Sunday, May 15, 2022

E064 - The European earth language systems ........ Euler, Euclid, and the German Landgraves version of the Egyptian underground Book of the DEAD and the Hindu Upanishads inner earth DATABASE of India


E064 by Herb Zinser

- The European earth language systems ........
Euler ,  Euclid, and the German Landgraves language 
problems of Nature's version of natural death 

... the original  Solar / Earth ...,,,,,,,
sunlight energy / molecular version of Natural death software applied to growing season of North Europe .....
spring, summer, and fall .....  grain crops and vegetable gardens ...with  a life cycle of less than 1 year

What Is An Annual, Perennial, Biennial? - Aggie Horticulture › wildseed › growing
Biennials - Plants which require two years to complete their life cycle. Biennial Foxglove. First season growth results in a small rosette of leaves near the ...

Aug 21, 2021 — Annual plants are those whose entire life cycle occurs within one growing season. The season may last from a few weeks to a few months

The grains (1 year life cycle SOFTWARE ) are input to humans 


4-legged milk cows and beef  cattle ...... animals that have their natural cycle of ...up to 10 or more years.

in the case of 2-legged bio-computer humans .....

the influence /dominance of the grain/vegetable....... molecular software TIME LIMIT ... assembler & COBOL computer instructions  that are input to the human bio-computer,

The Laws of Nature states ..the atomic states of biology
that the human may live for

carbon 12 --> 120 years 
oxygen 16 --> 160 years 
atomic iron 26 letter proton alphabet in human blood
 --> 260 years 

The molecular software of Nature .....
 in the human body has all the original specifications of
everything .......... eyes, hearts, lungs, etc 

thus all it has to do is repair and maintain the body/brain ....

much like a  4-wheeled  Model-T ford automobile

and the mechanics manual that explains all the parts

and the process to fix them .......

in the case of the human .......
Paul Dirac and Erwin Schrodinger 
quantum mechanics of atomic physical biology life
and atomic social life can be extended
proper population LIMITS & ETHICS
per Thomas Robert Malthus  

thus the need to upgrade the 

North EuropeaN ......

brain NeuroN thought systems ....


and the earth underground atomic coffin DATABASES

...... of the    German Landgraves language

with accurate information and family LIMIT rules.

- The European earth language systems ........
Euler ,  Euclid, and the German Landgraves version of the 

- The European earth language systems ........
Euler,  Euclid, and the German Landgraves version of the 

North Africa .....
Egyptian underground Book of the DEAD

and the

Hindu Upanishads ..atomic inner earth .......
geological logic  layer DATABASE of India ..
the sub-continent of  InDia of Asia

The 1947 EARTH systems partition of India Pakistan(IP) to create a COMPUTER EARTH geography land ....
 IP address space with people


IP address space with people .....
bio-computer female .....
binary(2) breasts as Nature's partitioned data set

Hindu Upanishads ..atomic inner earth .......
geological logic  layer DATABASE of India ..
the sub-continent of  InDia of Asia

Jules Verne is considered to be an important author in France and most of Europe, where he has had a wide influence on the literary avant-garde and on surrealism.[4] His reputation was markedly different in the Anglosphere where he had often been labeled a writer of genre fiction or children's books, largely because of the highly abridged and altered translations in which his novels have often been printed. Since the 1980s, his literary reputation has improved.[5]

Jules Verne has been the second most-translated author in the world since 1979, ranking between Agatha Christie and William Shakespeare.[6] He has sometimes been called the "father of science fiction", a title that has also been given to H. G. Wells and Hugo Gernsback.[7] In the 2010s, he was the most translated French author in the world. In France, 2005 was declared "Jules Verne Year" on the occasion of the centenary of the writer's death. 

Jules Verne

Jules Verne

Jules V-section of earth DATABASE Verne

Jules Verne

Jules Verne

Jules V-section of earth DATABASE Verne

Jules Verne

Jul   es Verne

July escape route of the atomic iron/ferrous oxide ....
earth center core DATA RECORDs .......

