?
What is the Symbionese Liberation Army?
BIOS (What It Is and How to Use It) - Lifewire › ... › Computer Concepts and Terminology
Sep 2, 2016 - BIOS (Basic Input Output System) ... The Basic Input Output System, usually referred to as BIOS, is software stored on a small memory chip on the motherboard. ... The BIOS Setup Utility is accessed in various ways depending on your computer or motherboard make and model.
BIOS - Wikipedia
The BIOS (/ˈbaɪ.ɒs/, an acronym for Basic Input/Output System and also known as the System BIOS, ROM BIOS or PC BIOS) is a type of firmware used to perform hardware initialization during the booting process (power-on startup) on IBM PC compatible computers, and to provide runtime services for operating systems and ...
Firmware · UEFI · Category:BIOS · SeaBIOS
What is BIOS (Basic Input/Output System)? - Computer Hope
used to perform hardware initialization
during the booting process (power-on startup)
during the booting process (power-on startup)
during the booting process (power-on startup)
Kidnapping ..... is the granddaughter of American publishing magnate William Randolph Hearst.
Kidnap ping ...............
What is Ping? Webopedia Definition › TERM › P
Ping (blogging) - Wikipedia
Ping (blog --> Body / Brain ....
Biology kidnapping systems )
- Wikipedia
Roundup Ready PLUS™ - Monsanto › Products › Weed_Control
Weed Management Solutions. ... That’s why Monsanto created Roundup Ready PLUS™ Weed Management Solutions – to allow farmers to maximize the benefits of their Roundup Ready® crops. ... Roundup Ready PLUS™ places an emphasis on using residual herbicides, from Monsanto and other ...
Roundup Ready Sugarbeets - Monsanto › Products
Then, Monsanto introduced Genuity® Roundup Ready® Sugarbeets to farmers. ... These reasons made Roundup Ready Sugarbeets the fastest-adopted genetically modified crop in history. Monsanto licenses the Roundup Ready® trait to other sugarbeet seed companies.
The Roundup Ready molecule Controversy ..........
molecule social engineering WARs
The Roundup Ready molecule Controversy ..
The Roundup Ready molecule BATTLE site .....
The Roundup of Pentagon puppet soldiers in the corral /building ,,,,,
named the Read Center --> therefore the
ROUNDUP READ controversy played out at the
Soldier Read Center/ building as a corral
2009 Fort (Earth LAB) Hood shooting - Wikipedia
The Roundup Ready Controversy
The Roundup Ready
The Roundup ........dy ...... the roundup of math calculus derivatives
Dylann Roof - Wikipedia
Criminal penalty: Death by lethal injection
Known for: Perpetrator of the Charleston church ...
Criminal status: Found guilty of all charges and ..
Roundup Ready 2 Xtend Soybeans Gain EU Import Approval ...
Roundup Ready 2 Xtend
R R 2 Xtend ------> extend to Philadelphia
2015 Philadelphia train derailment - Wikipedia
On May 12, 2015, an Amtrak Northeast Regional train from Washington, D.C. bound for New York City derailed and crashed on the Northeast Corridor in the Port ...
On May 12
On May 12
On May 12
On May 12 ...... carbon atomic mass 12 message to companies \
in the Port Richmond neighborhood
in the Port Richmond neighborhood ..... organic chemistry platform
in the Port R ch
Linus van Pelt - Wikipedia
Linus's blanket,
Linus's blanket,
Linus's ...... carbon / organic molecule blanket that covers the EARTH land surface
Gravitational constant - Wikipedia
Jump to The GM product - The quantity GM—the product of the gravitational constant and the mass of a given astronomical body such as the Sun or Earth—is known as the standard gravitational parameter and is denoted μ. Depending on the body concerned, it may also be called the geocentric or heliocentric gravitational constant, among other names.
GMO Corn - Learn About gravity molecule CODE -->
GMO --> Gravity (field) MO (Modus Operandi)
- How do GMOs impact the environment? Are they safe? Learn these answers & more!Join Our Newsletter · Look for the Butterfly · Non-GMO Shopping Guides
Gmo Corn - The Huffington Post's Rejection Of GMO Corn Has Cost U.S. Billions ... China's rejections of a banned variety of genetically modified U.S. corn have cost the U.S. agricul.
