E053 by Herb Zinser
- the Computer Earth INTERNET software .....
ROOT SERVER with the 5 algebra roots/ the 5 zeroes of
Oc On Om Ow OC .......
Wisconsin sin wave ......
message processing continuum
Root Servers - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
of ROOT servers
Why There Are Only 13 DNS Root Name Servers -
The April 15, 2013 battle
Why There Are Only 13 DNS Root Name Servers -
Boston Marathon bombing - Wikipedia
April 15 (Base 16 HEX/curse of computers) , 2013.
August 2020 Midwest derecho ..echo
of Nature's root servers
The August 2020 Midwest derecho was a powerful derecho affecting the Midwestern United States on August 10–11, 2020–predominantly eastern Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana. It caused high winds and spawned an outbreak of weak tornadoes. Some areas reported torrential rain and large hail.[2][7][1]
Damage was moderate to severe across much of the affected area, as sustained wind speeds of 70 miles per hour (110 kilometers per hour; 31 meters per second) were prevalent. The greatest damage occurred in eastern Iowa, and northern Illinois, where multiple tornadoes touched down. The highest winds occurred in Iowa, measured at 126 mph (203 km/h; 56.3 m/s)[II] and highest estimated from post-event damage surveys at 140 mph (225 km/h; 62.6 m/s).[III][2][7]
2 roots of the quadratic equation
of the true nature of the DEATH of
Harry Quadracci of Chenequa ..
2 roots of the quadratic equation
Quadracci death an `accidental drowning'
- Milwaukee ...
Quadracci, 66, Found Dead In Lake -
Printing Impressions and other compnaies .....
creates the death impression software program for human bio-computers
...the algebra roots/ zeroes of Oconomowoc Wisconsin
in the EARTH math WAR region
Information string theory .. applications GROUP 250 ...
data events connected by information pointers, information links, language bridges, and information strings ....
Information fabrics (like a large blanket or bed quilt with patterns) contain event databases (islands of information ....
dates, time, places people involved in a murder or accident).
These individual EVENT databases ...
sometimes ..... are partially connected by
words / concepts/ ideas / pictures / codes / music signals / clothing fashions and patterns / atomic social science codes ....
(thus the information string connection)
to other tragic EVENTS or
signaling EVENT data sets --> forming a BIG PICTURE network view of human existence and human social/economic activities on EARTH ,,,,,
per the Theory of Everything / Grand Unified Theory projects.
Newspapers and magazines report tragic databases and
signaling events (such as political election results) ..they describe the surface veneer facts (date, time, location, people involved, police evidence gathered, etc.).
Some events have deeper CAUSES .... community ERRORS
that force Nature's atomic / molecular social engineering systems
to create a data event ...as a feedback message system.
Edgar Allan Poe and the Poe equation (above) .....
barometric pressure influence on human behavior and feelings - Wikipedia
was an American writer, editor, and literary critic.
Poe is best known for his poetry and short stories,
his tales of barometric mystery and
the macabre atmosphere.
Edgar Allan Poe's ....
atmosphere barometric pressure WAR casualty ......
Death Is Shrouded in Mystery - Curiosity
Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe
Mysterious Death of Edgar Allan Poe
Mysterious Death .... sub-conscious MIND of Poe
--> creates the concept of sub +poe --> subpoena the
FBI for J. Edgar Hoover .....
............. Edgar Allan Poe codes
--> letter 16 of the alphabet = P -->
giving COMPUTER EARTH atmosphere and IBM base 16 hexadecimal P (Processor) ...
gives... Bar.............pro_essor and the social laws of Nature's systems for
manipulate NATURE's system of the Magna Carter (June 15 ,year 1215) --->
called Magna Carta is a charter of rights agreed to by
King John of England at
Runnymede, near Windsor, on 15 June 1215 ......
in the Boston Marathon community ...
their human BS athletic / sport PROTEIN MACHINE scheme of
the Carl Jung collective GROUP MIND of a insect mentality .....
Centipedes are predatory arthropods belonging to the class Chilopoda of the subphylum ... Therefore, no centipede has exactly 100 legs. ... they lack the waxy cuticle of insects and arachnids, therefore causing them to rapidly lose -->
Centipedes are predatory arthropods belonging
to the class Chilopoda
human over-population
violations (CAUSE) --> EFFECT (school shootings and bombings)
One of Kafka's best-known works, The Metamorphosis tells
the story of salesman Gregor Samsa who wakes one morning to
(German ungeheures Ungeziefer, literally "monstrous vermin"),
subsequently struggling to adjust to this new condition. The novella has been widely discussed among literary critics, with differing interpretations being offered.
the Boston Marathon insect race on
April 15, 2013
Franz --> F + ran + z -->
IBM base 16 Hex'F" = April 15
.... people ran in the .... z-axis vertical dimension
of Thomas Robert Malthus ......
human population explosion CREATES
parallel BOSTON bomb explosion
I saw them ...double E agent --> EE --> Edward Edwards
told cops (copper elctri.CITY CITY agents) | Local News | madison.com
electric chair technology and other circuits
Jefferson County Circuit Court
Jefferson County Circuit Court --> electric circuit TRIALS
The 1980 Tim Hack and Kelly Drew murders - Defrosting Cold ...
https://defrostingcoldcases.com/life-sentence-in...Jun 21, 2010 · Edward Edwards, of Louisville, Ky., was arrested after DNA connected him to the unsolved murders of Tim Hack and Kelly Drew,
.......... sin wave cycle ..... wedding reception in August 1980.
