E042 by Herb Zinser
- The SuKHumVit gravity field Road(RD) ......
Bandwidths of gravity grammar interaction
at the Bangkok earth DEMO of existence
--> The Sun-Earth (SE) gravity field and its serious Z-axis gravity thoughts and feelings in South-East(SE) ASIA
...SE(X) math and bio-math regions with
Z-axis vertical standing HOT WOMEN
Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math series information display
Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL
Thailand as a geo-math and bio-math PARALLEL region
to Florida State University and University of Alabama
Math professor Dr. Robert L Plunkett ..theory and the math pleasure applications parallel existence at
Phukett Bangla Road Bangkok Thailand
.... earth geography math region ai
.... earth geography math region ai
What to Expect at
Bangla Road Phuket Patong
May 15, 2019 — Bangla Road is an innocuous quiet street during the daylight hours, but once the sun sets over Patong Bay,
this street transforms itself ...
this street transforms itself ...
What to Expect at
Bangla Road Phuket Patong
May 15, 2019 — Bangla Road is an innocuous quiet street during the daylight hours, but once the sun sets over Patong Bay,
this street transforms itself ...
geo-math and bio-math computer implants into human people bio-computers and the surrounding
atomic geography land surface and vertical buildings within the earth gravity thought field of
SuKHumVit... RD ...graVity social actiVity interface RD Road in the gravity communications bandwidth in Bangkok ,,,,,
with Hot Woman special agents of Nature's systems
Does Sun gravity affect Earth?
As the Sun is very large, it exerts a great gravitational force on Earth.
The Sun's gravitational force is like the tetherball rope, in that it
constantly pulls Earth toward it. Earth, however, like the tetherball,
is traveling forward at a high rate of speed, which balances the
gravitational effect.
Feb 24, 2020
this street transforms itself ...
geo-math and bio-math computer implants into human people bio-computers and the surrounding
SuKHumVit... RD ...graVity social actiVity interface RD Road
Feb 24, 2020
Gravitational thoughts and feelings
social force at
Sun --> Su --> SuKHumVit ....
the vitality of HOT WOMEN freelancers
....... a vital additional force behind Earth's orbit around the Sun
What to Expect at
Bandwidth gravity language of
cotton thought molecules in
cotton panty format
Bangla Road Phuket Patong
May 15, 2019 — Bangla Road is an innocuous quiet street during the daylight hours, but once the sun sets over Patong Bay,
this street transforms itself ...using Sun-Earth social engineering systems .....>
mathematical pleasure transforms
Z-axis vertical standing females curves .. women bio-math vertical curves .....
dancing to align their HOT BODIES with the vertical gravity field feelings for females
this street transforms itself ...
mathematical pleasure transforms
dancing to align their HOT BODIES
The gravity field ... computer thought
subroutine LIFE forms like to interact
female soft breast curves of the Far East ....geography region
that are Nature's software communication bridges
The gravity field ... computer thought
subroutine LIFE forms like to interact
female soft buttocks ...
the advanced human bio-computer
IF Then BUT logic ....
a female LOGIG display region to attract math and science students .....
the reward to males for serious thinking about Nature's systems ... is Nature's female sex pleasure systems
Dr. Robert L. Plunkett
Dr. Robert L. Plunkett
Dr. Robert L. Plunkett --> Phuket Road
TUSCALOOSA | Dr. Robert L. Plunkett, 83, longtime Tuscaloosa resident and professor of mathematics at the University of Alabama for 24 years, passed away on October 16, 2005.
Dr. Plunkett was born March 18, 1922, in Lynchburg, Virginia, the son of the late Robert McDearmon Plunkett and the late Jane Warren Lee Plunkett.
He received a B.S. from/sRandolph-Macon College in 1943, an M.S. in Mathematics from the University of Chicago in 1949 and a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Virginia in 1953.
He served in the United States Navy during World War II, achieving the rank of Lieutenant.
During his career, Dr. Plunkett served on the mathematics faculty at Vanderbilt University, Florida State University,
and the
University of Alabama
(Planet Earth/ world ..Earth lab map....)
(language topology word/code letter
.....math series ai LINK to T = Thailand.
He served as Chairman of the Mathematics Department at the University of Alabama from 1966 through 1973. He also worked as a consultant for and on the staff of Northrop Space Laboratories from 1964 through 1967.
TUSCALOOSA | Dr. Robert L. Plunkett, 83, longtime Tuscaloosa resident and professor of mathematics at the University of Alabama for 24 years, passed away on October 16, 2005.
Dr. Plunkett was born March 18, 1922, in Lynchburg, Virginia, the son of the late Robert McDearmon Plunkett and the late Jane Warren Lee Plunkett.
He received a B.S. from/sRandolph-Macon College in 1943, an M.S. in Mathematics from the University of Chicago in 1949 and a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Virginia in 1953.