GMO Facts: 10 Common GMO Claims Debunked | Popular Science
GMO Facts:
Virginia Tech ....... black farm soil BATTLE site in Blacksburg
- Wikipedia
Mass acre
Earth mas / acres of farm soil ORDERED -->
Massacre at Virginia Tech leaves 32 dead - Apr 16, 2007 - HISTORY ...
Mazomanie, Wisconsin - Wikipedia,_Wisconsin
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Wikipedia
Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an American television series created by Joss Whedon under his production tag, Mutant Enemy Productions with later co- executive ...
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV Series 1997–2003) - IMDb
Documentary Re-Examines Controversial Hmong Shooting : NPR 27, 2010 - Hmong immigrant Chai Vang went deer hunting in the woods of northern Wisconsin, not far from the town of Rice Lake in November of 2004.
the town of Rice Lake
the town of Rice Lake
the town of Rice Lake molecules
Maurice Wilkins - Wikipedia
the town of Rice Lake molecules
the town of MauRice Lake molecules
the town of Mau --> Mau Mau Molecules of Rice Lake
Arrest Made in Wisconsin MAU MAU molecule DNA battle
| Fox News
Rice Lake dedicates a park to the dead Mau Mau people
per bio-chemistry molecule orders of Maurice Wilkens
| News |
Shooting of Samuel DuBose - Wikipedia
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S
Date: July 19, 2015
Charges: Murder, voluntary manslaughter
Accused: Raymond Tensing
Judge gives Sam DuBose's 13 children $218K each
May 23, 2016 - The Enquirer/Amanda Rossmann. 1 of 55. SHOOTING DEATH OF SAMUEL DUBOSEJoe Deters: "I didn't believe the tears for a second" | 2:47. Hamilton County Prosecutor Joe Deters talks about the mistrial of Ray Tensing in the shooting death of Sam DuBose.
The family Sam DuBose left behind wrestles with its loss
TrueCar: The Car-Buying App - Android Apps on Google Play other words ....
TrueCar: The Carbon-Bullying Appetite attack on the human brain
- Android Apps on Google Play
TrueCar: The Carbon-Bullying Appetite attack
True Car: The Carbon-Bullying Appetite attack --> Ross True
Broadcast Radio Links | Federal Communications Commission › Media Bureau › Audio Division
Nov 1, 2016 - General Information about Radio Broadcasting New Visitors' Info -- Recommended First Reading The Public and Broadcasting (a Guide) How ...
FM Query - Federal Communications Commission › Media Bureau › Audio Division
Ross Truett Ashley murder/cover-up :
Mystery over what made Virginia Tech gunman ...
Dec 10, 2011 - Ross Truett Ashley, a 22-year-old part-time business student at Radford University, Virginia, was described as a typical college student in many ...
Virginia Tech gunman named as Ross Truett Ashley | US news | The ... › US News › Virginia Tech shooting 2011
Broadcast Radio Links
Broadcast Rad Links to Radford
Ross Truett Ashley, Virginia Tech Shooter, Was 22-Year-Old Radford ...
Was 22-Year-Old Radford .
Was 22-Year-Old Radford murder victim of
FCC approved RADio attacks waves that attacked RADford .......
proper noun TARGET of the
TRUE CAR app --> appetite /eat life spirit/
the EM wave appetite for life creates human biology DEATH
therefore ................
TRUE CAR ..... attack targets ...............
TRUE --> Ross Truett Ashley
CAR --> police CAR of police officer Deriek W Crouse at Virginia TECH
Armed suspect stole car before killing Virginia Tech officer -
Dec 9, 2011 - Virginia State Police on Friday identified Ross Truett Ashley, 22, as the man who killed Virginia Tech Police Officer Deriek Crouse and ... A part-time student at Radford University, 15 miles southwest of Blacksburg, Ashley had ...
Virginia Tech gunman named as Ross Truett Ashley | US news | The ... › US News › Virginia Tech shooting 2011
New York Giants Football - Giants News, Scores, Stats, Rumors ...
Get the latest New York Giants news, scores, stats, standings, rumors, and more from ESPN.
New York Giants Football | NFL News -
New York Giants
New York Gi .......