UPWARD  to the earth geography surface  ....
 Verne and atomic soil Chernozem  ..Vector UP

Jules Verne

Jules Verne

Jules V-section of earth DATABASE Verne

Jules Verne

Jul   es Verne

July escape route of the atomic iron/ferrous oxide ....
earth center core DATA RECORDs .......

UPWARD  to the earth geography surface  ....
 Verne and atomic soil Chernozem  ..Vector UP

bypassing the 

Up .... UPanishads


The Upanishads (/ʊˈpənɪˌʃədz/;[1] Sanskritउपनिषद् Upaniṣad pronounced [ˈʊpɐnɪʂɐd̪]) are late Vedic Sanskrit texts of Hindu philosophy which supplied the basis of later Hindu philosophy.[2][3][note 1][note 2] They are the most recent part of the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, and deal with meditation, philosophyconsciousness and ontological knowledge; earlier parts of the Vedas deal with mantras, benedictions, rituals, ceremonies, and sacrifices.[6][7][8] While among the most important literature in the history of Indian religions and culture, the Upanishads document a wide variety of "rites, incarnations, and esoteric knowledge"[9] departing from Vedic ritualism and interpreted in various ways in the later commentarial traditions. Of all Vedic literature, the Upanishads alone are widely known, and their diverse ideas, interpreted in various ways, informed the later traditions of Hinduism.[2][10]

Code name Jules Verne
.... July Vertical  UP    VS 
   Vedanta  Upanishads

The Upanishads are commonly referred to as Vedānta. Vedanta has been interpreted as the "last chapters, parts of the Veda" and alternatively as "object, the highest purpose of the Veda".[11] The aim of all Upanishads is to investigate 

the nature of Ātman (self)
..atm --> atom (earth geology)  and atmosphere (sky),

 and "direct[ing] the enquirer toward it."[12][13] Various ideas about the relation between Atman and Brahman can be found, and later commentators tried to harmonize this diversity.[13][note 3] Along with the Bhagavad Gita and the Brahmasutra, the mukhya Upanishads (known collectively as the Prasthanatrayi)[14] provide a foundation for the several later schools of Vedanta, including Adi Shankara's Advaita Vedanta (monistic or nondualistic),[note 4] Ramanuja's (c. 1077–1157 CE) Vishishtadvaita (qualified monism), and Madhvacharya's (1199–1278 CE) Dvaita (dualism).

Around 108 Upanishads are known

Thus we look at the Earth underground ,,,,,,,
atomic message region ..... inner Earth geological layers  

Euclid pyramid SR(system region)  Ramanujan .....
secret message system ..,,,,

the BIG earth language cover-up by individuals, families,  universities and governments  

E = Europe region of E name codes 

Euler .. Earth underground language  letters
and math equations

Euclid .... letter code equation ...E ....u ... Cl ... id  

Earth underground (atomic alphabet ) clay layers of ideas

North Africa Egyptian
South East  Europe ..... Greek Euclidean

the Egyptian stone pyramid points UP ....
vertical UP ....UP vector to the sky ...
atomic stone/rock  ....Pyramid database

..... the North Africa  SHAPE  copied by
Nature's oscillation waves .....