Their bodies were found weeks later in the woods.
S Orbital
S Orbital --> algebra subset letters
S O...i... l
Wave Constants and Equations .....
COMPUTER EARTH calculations done by farmers and plowed land .... land plow sin function waves using
Level LAND and the Lev LANDau atomic geo-physics ..
plowed soil waves .... used for calculations
Equations for particles, photons, forces and atoms on this site can be represented as equations using classical constants from modern physics, or new constants that represent wave behavior. On many pages, both formats are shown. In both cases – classical format and wave format – all equations can be reduced to be derived from only five physical constants (excluding mathematical constants). The five wave constants are: wave speed, wavelength, amplitude, density and one variable that is constant to the electron. The five classical constants come from four Planck constants and a constant for the electron, covered in a separate page.This section highlights
new energy wave equations used in the calculations on this site. The benefit of using these wave constants and equations compared to classical constants is that the wave equations can be used to calculate particle energies beyond the electron. The notation, including new constants and variables, and the equations are found below
Energy Wave Equations
Energy experiments in Baton Rouge
The Longitudinal Energy Equation is used to calculate the rest energy of particles. The Transverse Energy Equation is used to calculate the energy of photons. Both are derived from the Energy Wave Equation.
The Longitudinal Energy Equation
The Longitudinal Energy Equation
The Long ........... Energy Equation of Gavin Long ..... data generator
shot six police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana,
in the wake of the shooting of Alton Sterling. Three died and three were ...
(the rest energy of police atomic human body particles)
Alan Sokal Hoax ---> message signaling affair ...
continuation of the TWO CUlture conflict - Wikipedia
The article, "Transgressing the Boundaries: Towards a Transformative Hermeneutics of Quantum Gravity",[3] was published in the Social Text spring/summer 1996 "Science Wars" issue. It proposed that quantum gravity is a social and linguistic construct. At that time, the journal did not practice academic peer review and it did not submit the article for outside expert review by a physicist.[4][5] Three weeks after its publication in May 1996, Sokal revealed in Lingua Franca that the article was a hoax.[2]
The hoax sparked a debate about the scholarly merit of commentary on the physical sciences by those in the humanities; the influence of postmodern philosophy on social disciplines in general; academic ethics, including whether Sokal was wrong to deceive the editors and readers of Social Text; and whether Social Text had exercised appropriate intellectual rigor.
Wisconsin Ave - Oconomowoc WI - MapQuest
Wisconsin Ave - Oconomowoc
Wisconsin Ave - Oconomowoc
.......... sin Ave - O o o o o --> thus
.......... sin Ave - O o o o o --> thus
Zero Crossing Detector Circuit and Its Applications
to the zeroes of --->
Oconomowoc equation with 5 zeroes
Oconomowoc equation
with 5 zeroes signal on BEC
--> BE + C --> BEEF & COW
protein THOUGHT molecule battle
zone over Pabst Farms
Oshkosh, WI -
Oshkosh, Wisconsin Map & Directions - MapQuest
Andrei Sakharov - Wikipedia

Andrei Sakharov - Important Scientists - The Physics of ...
--> soil / earth atomic land VIEW of human society
........... Singularities and Zeros of Oconomowoc and Okauchee
Taliesin | Spring Green | Wright in Wisconsin
Taliesin Preservation (Spring Green) - 2019 All You Need ...
COMPUTER EARTH existential systems
Taliesin (studio --> LUMBER wood stud i/o data exchange) - Wikipedia
Right triangle - Wikipedia
Right Triangles, Hypotenuse, Pythagorean Theorem Examples ...
Frank Lloyd Wright - Wikipedia
Frank Lloyd Wright | Biography, Architecture, & Facts ...
Frank Lloyd Wright - Architecture, Houses & Quotes - Biography
- the Computer Earth INTERNET software
5 algebra roots/ the 5 zeroes of
Oconomowoc Wisconsin
Village of Summit - Encyclopedia of Milwaukee
Village of Summit and the city of
human biology holes --> Oconomowoc
Village of Summit
Village of Su --> earth systems and super-symmetry languages ......