General GI Symptoms Overview - › Health Topics › Digestive Health
Feb 28, 2008 - Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are common medical conditions. Most people have experienced upset stomach, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, gas in the GI tract, or changes in bowel habits (e.g., diarrhea, constipation). ... Types of general GI symptoms include the following:
Common GI Symptoms of the Pentagon FED system
using manipulated and lied to GI JOE soldiers
| ACG Patients › Digestive Health Topic
New York Giants
New York Giants
New York ....ants
Boston Marathon Event .... RIGGED and BIASED Information
- Boston Athletic Association of lies/ schemes/ racketts
DISTANCE: 26 MILES the people ran on April 15, 2013
Bavaria attacks: Germans shaken by violence - BBC News"These are strange times for Bavaria," Bethany Bell hears in Munich, following the spate of violence. ... 25 July 2016. From the section Europe. Share ... "To the victims of the 23rd of July" one message reads. "Love is stronger than hate," says ...
Bavaria attacks:
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UPDATE: Student Murdered -
Missing: township
Town of Emmett Town of Em met t Town of Em field ... interaction ... metabolism
UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say - Jsonline
Missing: knife emmet
Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car - Jsonline
Both Zoellick and the knife were smeared with blood.
Brian Dennis Walsh - Watertown Daily Times Online : Obituaries
Apr 19, 2016 - Brian was born on March 21, 1963, in Watertown, the son of Dennis and Elizabeth (Lillich) Walsh, and was a lifelong resident of the town of ...
UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say - Jsonline
Oct 7, 2008 - Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. ... Zoellick met Khan armed with a handgun, zip ties and duct tape.
Travis Zoellick (20) shot himself after killing a man for his car and ...
place duct tape .
place duct tape .
place duct tape .
place duct tape --> deductions message
place duct tape .
place duct tape .
place duct ----> pointer to keyword --> deductions
Pressure Cooker Perfection: America's Test Kitchen: 9781936493418 ...
America's Test Kitchen:
................................ chen-American brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
identified as Chechen-American brothers Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.On April 15, 2013, two homemade bombs detonated 12 seconds and 210 yards (190 m) apart at 2:49 p.m., near the finish line of the annual Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring several hundred others, including 16 who lost limbs.[2][5][10]
Pressure Cooker Perfection: America's Test Kitchen: 9781936493418 ...
Pressure Cooker Perfection:
Boston Marathon pressure cooker bombing - Wikipedia
Pressure Cooker Perfection:
BOSTON ---> America's Pressure Cooker Test Kitchen:
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Given Death Penalty in Boston Marathon Bombing
May 15, 2015 - BOSTON — Two years after bombs in two backpacks transformed the Boston Marathon from a sunny rite of spring to a smoky battlefield with bodies dismembered, a federal jury on Friday condemned Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death for his role in the 2013 attack.Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Given Death Penalty
..................... rna Given Death Penalty
Federal biochemistry ..... DEATH manuscript ..... molecular orders ..... kill TSA officer at LAX in 2013 pleads guilty and avoids ... 6, 2016 - An unemployed motorcycle mechanic who gunned down airport screening ... He first opened fire on TSA Officer Gerardo Hernandez at a ...
2017 Fort Lauderdale airport shooting - Wikipedia
A mass shooting occurred at Fort Lauderdale–Hollywood International Airport in Broward County, Florida, United States, on January 6, 2017, near the baggage ...
Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting Coverage - Sun Sentinel
air port components
Westroads Mall .....
EARTH atmosphere BATTLE on
EARTH surface in OM --> Omaha
- Wikipedia
Westgate shopping mall attack in Nitrogen region --> Nairobi - Wikipedia
N air --> Nitrogen air WAR ZONE
in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack resultedin Nairobi, Kenya. The attack resultedin, Ke ...... nitrogen cycle attack resulted
in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack resultedin Nairobi, Kenya. The attack resultedin Ke ...... cycle attack resulted
motor bike/motor cycle
2 Motorcyclists Found Guilty in 2013 Attack on Driver but Acquitted of ...
Jun 9, 2015 - Wojciech Braszczok, 34, a New York police detective, was found guilty ... Driver Testifies About Attack by Motorcyclists on West Side Highway ...