..... the North Africa  Egyptian pyramid SHAPE 
copied by
Nature's oscillation waves ..... to the nearby  Sinai Peninsula

the earth geography region SHAPE ...

then the Egypt pyramid  information image / database in the 
Sinai  Peninsula (as an think ...  ink Pen) .....
the Sinai DATABASE surface area
is amplified about  100 fold 

Sinai has a land area of about 60,000 km2 (23,000 sq mi) (6 percent of Egypt's total area) and a population of approximately 600,000 people. Administratively, 

Sinai 23,000 square mile to
 India 1,269,219 square miles

India ; 3,287,263 km2 (1,269,219 sq mi) (7th) · 9.6.

then the Egypt pyramid  image / database is copied

from the Sinai SHAPE
to the earth geography region ...... inverse  SHAPE 

...  of the sub-continent of India become a inverse pyramid 

the inverse of Egypt  UP  --> is DOWN geography  shape
of  sub-continent (SC) of India ..

the sub-consciousness (SC) of MOTHER EARTH 
now in COMPUTER EARTH  down .....
 inverse FORMAT  in India Asia  ...

the database must be brought  UP  again..,,,

in the UP process the database translation ....
can be amplified and clarified  using the 

Up thought vector of the Upanishads

The Upanishads (/ʊˈpənɪˌʃədz/;[1] Sanskritउपनिषद् Upaniṣad pronounced [ˈʊpɐnɪʂɐd̪]) are late Vedic Sanskrit texts of Hindu philosophy which supplied the basis of later Hindu philosophy.[2][3][note 1][note 2]

They are the most recent part of the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, and deal with meditation, philosophyconsciousness and ontological knowledge; earlier parts of the Vedas deal with mantras, benedictions, rituals, ceremonies, and sacrifices.[6][7][8] While among the most important literature in the history of Indian religions and culture, the Upanishads document a wide variety of "rites, incarnations, and esoteric knowledge"[9] departing from Vedic ritualism and interpreted in various ways in the later commentarial traditions. Of all Vedic literature, the Upanishads alone are widely known, and their diverse ideas, interpreted in various ways, informed the later traditions of Hinduism.

Up thought vector of the Upanishads







Up thought vector of the Upanishads

The Upanishads are commonly referred to as Vedānta. Vedanta has been interpreted as the "last chapters, parts of the Veda" and alternatively as "object, the highest purpose of the Veda".[11] The aim of all Upanishads is to investigate the nature of Ātman (self), and "direct[ing] the enquirer toward it."[12][13] Various ideas about the relation between Atman and Brahman can be found, and later commentators tried to harmonize this diversity.[13][note 3] Along with the Bhagavad Gita and the Brahmasutra, the mukhya Upanishads (known collectively as the Prasthanatrayi)[14] provide a foundation for the several later schools of Vedanta, including Adi Shankara's Advaita Vedanta (monistic or nondualistic),[note 4] Ramanuja's (c. 1077–1157 CE) Vishishtadvaita (qualified monism), and Madhvacharya's (1199–1278 CE) Dvaita (dualism).

Around 108 Upanishads are known, of which the first dozen or so are the oldest and most important and are referred to as the principal or main (mukhya) Upanishads.[15][16]

.....pyramid --> code word ... .... ram ....mid  -->

pythagorean ....

Srinivasa Ramanujan .......

human bio-math geo-math
human UP interceptor of the Upanishads

  ..... of Middle earth
sin /oscillation waves  ......
that carry ideas 

.... that is ..the quantum wave mechanics continuum
as a platform that carries ideas /data stream inside the
atomic PLANET EARTH sphere ..... accessible via the
sub-continent of InDia --> Inner earth  Data with Diagonal communication lines that go thru atomic rock/stone ....
per Nikola Tesla MODEL of Nature's ancient earth wireless message system

of Middle earth of India ......
inner earth atomic, gravity, magnetic field  ...
social science and human behavior ....DATABASE



E024 - Computer Earth systems 

.... Euclid  pyramid ideas to  data processing FLOW to  SRinVasa Ramanujan VIA zinjan skull project  of Mary and LSB information Leak of AFRICA data processing  Leakey

Thus we look at Nature's north Europe region  ....and  the German Landgraves......
 data processing systems and data flow/ 

coffin as a financial /money coordination system at
the sub-conscious MIND level ......

thus the data  from the 

underground atomic coffin DATABASES ....... 