- The SuKHumVit gravity field Road(RD) ......
Bandwidths of gravity grammar interaction
at the Bangkok earth DEMO of existence
--> The Sun-Earth (SE) gravity field and its serious Z-axis gravity thoughts and feelings in South-East(SE) ASIA
...SE(X) math and bio-math regions with
Z-axis vertical standing HOT WOMEN
Village of Summit and the city of
human biology holes --> Oconomowoc
Oconomowoc Holes ..that link to
Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math series information display
Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL
Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL region
to Florida State University and University of Alabama
Math professor Dr. Robert L Plunkett ..theory and the math pleasure applications parallel existence at
Phukett Bangla Road Bangkok Thailand
.... earth geography math region ai
.... earth geography math region ai
What to Expect at
Bangla Road Phuket Patong
May 15, 2019 — Bangla Road is an innocuous quiet street during the daylight hours, but once the sun sets over Patong Bay,
this street transforms itself ...
this street transforms itself ...
What to Expect at
Bangla Road Phuket Patong
May 15, 2019 — Bangla Road is an innocuous quiet street during the daylight hours, but once the sun sets over Patong Bay,
this street transforms itself ...
geo-math and bio-math computer implants into human people bio-computers and the surrounding
atomic geography land surface and vertical buildings within the earth gravity thought field of
SuKHumVit... RD ...graVity social actiVity interface RD Road in the gravity communications bandwidth in Bangkok ,,,,,
with Hot Woman special agents of Nature's systems
Does Sun gravity affect Earth?
As the Sun is very large, it exerts a great gravitational force on Earth. The Sun's gravitational force is like the tetherball rope, in that it constantly pulls Earth toward it. Earth, however, like the tetherball, is traveling forward at a high rate of speed, which balances the gravitational effect.
Feb 24, 2020
this street transforms itself ...
geo-math and bio-math computer implants into human people bio-computers and the surrounding
SuKHumVit... RD ...graVity social actiVity interface RD Road
Feb 24, 2020
Gravitational thoughts and feelings
social force at
Sun --> Su --> SuKHumVit ....
the vitality of HOT WOMEN freelancers
....... a vital additional force behind Earth's orbit around the Sun
What to Expect at
Bandwidth gravity language of
cotton thought molecules in
cotton panty format
Bangla Road Phuket Patong
May 15, 2019 — Bangla Road is an innocuous quiet street during the daylight hours, but once the sun sets over Patong Bay,
this street transforms itself ...using Sun-Earth social engineering systems .....>
mathematical pleasure transforms
Z-axis vertical standing females curves .. women bio-math vertical curves .....
dancing to align their HOT BODIES with the vertical gravity field feelings for females
this street transforms itself ...
mathematical pleasure transforms
dancing to align their HOT BODIES
The gravity field ... computer thought
subroutine LIFE forms like to interact
female soft breast curves of the Far East ....geography region
that are Nature's software communication bridges
The gravity field ... computer thought
subroutine LIFE forms like to interact
female soft buttocks ...
the advanced human bio-computer
IF Then BUT logic ....
a female LOGIG display region to attract math and science students .....
the reward to males for serious thinking about Nature's systems ... is Nature's female sex pleasure systems
Dr. Robert L. Plunkett
Dr. Robert L. Plunkett
Dr. Robert L. Plunkett --> Phuket Road
TUSCALOOSA | Dr. Robert L. Plunkett, 83, longtime Tuscaloosa resident and professor of mathematics at the University of Alabama for 24 years, passed away on October 16, 2005.
Dr. Plunkett was born March 18, 1922, in Lynchburg, Virginia, the son of the late Robert McDearmon Plunkett and the late Jane Warren Lee Plunkett.
He received a B.S. from/sRandolph-Macon College in 1943, an M.S. in Mathematics from the University of Chicago in 1949 and a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Virginia in 1953.
He served in the United States Navy during World War II, achieving the rank of Lieutenant.
During his career, Dr. Plunkett served on the mathematics faculty at Vanderbilt University, Florida State University,
and the
University of Alabama
(Planet Earth/ world ..Earth lab map....)
(language topology word/code letter
.....math series ai LINK to T = Thailand.
He served as Chairman of the Mathematics Department at the University of Alabama from 1966 through 1973. He also worked as a consultant for and on the staff of Northrop Space Laboratories from 1964 through 1967.
TUSCALOOSA | Dr. Robert L. Plunkett, 83, longtime Tuscaloosa resident and professor of mathematics at the University of Alabama for 24 years, passed away on October 16, 2005.
Dr. Plunkett was born March 18, 1922, in Lynchburg, Virginia, the son of the late Robert McDearmon Plunkett and the late Jane Warren Lee Plunkett.
He received a B.S. from/sRandolph-Macon College in 1943, an M.S. in Mathematics from the University of Chicago in 1949 and a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Virginia in 1953.