Man Who Filmed Video of SUV-Biker Brawl ... - NBC New York
'Most vicious' member of biker gang gets 3 1/2 years - NY Daily News
that terrorized a Tribeca familythat terrorized a Tribeca familythat terrorized a Tribeca family
How Did Tribeca Become the Most Desirable ... - New York Observer
How Did Tribeca Become the Most Desirable ...
that terrorized a Tribeca familythat terrorized a Tri bec a familythat terrorized a ....BEC science family
that terrorized a Tribeca familythat terrorized a Tri bec a familythat terrorized a ....BEC science family of
HinDu Bose-->CAUSE ---> EFFECT ......
the DuBose death
Shooting of Samuel DuBose in the Bose-Einstein wars
- Wikipedia
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S
Date: July 19, 2015
in Nairobi, Kenya. The attack resultedin Nairobi, Kenya. The attack resultedin, Ke ...... cycle attack resulted
motor bike/motor cycle
2015 Waco cycle shootout - Wikipedia May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where ... Nine bikers were killed, seven of them members of the Cossacks Motorcycle Club, while eighteen others were injured. ..... Police officers reported receiving several threats after the shooting, which they are investigating. A former ...
Background · Shootout · Casualties · Eyewitness accounts
Collapse of the World Trade Center - Wikipedia
failure of the south face of WTC 1
failure of the south face of WTC 1
failure of the south face of WTC 1
failure of the south face of WTC --> World Thought Control elements
Junior Seau dies at 43 the TC = 43 wars - -
May 3, 2012 - Former NFL great Junior Seau, who played most of his career at ... of San Diego's lone Super Bowl team who has died,
Junior Seau, Famed NFL Linebacker, Dies at 43; Murder Is Suspected 2, 2012 - Junior Seau, regarded as one of the N.F.L.'s best linebackers over a 20-year career with the Chargers, the Dolphins and the Patriots, died of a ...
A look at some of the ways George Orwell's '1984' has come true - NY ...
Jun 6, 2016 - When George Orwell penned his now-famous dystopian novel, "1984" — released 67 years ago in June 1949 — it was intended as fiction.
1984 - Why is Oceania only at war with Oceanside, California ? - Science ...
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Wikipedia
The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is a private, nonprofit research and higher ... In 1977 the institute appointed the influential oceanographer John Steele as director, and he served until his retirement in 1989. On 1 September 1985, ...
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (MA): Top Tips Before You Go ... › ... › Woods Hole › Things to Do in Woods Hole
Woods Hole Research Center
Woods Hole Research Center 
Woods Hole Research Center 
Utoya Islands Woods .. Bullet Hole Research Center 
Woods Hole Research Center 
Woods Hole Research Center 
Woods Hole Research Center .......
Hole Municipality, Norway ..near Utoya ....
Best of Hole Municipality Tourism - TripAdvisor › Europe › Norway › Eastern Norway › Buskerud
Hole Municipality Tourism: TripAdvisor has 353 reviews of Hole Municipality ... Hole Municipality, Norway ... TripAdvisor Top-rated Hotels in Hole Municipality ...
Warfarin - Wikipedia
Warfarin, sold under the brand name Coumadin among others, is a medication that is used as a ... Warfarin first came into commercial use in 1948 as a rat poison. In 1954 it was approved for medical use in the United States. It is on the World ...
Apr 4, 2016 - Tags: Warfarin, rat poison, natural alternatives ... Meet warfarin: a widely used blood thinner which, prior to being used to treat a common heart ...
Weekly Dose: Warfarin, the blood-thinner that's still used as a rat killer
Weekly Dose:
War far --> Farook .....
Nature's molecular society ........ data generating event
SYMBOL MACHINE and molecule social policy ....
blood-thinner that's still used as a DEMO democRAT rat killer
Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik - Wikipedia
Jump to Shooting range video - During these visits, one lasting several hours, Farook shot an AR-15 and a pistol, which he had brought to the range.
Killed: 14 (together with Malik)
Date: December 2, 2015; 10:59 am – c. 3:00 pm
Education: California State University, San Ber...
Location(s): Inland Regional Center
2015 San Bernardino WAR CODE --> Warfarin attack - Wikipedia
Penn State schemes and racketts .... Scandal Fast Facts -
Jerry Sandusky Scandal | News, Updates, Photos & More - PennLive ...
Jerry Sandusky Scandal
Jerry Sandusky Scandal ..astronomy scandal Scandal
Scopes Trial - Wikipedia
The Scopes Trial, formally known as The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes and commonly referred to as the Scopes Monkey Trial, was an American legal case in May 1925 in which a substitute high school teacher, John T. Scopes , ...