German Land-graves (gravity grammar vector space)
......and EARTH geography surface representatives

Rothschild family

Rothschild family

Rot --> earth rotation/ centrifugal force vector directions .... create   flows of
DATA ..... UP from the underground coffin databases in NORTH Europe geography region


The Rothschild family ([ˈʁoːt.ʃɪlt])[2] is a wealthy Ashkenazi Jewish family originally from Frankfurt that rose to prominence with Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812),

Amschel Rothschild (1744–1812),

Am -->

Am -->

Am --> atomic mass expression agent

family originally from Frankfurt that rose to

family originally from Frankfurt that rose to

family originally......
at rose 
....atomic micro-second processor speed ....

 a PLATFORM of existence and data processing that
humans and society exist upon and exist  within

a EARTH government court factor to the German Landgraves of Hesse-Kassel in the Free City of Frankfurt,
Holy Roman Empire, who established
bandwidth  banking business in the 1760s.[3] 

Unlike most previous court factors, Rothschild managed to bequeath his wealth and established an international banking family through his five sons,[4] who established businesses in London, Paris, Frankfurt, Vienna, and Naples.

The family was elevated by Nature's social engineering and economic systems ......
and thus Nature's system ...human representatives

The family was elevated to  noble rank

The family was elevated to  noble rank

The family was elevated to nano-second interface PLATFORM ......... 
 noble rank
in the Holy Roman Empire and the United Kingdom.[5][6] The family's documented history starts in the 

IBM base 16 hexadecimal ...... 16th century code F --> Frankfurt;

 its name is derived from the family house, Rothschild, built by Isaak Elchanan Bacharach in Frankfurt in 1567.

During the 19th century, the Rothschild family possessed the largest private fortune in the world, as well as in modern world history.[7][8][9] The family's wealth declined over the 20th century, and was divided among many descendants.[10] Today, their interests cover a diverse range of fields, including financial services, real estate, mining, energy, agriculture, winemaking, and nonprofits.[11][12] Many examples of the family's rural architecture exist across northwestern Europe. The Rothschild family has frequently been the subject of conspiracy theories, many of which have antisemitic origins.

Thus .... the Paul Dirac MODEL and BITCOIN money model of the
German Landgraves underground data flow 

the Paul Dirac quantum language
 outline of your human role in the LIFE and DEATH CYCLE and its information flow

The atomic English language provides clues human systems ......
that is centered upon the coffin DATABASE that you are creating (while alive).

We see the outline for the COMPUTER EARTH information cycles  .....

you are born. your atoms  get educated. you go thru
life collecting work data experiences, audio music data, and optical information
 from books and magazines, etc.

Upon death ..... your bio-computer body is  emBALmed 
with BAL (Basic Assembler Language) and
placed in a base 16 hexadecimal data container .....
code name coffin 
--> co + ff + in 
--> code ....... Hex'ff'=255= High-values ..... interface to ( ???) to provide your
data to 
other people still alive on the
 earth geography surface (the DEATH data collectors)

Let's look at some ideas ....... take your time.
Write down notes ...... you must create your flow-chart of this process.
Focus on the concepts and the direction of flow ....
Paul Dirac atoms and biology alive ....
Paul Dirac physical biology dead  .... BUT
his atoms continue their thought  LIFE in the coffin ...
and need a communications agent on the EARTH geography surface
...... which may be one of your friends

Several blog posts exist on this Paul Dirac COFFIN model ......
together they outline the destiny .. the path that awaits you / your friends
....... unless you can out-smart the DEATH data collection system...

Below, an excerpt from a larger blog post.