He served in the United States Navy during World War II, achieving the rank of Lieutenant.
During his career, Dr. Plunkett served on the mathematics faculty at Vanderbilt University, Florida State University,
and the
University of Alabama
(Planet Earth/ world ..Earth lab map....)
(language topology word/code letter
.....math series ai LINK to T = Thailand.
He served as Chairman of the Mathematics Department at the University of Alabama from 1966 through 1973. He also worked as a consultant for and on the staff of Northrop Space Laboratories from 1964 through 1967.
Robert Lee Plunkett
Robert Lee Plunkett
Robert Lee Plunkett
Robert Leadership Plunkett --> Phuket's information display existence
Robert Plunkett - The Mathematics Genealogy Project
https://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu › ...Ph.D. University of Virginia 1953 UnitedStates. Dissertation: Representatives of Homotopy Classes of Mappings into Spheres.
Representatives of Homotopy Classes of Mappings into Spheres. Representatives of Homotopy Classes of Mappings into Spheres.
Robert Plunkett
Representatives at Phuket Road ......
Classes of piece of ass .....
Planet Earth sphere .... society language Mappings into secret Bandwidth party/fun Spheres ..
nuero-science brain waves languages,
body languages, etc
elite, special male penis spheres and their
their special entitlement to money/dollars and females ... easy juicy pussy pleasure .
Advanced information highways
Classes of piece of ass .....
Planet Earth sphere .... society language Mappings into secret Bandwidth party/fun Spheres ..
nuero-science brain waves languages,
body languages, etc
elite, special male penis spheres and their
their special entitlement to money/dollars and females ... easy juicy pussy pleasure .
History - FSU Math - Florida State University
https://www.math.fsu.edu › News › Math_Newslet...PDFAnalyst Jim Snover, for many years the coordinator of basic mathematics courses, and topologist Bob Plunkett, who came in 1954 and remained for more than a.
History - FSU Math
History - FSU Math
History - Females of SuKHumVit Road Math
Sukhumvit Road - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Sukhumvit_RoadSukhumvit Road or Highway 3 is a major road in Thailand, and a major surface road of Bangkok and other cities. It follows a coastal route from Bangkok to ...
Bangla Road Phuket Patong
May 15, 2019 — Bangla Road is an innocuous quiet street during the daylight hours, but once the sun sets over Patong Bay,
this street transforms itself ...using Sun-Earth social engineering systems .....>
mathematical pleasure transforms
this street transforms itself ...
mathematical pleasure transforms
Earth math expression Location / place
(name ....proper noun --> Phuket)
for Laplace ...... the place for male penis erections
An Interactive Guide To The Fourier Transform - BetterExplained
https://betterexplained.com › articles › an-interactive-gu...
The Fourier transform of a function is a complex-valued function representing the complex sinusoids that constitute the original function. For each frequency, the magnitude (absolute value) of the complex value represents the amplitude of a constituent complex sinusoid with that frequency, and the argument of the complex value represents that complex sinusoid's phase offset. If a frequency is not present, the transform has a value of 0 for that frequency. The Fourier transform is not limited to functions of time, but the domain of the original function is commonly referred to as the time domain. The Fourier inversion theorem provides an inverse Fourier transform that synthesizes the original function from its frequency domain representation.
Fourier transform of the four (4) dimensions of earth surface space time activity (3-dimension of physical space such as streets, nightclubs, and the calculus(t) of female bio-math molecules
in the HOT WOman phase 2 of existential expression on the earth geography information display surface
Females create male math display tools ........
the code path of .....
the geography location ...
city/town place with Laplace extended place --> bed room Fourier sin waves
--> Z-transform (with the z-axis vertical male math tool)
Z-transform calculator - Wolfram|Alpha
https://www.wolframalpha.com › input › i=Z-transform...Z-transform calculator.
ancient bio-math Natural Language;
Math Input ...Nature ancient systems. Math Input.Math Input.male Math Input tool into female bio-math device .....to create bed oscillations ...... oscillations as a bio-computer calculator.
Use Math Input Mode to directly enter textbook math notation. Try it.
ancient bio-math Natural Language;
Math Input ...Nature ancient systems.
Z-Transforms (ZT) - Tutorialspoint
The Sun-Earth language systems of the Planet Earth sphere
...with the human subset languages of math, physics, chemistry molecules, and the atomic English language of proper nouns. names, etc ............... a SYMBOL & CONCEPT language MACHINE .... an information blanket that cover the earth geography land of human social science, economic, with
love and romance activity.
The Tom M. Apostol calculus map of the earth geo-math bio-math human .... math Sex activity surface with FSU & University of Alabama ... math professor ...
Dr. Robert L Plunkett ..theory and the math pleasure applications parallel existence at
Phukett Bangla Road Bangkok Thailand
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