Monkey Trial begins - Jul 10, 1925 -
In Dayton, Tennessee, the so-called “Monkey Trial” begins with John Thomas Scopes, a young high school science teacher, accused of teaching evolution in ...
An introduction to the John Scopes (Monkey) Trial
John T. Scopes - PBS
John T. Scopes - PBS 
John T. Scopes - PBS 
.........T. Scopes - PBS 
........ TeleScopes TRIAL
The Scopes Trial, formally known as The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes and commonly referred to as the Scopes Monkey Trial, was an American legal case in May 1925 in which a substitute high school teacher, John T. Scopes, was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act, which had made it unlawful to teach human evolution in any state-funded school.[1] The trial was deliberately staged in order to attract publicity to the small town of Dayton, Tennessee, where it was held[citation needed]. Scopes was unsure whether he had ever actually taught evolution, but he purposely incriminated himself so that the case could have a defendant
Scopes was found guilty and fined $100 ($1366 in 2016), but the verdict was overturned on a technicality. The trial served its purpose of drawing intense national publicity, as national reporters flocked to Dayton to cover the big-name lawyers who had agreed to represent each side. William Jennings Bryan, three-time presidential candidate, argued for the prosecution, while Clarence Darrow, the famed defense attorney, spoke for Scopes. The trial publicized the Fundamentalist–Modernist Controversy, which set Modernists, who said evolution was not inconsistent with religion,[2] against Fundamentalists, who said the word of God as revealed in the Bible took priority over all human knowledge. The case was thus seen as both a theological contest and a trial on whether "modern science" should be taught in schools.
Scopes was found guilty and fined $100 ($1366 in 2016), but the verdict was overturned on a technicality. The trial served its purpose of drawing intense national publicity, as national reporters flocked to Dayton to cover the big-name lawyers who had agreed to represent each side. William Jennings Bryan, three-time presidential candidate, argued for the prosecution, while Clarence Darrow, the famed defense attorney, spoke for Scopes. The trial publicized the Fundamentalist–Modernist Controversy, which set Modernists, who said evolution was not inconsistent with religion,[2] against Fundamentalists, who said the word of God as revealed in the Bible took priority over all human knowledge. The case was thus seen as both a theological contest and a trial on whether "modern science" should be taught in schools.
Monica Lewinsky scandal - Wikipedia Lewinsky scandal was an American political sex scandal that involved 49-year-old President Bill Clinton and a 22-year-old White House intern, Monica ...
Monica Lewinsky scandal - scandal -
Bill Clinton - Wikipedia
William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton
William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton
William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton pointers to Chicago streets
United Parcel Service Inc
1400 S Jefferson St Chicago, IL Services ...
Radio Astronomy and SETI - Big Ear Radio Observatory Memorial ...
Welcome to the original website of the former Ohio State University Radio Observatory (OSURO), also known as Big Ear. The Observatory was a Kraus- type ...
Big Ear Radio Observatory - OSU Loses Telescope
Ohio State lost what may have been its only "contact" to extraterrestrial life. After a month of inactivity, The Big Ear, OSU`s radio telescope, closed Jan. 1. In 1977 ...
Big Ear - Wikipedia
Death of Freddie Gray - Wikipedia
Arrest(s): 1
Date: April 12, 2015 (incident) April 19, 2015 ...
J.K. Rowling - Author -
5 days ago - Children and adults have delighted to the world of Harry Potter thanks to the wondrous imagination of author J.K. Rowling. Get her story on ...
J. K. Rowling - Wikipedia
J. K. Rowling - Wikipedia
.....K. Row in the periodic atomic table
Harry Potter - Wikipedia Potter is a series of fantasy novels written by British author J. K. Rowling. The novels chronicle the life of a young wizard, Harry Potter, and his friends ...
The main story arc concerns Harry's struggle against Lord Voldemort, a dark wizard who intends to become immortal, overthrow the wizard governing body known as the Ministry of Magic, and subjugate all wizards and Muggles, a reference term that means non magical people.
The central character in the series is Harry Potter, an English boy who lives with his aunt, uncle and cousin, and who discovers, at the age of eleven, that he is a wizard, though he lives in the ordinary world of non-magical people known as Muggles.[11] The wizarding world exists parallel to the Muggle world, albeit hidden and in secrecy.