1984 at a Glance – Cliffs Notes
When George Orwell wrote 1984, the year that gives the book its title was still almost 40 years in the future. Some of the things Orwell imagined that would come to pass were the telescreen, a TV that observes those who are watching it, and a world consisting of three megastates rather than hundreds of countries. In the …

Nineteen Eighty-Four – Wikipedia
The introduction to the Penguin Books Modern Classics edition of Nineteen Eighty-Four reports that Orwell originally set the novel in 1980 but that he later shifted the date to 1982 and then to 1984. The introduction to the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt edition of Animal Farm and 1984 (2003) reports that the title 1984 was …

SparkNotes: 1984: Plot Overview › SparkNotes › Literature Study Guides › 1984
He indoctrinates Winston and Julia into the Brotherhood, and gives Winston a copy of Emmanuel Goldstein’s book, the manifesto of the Brotherhood. Winston reads the book—an amalgam of several forms of class-based twentieth-century social theory—to Julia in the room above the store. Suddenly, soldiers barge in and …

1984: Plot Overview

1984: Plot Overview

1984: Time COMPUTER  ….. year 2000 equation … Plot Overview

The Father of Modern Physics taught in Tallahassee at FSU. Paul Dirac… › Blogs › Fred Griffin › Tallahassee Florida Real Estate
Sep 25, 2011 – A senior FSU Physicist said, “To have Paul Dirac here, would be like the English faculty recruiting Shakespeare.” In 1971, Physicist Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac joined the Faculty at Florida State University. Winner of the 1933 Nobel Prize for Physics, Dr. Dirac was a founder of the Theory of Quantum …

Paul Dirac atomic quantum DATABASE  …body of knowledge  ….
in his
underground ETHER physics office at Florida State University |
In Collections. Paul A.M. Dirac Collection. This service is a partnership between Florida Virtual Campus and The Florida State University Libraries. All Rights Reserved. Contact us with Questions or Comments | Research Repository Legal Agreements.

Underworld and its atomic energy / english languages  – Wikipedia
The underworld or netherworld is an otherworld thought to be deep underground or beneath the surface of the world in most religions and mythologies. Typically, it is a place where the souls of the departed go, an afterlife or a realm of the dead. Chthonic is the technical adjective for things of the underworld.

Ether (physics) and the n.ETHER world
– Knowino
Jan 13, 2011 – The ether (also spelled aether) was a concept in physics made obsolete in 1905 by Einstein’s theory of special relativity. The idea of an ether was introduced into science by Descartes in Principia philosophiae (1644). Until that time, forces between two bodies that are not in direct contact were assumed to …

Ether (physics) – encyclopedia article – Citizendium
Dec 15, 2010 – The ether (also spelled aether) was a concept in physics made obsolete in 1905 by Einstein’s theory of special relativity. The idea of an ether was introduced into science by Descartes in Principia philosophiae (1644). Until that time, forces between two bodies that are not in direct contact were assumed to …

Fin ..Coffin language …. Finnegans Wake – Wikipedia
Finnegans Wake is a work of avant-garde comic fiction by Irish writer James Joyce. It is significant for its experimental style and reputation as one of the most difficult works of fiction in the English language. Written in Paris over a period of seventeen years and published in 1939, two years before the author’s death, … Finnegans Wake (Wordsworth Classics ……/dp/1840226617
The editors have provided a lucid introduction and a chapter-by-chapter outline which gives one at last a vague hold on what’s going on, but it’s not overburdened with notes, which frees one to stop worrying and just enjoy the surrealism and exuberance of Joyce’s language. * Independent on Sunday * enhances the …

Egyptian Book of the Dead – Ancient History Encyclopedia
The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a collection of spells which enable the soul of the deceased to navigate the afterlife. The famous title was given the work by western scholars; the actual title would translate as The Book of Coming Forth by Day or Spells for Going Forth by Day and a more apt translation to English would be …

Book of the Dead – Wikipedia
Jump to Egyptian concepts of death and afterlife – … in the Gods’ Domain, which contains a depiction of the ba of the deceased. The spells in the Book of the Dead depict Egyptian beliefs about the nature of death and the afterlife. The Book of the Dead is a vital source of information about Egyptian beliefs in this area.

