Monday, May 2, 2022

E025 - Complex functions ..... Earth government ... MATH department and Jules V-section Verne with GH Hardy VS the India sub-continent DATA CENTER accessing the CENTER of Earth atomic iron/nickel core VIA Srinivasa Ramanujan FRS


E025 by Herb Zinser

E025 -
Complex functions .....
Earth government ... MATH department  

with  Jules V-section Verne
and  GH Hardy

and Va-interaction of Laura & Enrico Fermi

the India sub-continent  DATA CENTER accessing the
CENTER of Earth atomic iron/nickel core


SriniVasa Ramanujan FRS

Complex functions .....
Earth government systems .... 
MATH government ....  ownership of real estate

apartment building (ab)   complexes and
office accounting building (ab)  complexes 

Complex functions ..... with Leonhard Euler 
Computer Earth government ...

with Dr. Hamilton

(linear algebra/matrices and
computer hardware/software and
software thought system links)
University of Illinois
Chicago Circle campus 1970 1974
Computer Science & MATH department  

Tallin  estonia -->
atomic Earth stone/rock
geological layer interface with
Nikola Tesla MODEL of Nature's communication lines ......

A vibration sent through the earth
returns an “echo sig
using the same …

Nikola Tesla and 

Srinivasa Ramanujan ... 2 views and explanations of 
the same EARTH existence structure

Ramanujan prime - Wikipedia › wiki › Ramanujan_prime
In mathematics, a Ramanujan prime is a prime number that satisfies a result proven by
SRiniVasa Ramanujan relating to the prime-counting function. 

SRiniVasa ...... code name letters
SR....  asa
SR ...system region  V-section asia  ....
continent and solid land ...underground

Tallin  estonia -->
atomic Earth stone/rock
geological layer interface with

TO asia --> InDia (inner Earth
atomic iron/nickel center core) 
...Data Center

Tallin  estonia -->
atomic Earth stone/rock
geological layer interface with

TO asia --> InDia (inner Earth
atomic iron/nickel center core) 
...Data Center

the  Calcutta 
...... Calcu --> Calculus..

ertical line /information path /route 

inner geology hardware/software....

V-earth vertical line to the earth geography surface at
Laplace function place /location ...

...inner earth .....Data Center

the  Calcutta Calculus 

ertical line /information path /route 

from the earth core to 
the earth geography surface at

Ramanujan Partition theory - MathOverflow › questions › 12th-grade-rama...
Jan 11, 2017 — I've been really trying to prove Ramanujan Partition theory, and different sources give me different explanations.
2 answers  ·  3 votes: There is a proof in Ramanujan: Twelve Lectures by Hardy.

Partition function (number theory) - Wikipedia › wiki › Partition_function_(nu...
SriniVasa Ramanujan
 first discovered that the earth V-partition function has nontrivial patterns in modular arithmetic, now known as

  1. 1.
    in agreement or harmony.
    "the rules may not be congruent with the requirements of the law"
  2. 2.
    (of figures) identical in form;
    coinciding exactly when superimposed.

Ramanujan's congruences.
Ramanujan's congruences.
Ramanujan's computer earth parallel structures and configurations / earth electron circuit congruences.

Ramanujan Partition theory

Earth language and code names .. proper nouns as
as alphabet navigation tools and information pointers ....

Earth Ground wave mechanics / oscillations of OSLO

.............Godfrey frequency  

..... Leonhard hardware E = Earth Euler Harold Hardy
  Hardware FRS[1] (7 February 1877 – 1 December 1947)[2] was an English mathematician, known for his achievements in number theory and mathematical analysis.[3][4] In biology, he is known for the Hardy–Weinberg principle, a basic principle of population genetics.

G. H. Hardy is usually known by those outside the field of mathematics for his 1940 essay A Mathematician's Apology, often considered one of the best insights into the mind of a working mathematician written for the layperson

The Hardy-Ramanujan Asymptotic Partition Formula › TotDPartitions
Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887–. 1920) had already made deep discoveries about the partition function when he was himself. 'discovered' by G.H. Hardy in. 1913. Five ...