His magical ability is inborn and children with such abilities are invited to attend exclusive magic schools that teach the necessary skills to succeed in the wizarding world.[12] Harry becomes a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a wizarding academy in Scotland and it is here where most of the events in the series take place.
As Harry develops through his adolescence, he learns to overcome the problems that face him: magical, social and emotional, including ordinary teenage challenges such as friendships, infatuation, romantic relationships, schoolwork and exams, anxiety, depression, stress, and the greater test of preparing himself for the confrontation, that lies ahead, in wizarding Britain's increasingly-violent second wizarding war
The central character in the series is Harry Potter, an English boy
The central character in the series is Harry Potter, an English boy
The central character in the series is Harry
The central character in the series is Harry
The central character in the series is Hypothesis array
The central character in the series is Harry Potter,
The central character in the series is Harry Pot ter,
The central character in the series is Harry Potassium tiers/ K levels of thought
Neurotransmitter Receptors - Molecular Cell Biology - NCBI Bookshelf
Jump to Cardiac Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors Activate a G Protein That ... - That Gβγ directly activates the K+ channel has been shown by single-channel ...Neurotransmitter Receptors with Harry Potter
Neurotransmitter Receptors with Harry K-channel
K Channels with Harry Potter movie TV channels
Evolving potassium channels by means Harry Potassium of FEMALE AUTHOR yeast infection .... selection reveals ...
by D Bichet - 2004 - Cited by 39 - Related articles
containing K channel signature sequence, approximates the hy- dration shell of K ... After yeast selection, plasmids were isolated, sequenced, and transformed.
J.K. Rowling -
J.K--> with K atom --> Kathryn
15 Year-old potassium atomic agent K ...... missing from Town of Genesee -
Nov 6, 2013 - Kathryn Stalbaum disappeared Tuesday morning on her way to school.
Search launched for missing Town of Genesee girl
a freshman at K = Potassium high school
--> K = Kettle Moraine High School, ..
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Potawatomi Hotel & Casino
Potassium water atomic casino/ bet
.................Watertown Bethesda Lutheran Home .......
Potassium = 19 --> K ..... above highway 19 and county road K
Above red line ..approximate route of Highway 19 and Highway 16 ...
that met in Watertown
Waukesha Iron and Metal - (262) 547-7293
For the Last 60 Years, Waukesha Iron and Metal has used ability, integrity and service to build a company that emphasizes the importance of exceeding their ...
Missing: foundry
Company Overview - Waukesha Iron and Metal - (262) 547-7293
Missing: foundry
a freshman at Kettle
a freshman at Kettle / COOK
a freshman at Kettle Moraine High School
Cook County Chicago
Kathryn Stalbaum secret AGENT Update:
Missing Kettle girl, 15, found safe in Cook County Chicago ...
Chicago Loop .. feedback message LINK to Waukesha - Wikipedia
found safe in Chicago ..
found safe in Chicago ..
found safe in Cook County .
found ...fe in Cook ....... Kitchen metal equation
foundary ..ferrous oxide.... iron ..COOK with a metal kettle per
Kettle Moraine High School EVENT analysis of kitchen messages
kitchen messages
kitchen messages
kitchen messages from the bombastic / bragging Boston
.....chen messages ......
Kitchen-American brothers ..
immediately identified as Chechen-American brothers
Boston Marathon kitchen WAR ZONE and rigged trial
- Wikipedia
An unprecedented manhunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ensued on April 19, with thousands of law enforcement officers searching a 20-block area of Watertown
enforcement officers searching a 20-block area
enforcement officers searching a 20-block area
enforcement officers searching a 20-block area
for a SYMBOL & CONCEPT MACHINE diagram of social systems REALITY
Comair Flight 5191 - Wikipedia
The aircraft was assigned the airport's runway 22
The aircraft was assigned the airport's runway 22
The aircraft was assigned the airport's runway 22
The alphabet .....runway of letters/symbols .... runway 26 is the longest.
The brain MAP above ...... claims its is shorter.
Brain Mapping - MIT Technology Review
'Brain road maps' with the
Lexicon / dictionary ... runway 26 ERROR of Lexington ,,,,,
reflect behavior differences between males and ...