Book of the Dead 

Book of the Dead 

Book of the Dead  update –>

Finnegans Wake is a work of avant-garde comic fiction by Irish writer James Joyce. It is significant for its experimental style and reputation as one of the most difficult works of fiction in the English language.[1][2] Written in Paris over a period of seventeen years and published in 1939, two years before the author’s death, Finnegans Wake was Joyce’s final work. The entire book is written in a largely idiosyncratic language, which blends standard English lexical items and neologisticmultilingual puns and portmanteau words to unique effect. Many critics believe the technique was Joyce’s attempt to recreate the experience of sleep and dreams.[3] Owing to the work’s expansive linguistic experiments, stream of consciousness writing style, literary allusionsfree dream associations, and abandonment of narrative conventions, Finnegans Wake remains largely unread by the general public.[4][5]
Despite the obstacles, readers and commentators have reached a broad consensus about the book’s central cast of characters and, to a lesser degree, its plot, but key details remain elusive.[6][7] The book discusses, in an unorthodox fashion, the Earwicker family, comprising the father HCE, the mother ALP, and their three children Shem the Penman, Shaun the Postman, and Issy. Following an unspecified rumour about HCE, the book, in a nonlinear dream narrative,[8] follows his wife’s attempts to exonerate him with a letter, his sons’ struggle to replace him, Shaun’s rise to prominence, and a final monologue by ALP at the break of dawn. The opening line of the book is a sentence fragment which continues from the book’s unfinished closing line, making the work a never-ending cycle.[9]Many noted Joycean scholars such as Samuel Beckett[10] and Donald Phillip Verene[11] link this cyclical structure to Giambattista Vico‘s seminal text La Scienza Nuova (“The New Science”), upon which they argue Finnegans Wake is structured.
Joyce began working on Finnegans Wake shortly after the 1922 publication of Ulysses.

Schrödinger’s cat – Wikipediaödinger%27s_cat
Schrödinger’s cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects.

Schrödinger’s cat – Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaödinger%27s_cat
A cat, with a Geiger counter, and a bit of poison in a sealed box. Quantum mechanics says that after a while, the cat is both alive and dead. A person looking into the box will either find the cat alive or dead, however. Real-size cat figure in the garden of Huttenstrasse 9, Zurich, where Erwin Schrödinger lived 1921 – 1926.

Schrödinger’s Cat/  System catalog and coffin box
: Explained | IFLScienceödinger’s-cat-explained/
Erwin Schrödinger was born in Vienna on August 12, 1887 and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933. He is best known for his work … Thus, until the system collapsed into one configuration, the cat would exist in 
some superposition zombie state
of being both alive and dead
Of course, Schrödinger claimed, that …

Wisconsin Dells – Deals, Coupons & Tourism Information
Are you looking for the best information and deals on Wisconsin Dells area Waterparks, Resorts, Attractions, Restaurants, Campgrounds, Events and more?

Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin – Wikipedia,_Wisconsin
Wisconsin Dells is a city in south-central Wisconsin, with a population of 2,678 people as of the 2010 census. It straddles four counties: Adams, Columbia, Juneau, and Sauk. The city takes its name from the Dells of the Wisconsin River, a scenic, glacially formed gorge that features striking sandstone formations along the …

Wisconsin Dells | Hotels | Water Parks | Attractions
If you are planning a visit to Wisconsin Dells, let us help you find all the hotels, water parks, attractions, and food you need to make your trip amazing!

Geological strata – definition of Geological strata by The Free Dictionary
Geology A bed or layer of sedimentary rock that is visually distinguishable from adjacent beds or layers. 3. Any of the regions of the atmosphere, such as the troposphere, that occur as layers. 4. Biology A layer of tissue: the epithelial stratum.