He served in the United States Navy during World War II, achieving the rank of Lieutenant.
During his career, Dr. Plunkett served on the mathematics faculty at Vanderbilt University, Florida State University,
and the
University of Alabama
(Planet Earth/ world ..Earth lab map....)
(language topology word/code letter
.....math series ai LINK to T = Thailand.
He served as Chairman of the Mathematics Department at the University of Alabama from 1966 through 1973. He also worked as a consultant for and on the staff of Northrop Space Laboratories from 1964 through 1967.
Robert Lee Plunkett
Robert Lee Plunkett
Robert Lee Plunkett
Robert Leadership Plunkett --> Phuket's information display existence
Robert Plunkett - The Mathematics Genealogy Project
https://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu › ...Ph.D. University of Virginia 1953 UnitedStates. Dissertation: Representatives of Homotopy Classes of Mappings into Spheres.
Representatives of Homotopy Classes of Mappings into Spheres. Representatives of Homotopy Classes of Mappings into Spheres.
Robert Plunkett
Representatives at Phuket Road ......
Classes of piece of ass .....
Planet Earth sphere .... society language Mappings into secret Bandwidth party/fun Spheres ..
nuero-science brain waves languages,
body languages, etc
elite, special male penis spheres and their
their special entitlement to money/dollars and females ... easy juicy pussy pleasure .
Advanced information highways
Classes of piece of ass .....
Planet Earth sphere .... society language Mappings into secret Bandwidth party/fun Spheres ..
nuero-science brain waves languages,
body languages, etc
elite, special male penis spheres and their
their special entitlement to money/dollars and females ... easy juicy pussy pleasure .
History - FSU Math - Florida State University
https://www.math.fsu.edu › News › Math_Newslet...PDFAnalyst Jim Snover, for many years the coordinator of basic mathematics courses, and topologist Bob Plunkett, who came in 1954 and remained for more than a.
History - FSU Math
History - FSU Math
History - Females of SuKHumVit Road Math
Sukhumvit Road - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Sukhumvit_RoadSukhumvit Road or Highway 3 is a major road in Thailand, and a major surface road of Bangkok and other cities. It follows a coastal route from Bangkok to ...
Bangla Road Phuket Patong
May 15, 2019 — Bangla Road is an innocuous quiet street during the daylight hours, but once the sun sets over Patong Bay,
this street transforms itself ...using Sun-Earth social engineering systems .....>
mathematical pleasure transforms
this street transforms itself ...
mathematical pleasure transforms
Earth math expression Location / place
(name ....proper noun --> Phuket)
for Laplace ...... the place for male penis erections
An Interactive Guide To The Fourier Transform - BetterExplained
https://betterexplained.com › articles › an-interactive-gu...
The Fourier transform of a function is a complex-valued function representing the complex sinusoids that constitute the original function. For each frequency, the magnitude (absolute value) of the complex value represents the amplitude of a constituent complex sinusoid with that frequency, and the argument of the complex value represents that complex sinusoid's phase offset. If a frequency is not present, the transform has a value of 0 for that frequency. The Fourier transform is not limited to functions of time, but the domain of the original function is commonly referred to as the time domain. The Fourier inversion theorem provides an inverse Fourier transform that synthesizes the original function from its frequency domain representation.
Fourier transform of the four (4) dimensions of earth surface space time activity (3-dimension of physical space such as streets, nightclubs, and the calculus(t) of female bio-math molecules
in the HOT WOman phase 2 of existential expression on the earth geography information display surface
Females create male math display tools ........
the code path of .....
the geography location ...
city/town place with Laplace extended place --> bed room Fourier sin waves
--> Z-transform (with the z-axis vertical male math tool)
Z-transform calculator - Wolfram|Alpha
https://www.wolframalpha.com › input › i=Z-transform...Z-transform calculator.
ancient bio-math Natural Language;
Math Input ...Nature ancient systems. Math Input.Math Input.male Math Input tool into female bio-math device .....to create bed oscillations ...... oscillations as a bio-computer calculator.
Use Math Input Mode to directly enter textbook math notation. Try it.
ancient bio-math Natural Language;
Math Input ...Nature ancient systems.
Z-Transforms (ZT) - Tutorialspoint
The Sun-Earth language systems of the Planet Earth sphere
...with the human subset languages of math, physics, chemistry molecules, and the atomic English language of proper nouns. names, etc ............... a SYMBOL & CONCEPT language MACHINE .... an information blanket that cover the earth geography land of human social science, economic, with
love and romance activity.
The Tom M. Apostol calculus map of the earth geo-math bio-math human .... math Sex activity surface with FSU & University of Alabama ... math professor ...