Feb 9, 2016 - Differences in the neural wiring across development of men and women across ages, matched behavioral differences commonly associated ...
Healthy Brain Initiative: Road Map | Health Aging for Older Adults | CDC › Healthy Aging Home › Healthy Brain Initiative
Murder of Hannah Gra ...Grammar ... Graham - Wikipedia
Cause of death: Homicidal violence of undeter...
Height: 5 ft 11 in (1.80 m)
Disappeared: September 13, 2014 (aged 18); ...
Status: Remains recovered October 18, 2014
UV mapping - Wikipedia
Introduction to UV mapping at University of Virginia
| Maya | Autodesk Knowledge Network
UV texture space uses the letters U and V to indicate the axes in 2D
UV texture space uses the letters U and V to indicate the axes in 2D
UV text ..textbook PAGE space uses the letters U and V to indicate the axes in ax murders ..
Man Gets Life in Ax Murder - Free Republic
Nov 30, 2007 - 9 posts - 7 authors
Waukesha, WI - Saying the ax murder of Gloria Jean Totzke by her son might be the most brutal, violent and gruesome criminal act he has seen ...
Walker, Texas Ranger - Wikipedia,_Texas_RangerWalker, Texas Ranger is an American action television series created by Leslie Greif and Paul Haggis. It was inspired by the film Lone Wolf McQuade, with both this series and that film starring Chuck Norris as a member of the Texas Ranger Division.
Clarence Gilyard · Sheree J. Wilson · Nia Peeples · Noble Willingham
Walker, Texas Ranger (TV Series 1993–2001) - IMDb ... Walker, a martial artist, and his partner Trivette are Texas Rangers. ... Chuck Norris and Haley Joel Osment in Walker, Texas Ranger (1993) Judson ..
Massacre at Virginia Tech leaves 32 dead - Apr 16, 2007 - HISTORY ...
Students Recount Desperate Minutes Inside Norris Hall .... Doors- The New ...
Walker, Texas Ranger at bull-story University of Virginia
- Wikipedia,_Texas_Ranger
Walker, ..................
she is a human walker with 2-legs ... texted friends at 1:20 am -->
Walker Texted --> suggests words --> Walker tex --> Walker texas ranger & LAWS
therefore the federal government ......
Boston ordered DEATH sentence .......
her Monticello (Molecular cell biology )
CAUSE OF DEATH code 1:20 am --> one human with 20 amino acids and the rigged trial
... 1:20 information pointer to 20 blocks in Watertown, Massachusetts
An unprecedented manhunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev ensued on April 19, with thousands of law enforcement officers searching a 20-block area of Watertown ...and the subsequent rigged TRIAL.
Thus Hannah Graham re-enacts the route messages from Boston ...
in addition to the 1:20 AM --> 20 amino acid message about Watertown Massachusetts
SC--> Sub-Conscious --->
SC = South Carolina ............. geography states and a State of Mind
Shooting of Tamir Rice ...... secret mirror
- Wikipedia
Deaths: Tamir Elijah Rice
Cause: Gunshot
Date: November 22, 2014
Location: Cudell Recreation Center, Cleveland, ...
Inverted question and exclamation marks with
Justice Department in the Boston Marathon trial
Inverted question marks (¿) and exclamation marks (Commonwealth English) or exclamation points (American English) (¡) are punctuation marks used to begin interrogative and exclamatory sentences (or clauses), respectively, in written Spanish and sometimes also in languages which have cultural ties with Spanish, such as ...
why are question marks upside down? | SpanishDict Answers › Q&A › Vocabulary & Grammar
Women's Shoes | Nine West,default,sc.html
Nine West: Shoes for Women | Handbags for Women
Shop shoes at the Nine West official site. View the latest selection of women's shoes, dress shoes, sandals, career shoes, casual shoes, boots and more.
Nine West Shoes, Heels, and Sandals |
botany - Seed Germination - Biology Stack Exchange
Dec 30, 2013 - Is my understand of how seed germination comes to be and what it entails correct ? Seed germination: As the seed matures it loses water and ...
Germination - Wikipedia
The Arts Page | Local Programs | Milwaukee PBS
The Arts Page is a 30-minute, Emmy-and multiple award-winning weekly series hosted by Sandy Maxx. Each episode features four to five segments on the arts ...