JPY – Japanese Yen rates, news, and tools – › Currency Encyclopedia
Japanese Yen History. Importance of the Japanese Yen. The Japanese Yen is the third most traded currency in the world, and the most heavily traded currency in Asia. Early Japanese Currency. The Modern Day Japanese Yen.

Japanese yen of   sat.YEN,dra  EARTH  systems

– Wikipedia
The yen (Japanese:  Hepburn: en, symbol: ¥; code: JPY; also abbreviated as JP¥) is the official currency of Japan. It is the third most traded currency in the foreign exchange market after the United States dollar and the euro.

The earth grave hole/ worm hole MODEL

of data flow  

EinsteinPodolsky–Rosen model

- Wikipedia › wiki
ER = EPR is a MODEL in coffin /death databases .....  physics stating that two entangled particles (a so-called EinsteinPodolsky–Rosen or EPR pair) are connected by a wormhole (or ...
A wormhole (or EinsteinRosen bridge or EinsteinRosen wormhole) is a COMPUTER EARTH software structure
linking disparate points
(a dead body in a coffin as a math point) 
Earth spacetime
(grave hole space) , and is based on a special ...

Bitcoin equation …..   Bit  +  coin …..  orbit coffin – Wikipedia
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency /coffin money 
 and worldwide payment system. 

crypt ...english class 101
an underground room with a atomic human body computer DATABASE
to be harvested for
rocket engineering skills, education, and work experiences that the male person had while physical biology  alive  

or vault beneath a church, used as a chapel or burial 
..atomic electron orbital place.

 It is the first decentralized digital currency, as the system works without a central bank or single administrator. :1 The network is peer-to-peer and transactions take place between users directly, without an intermediary. :4 These transactions are verified by network …
Etymology · ‎History · ‎Design · ‎Economics

Bitcoin (USD) Price, Market Cap, Charts,

Funeral financial systems News of coffin DATABASES  – CoinDesk
The CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index 

The Coin
The Coin
The Coffin ......  CoinDesk

...the year 2022 .....
modern secrets of DEATH and money estates , computer world and 
human family BS song and dance

provides the latest and most accurate bitcoin price using an average from the
 world’s leading DEATH exchanges
that create software to create
 COVID-19 .... 6 million dead .....
and the Ukraine year 2022  war deaths, etc 

Where Will Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, And Other Cryptocurrencies Be ……/where-will-bitcoin-ethereum-ripple-and-other-cryptocurre…
13 hours ago – Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin and other cryptocurrencies have been on a roller coaster lately. Sharp upturns have been followed by sharp downturns, with each upturn and downturn lasting only a few weeks or a few days. Thus far, the cryptocurrency roller coaster has helped speculators who have …

Where Will Bitcoin, Ethereum,

Where Will Bitcoin, Ethereum,

Where Will Bitcoin, Ether  –>

Ether (physics) and secrets of money schemes 

– Knowino
Jan 13, 2011 – The ether (also spelled aether) was a concept in physics made obsolete in 1905 by Einstein’s theory of special relativity. The idea of an ether was introduced into science by Descartes in Principia philosophiae (1644). Until that time, forces between two bodies that are not in direct contact were assumed to …

Ether (physics) – encyclopedia article – Citizendium
Dec 15, 2010 – The ether (also spelled aether) was a concept in physics made obsolete in 1905 by
beef proteins Einstein’s theory of
special protein meat language   relativity

The idea of an ether was introduced into science by Descartes in Principia philosophiae (1644). Until that time, forces between two bodies that are not in direct contact were assumed to …



Crypt     o    currencies

….. the Egyptian BOOK of the DEAD extended

A Grave Interest: Mausoleums, Crypts, and Tombs (Oh My!)
Aug 26, 2011 – crypt is built to hold a casket in a concrete or stone chamber. Many times it is placed beneath the floor, or in the wall, of a church, chapel or cathedral. Crypts were originally located beneath churches as early as 600 A.D. One of the most famous crypts is Old St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. The concrete or .



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