The Hardy-Ramanujan Asymptotic
Partition Formula

the Hardy alive
...AF --> AFternoon tea /teacher with
Oxygen atomic mass 16 .... base 16

IBM base 16 Hex'af'' = 175 afternoon  .....ALIVE

the Hardy departure to the English
IBM base 16 Hex'af'' = 175 afterlife  ......DEAD

thus his
Erwin Schrodinger wave mechanics
...atomic biology phase changes from

Is Erwin Schrödinger's (Esc = escape key)
Cat Dead Or Alive? - Science ABC

Jan 4, 2022 — A cat cannot be both alive and dead. A cat must be one of the other. Thus, Schrödinger, with this thought experiment, raised the paradox 

Godfrey Harold Hardy FRS[1] (7 February 1877 –
1 December 1947 ......
 his 1947
existential partition)

was an English mathematician, known for his achievements in number theory and mathematical analysis.[3][4] In biology, he is known for the Hardy–Weinberg principle,

The Hardy-Ramanujan Partition Formula ...

Hardy alive --> Physical Biology alive and
atoms alive.....
electron orbital receiving INPUT information data bits 
from his active serious  thoughts, consciousness and
intellectual analysis of serious issues 

Hardy Dead .... departure to the English
IBM base 16 Hex'af'' = 175 afterlife  ......DEAD

Physical Biology DEAD and
atoms continue to be alive in his coffin.....

electron orbitals NO LONGER receiving active 
INPUT information data bits  .....
have reached their maximum database state and
go into
passive (no more INPUT) phase ......

then Nature's systems ....
the atomic existential continuum ...with 

atoms continue to be alive in his coffin.....the electron orbital DATABASE send data bits into the
atomic underground geological message systems ...
known as
BOOK of the DEAD financial systems.... code words....
bital coffin --> Bit coffin --> BitCoin data cycles and money 

Tax Reform Act of 1986 -

The Hidden Reality: Parallel language and exprssion Universes
and the Deep Laws of graves
... atomic coffin databases ... › Hidden-Reality-Parallel-Uni...
From string theory to quantum mechanics, Brain Greene describes the green money/bitCoin .....
mathematical rigors and intuitive insight into the
big bang (set-up and design of the Boston Bombing in April 15, 2013)  and parallel music and language worlds and
 universes of BS (atomic social science Bull-stories)
, .

Tax Reform Act of 1986 -

parallel language software

Taxidermist  Reform Act of 1986 › taxation › tax-reform-...
Jun 8, 2018 — Before 1986 wealthy individuals could use passive income losses from a real estate tax shelter to
offset blood bio-computer  
active income received via the earth magnetic field ....
magnetic information  flow line  interaction with blood iron atoms 
1986 act limited the
86 = 43 + 43 DNA software schemes of universities and government agencies...code 43


The Partition Function Revisited - Department of Mathematics ... › ~murty › partition
by MR MurtyCited by 1 — deduce the Hardy-Ramanujan formula using basic theory of Fourier ... In their proof, they discovered a new method called the Chicago circle campus .....
circle method which made.
19 pages

The Partition Function Revisited

 The Partition Function Revisited with
atomic silver 47 electrons

The partition to create a geography shape LIKE at fork ... geography math message

Uri Geller Museum confirms
math/ geography theory of existence of EARTH:
Mind, life, legacy of
IBM base 2 and base 26  Israel's most ... › Israel News › Israel Culture
Oct 23, 2021 — This piece, titled the Geller Effect, consists of around 2,000 spoons ... 2000 year ..
human activity  data spool,

Houston Automatic Spooling Priority
(HASP) - Wikipedia › wiki › Houston_Automatic_S...
The Houston Automatic Spooling Priority Program, commonly known as HASP, is an extension of the IBM OS/360 operating system and its successors providing ...

the 1947 partition message Silver Ag-47 electrons
sterling silver tuning  forks
and other cutlery affixed meticulously all over the car,
some of ...

Sterling Hall bombing and
rigged trial DATA VOIDs 

The Sterling Hall bombing occurred on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on August 24, 1970, and was committed by four men as an action against the university's research connections with the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. It resulted in the death of a university physics researcher and injuries to three others. 

The Partition Function....
 Military Function Revisited - Department of Mathematics ...

Hardy-Ramanujan  subroutine programs implanted into programmable ....
male human bio-computers .....
to become human action figures
 (programmed to plant bombs)

August 24, 1970, was intended to destroy the Army Mathematics BS Research Center (AMRC) 

19 pages

Hardy-Ramanujan formula using basic theory of Fourier ... Wisconsin wave region


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