The Arts Page | Local Programs
The Arts Page | Local Programs at Oak Creek/Milwaukee
The Arts Page ORDERS to Wade Michael Page
and his blood arteries SOFTWARE languages
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting near Milwaukee- Wikipedia
On August 5, 2012, a massacre took place at the gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people ...
The Arts Page | Local Programs | Milwaukee PBS Arts Page is a 30-minute, Emmy-and multiple award-winning weekly series hosted by Sandy Maxx. Each episode features four to five segments on the arts ...
series hosted by Sandy
series hosted by Sandy
series hosted by Sandy .....
Connecticut Shootings Fast Facts -
Dec 14, 2016 - Read CNN's Fast Facts about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Newtown, ... It is the third-deadliest mass shooting in US history.
Sandy Hook Elementary shooting: What happened? -
in other words ....
Sandy Hook Elementary shooting: ..... Ask Sandy Maxx and PBS what happened? - people -- 20 students and six adults -- were shot and killed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14. ... At some point before he went to the school, investigators believe Adam Lanza, 20, killed his mother, Nancy Lanza. ... Twenty students .
TouchVision, founded by radio industry veterans, shutters - Marketing ...
Jan 14, 2016 - TouchVision, the TV brand backed by Weigel Broadcasting, is shutting down, eliminating as many as 40 employees at the upstart Chicago ...
TouchVision - Wikipedia
TouchVision was an American digital broadcast and internet ......
TouchVision, founded by radio industry
T Vis --> Travis Zoellcik murder with EM site --> EMMET Township
UPDATE: Student Murdered in Electro-Magnetic Field wars
- 7, 2009 - Police say Zaborek admitted knowing his friend killed the student, but remained ... Tammi L. LaFave is accused of helping kidnap Haroon Khan, whose ... Milwaukee PD, Watertown PD, UW-Milw PD, Town of Emmett PD, and ..
Town of Emmett
Town of Emmett
Town of Emmett
Town of Em .......
Travis Zoellick (20 and his 20/20 optical signal)
shot himself after killing a man for his car and ...
O. J. Simpson - Wikipedia
Orenthal James "O. J." Simpson (born July 9, 1947), nicknamed The Juice, is a former American football running back, broadcaster, actor, and convicted felon.
Simpson attended the University of Southern California (USC), where he played college football for the USC Trojans, and won the Heisman Trophy in 1968. He played professionally in the National Football League (NFL) as a running back for 11 seasons, with the Buffalo Bills from 1969 to 1977 and with the San Francisco 49ers from 1978 to 1979.
In 1995, Simpson was acquitted of the 1994 murders of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend, Ronald Goldman, after a lengthy and internationally publicized criminal trial, the People v. Simpson.
People v. O. J. SimpsonPeople v. O. J. SimpsonPeople ---> p e o -----> p electron orbitals
People v. O. J. SimpsonPeople v. O. J. SimpsonPeople ---> p e o -----> p electron orbitals
Orenthal + James equation ---->
Or -- > Orbital
Or ent hal --> Orbital entrance hall ... to even integer data BIT space of the even orbitals that exist between
the FermiLAB odd integer solid electron orbitals of Piermaria Oddone
and his Maria Data base and the Maria Callis obstacle / BLOCKING systems
Maria Callas - Wikipedia
Maria Callas, Commendatore OMRI was a Greek-American soprano, and one of the most renowned and influential opera singers of the 20th century.
Maria Callas - Singer and her --> call sub-routine NAME
Learn more about her atomic bio-computer life and career ...
The O. J. Simpson murder case (officially titled People of the State of California v. Orenthal James Simpson, or People v. O. J. Simpson) was a criminal trial held at the Los Angeles County Superior Court, in which former National Football League (NFL) player and actor O. J. Simpson was tried on two counts of murder for the deaths of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend and restaurant waiter, Ron Goldman, that occurred on June 12, 1994.
hat occurred on June 12, 1994.
hat occurred on June 12, 1994.
hat occurred on June 12, 1994.
hat occurred on 6th month ..12th day ... carbon black data message
The Two Cultures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Snow's position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:
A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is the scientific equivalent of: Have you read a work of Shakespeare’s?[5]
I now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question — such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying, Can you read? — not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language. So the great edifice of modern physics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western world have about as much insight into it as their neolithic ancestors would have had.[5]
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