Dr. Robert L Plunkett ..theory and the math pleasure applications parallel existence at
Phukett Bangla Road Bangkok Thailand
Sukhumvit Road - Wikipedia
the Solar System system 360 geometry circle Project Plan
of the SUN sunlight/electro-magnetic field and gravity field
Introduction to CICS - IBM
with Batch and on-line COBOL and
Basic Assembler languages
Sukhumvit Road
Sukhumvit Road
Sukhumvit Road
Sukhumvit Road
Sukhumvit Road VIA Angor Wat to West Road farm of Z at Watertown Wisconsin
upscale shopping in Bangkok.
The Western-style, air-conditioned shopping malls and department stores are full of all the latest clothing and accessories from the biggest brands, and they are never located too far from a
Skytrain military station.
Earth sKy systems by Herb Zinser ......
Earth sky skymrion systems attack the
UKraine city of Ky = Kyiv ...... Ky harmonic oscillator
Skyrmions LINK to earth surface
Thailand Skytrain military station.
– A Theory of Nuclei - World Scientific
Ky simple harmonic oscillator and Nature's systems
oxygen atomic camera and its Google & INTERNET
Super-symmetry ........
SuKHumvit Road(RD) .... the dynamic video
geography & gravity ........
g-communications Bandwidths emitting
from Bang ...g --> BangKOK Thailand
and its
ai math series / sequences of female HOT WOMEN pleasure activity
human molecular biology cameras for x-rated INTERNET molecule movies,
atomic marble data processing , etc
E006 - Earth sKy systems ......
Sun & Earth sky & Earth geography surface languages
and human representatives ,,,,,, code names
Skyrmions – A Theory of Nuclei
Skyrmions – A Theory of Nuclei
Skyrmions – A Theory of FermiLAB atomic room Nuclei
as atomic eyes that see the human EARTH LAB specimens within .... agent code...Nuclei Sky
--> High office of Fermilab administrative life forms
the high office of Ionsphere F E D communication interface layers with EARTH surface
EM-FIELD entities named well-FED .... EMployees
agent code...Nuclei Sky -->
proper noun identifier display -->
Nigel Stuart Lockyer
a hat over LOCKYR skull O....
with parallel antenna
..... ear location symbols.....
both sides of his skull LOCK
sky (data rooms) in the i/o region of the ionsphere ......
IBM data bit stream
Skyrmions and life forms at
Batavia Chicago region – A Theory of Nuclei surveys 60 years of research into the brilliant and imaginative idea of Tony Skyrme that atomic nuclei can be modelled as Skyrmions, topologically stable states in an effective quantum field theory of pions. Skyrme theory emerges as a low-energy approximation to the more fundamental theory of quarks and gluons – quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Skyrmions give spatial structure to the protons and neutrons inside nuclei, and capture the interactions of these basic particles, allowing them to partially merge. Skyrme theory also gives a topological explanation for the conservation of baryon number, a fundamental principle of physics.
Professor Nicholas Stephen Manton - Department of Applied ...
of theoretical and mathematical ... These solitons are called Skyrmions, and they have very interesting ...
of theoretical and ...Mesabi atomic iron ore land and the Fe = ferrous iron atom applications ...such as atomic blood iron and
iron office building names as
Fe = Fermilab and females
of theoretical and and lan (up code d)
Wilson Hall - Fermilab | History and Archives | Art and ...
The book summarises the particle and field theory background, then presents Skyrme field theory together with the mathematics needed to understand it.
Many beautiful and surprisingly symmetric Skyrmions are described and illustrated in colour.
Quantized Skyrmion motion models the momentum, energy and spin of nuclei, and also their isospin, the quantum number distinguishing protons and neutrons.
Skyrmion vibrations also need to be quantized,
and the book reviews how the complicated energy spectra of several nuclei, including Carbon-12 and Oxygen-16, are accurately modelled by rotational/vibrational states of Skyrmions. A later chapter explores variants of Skyrme theory, incorporating mesons heavier than pions, and extending the basic theory to include particles like kaons that contain strange quarks. The final chapter introduces the Sakai–Sugimoto model, which relates Skyrmions to gauge theory instantons in a higher-dimensional framework inspired by string theory.
Skyrmions – A Theory of Nuclei - World Scientific
Ky simple harmonic oscillator and Nature's system
Skyrmions – A Theory of secret name equations of
FermiLAB atomic Nuclei in
atomic English language human life format ...
at FermiLAB ....
theoretical existential physicist explain harmonic oscillator LAB) .....
Louis de Broglie Duality (2 = two)| Biography, Atomic Theory, Discovery ...

NASA gravity grocery stores in Arizona
with agent G
- World Scientific
Monica Lewinsky
Monica Lewinsky
Monica sky Lewinsky
harMonica sky Lewinsky
harMonica sky Lewinsky
harMonica sky Lewinsky
harMonica sky Lewinsky
harMonica sky Lewinsky
harMonica sky Lewinsky
harMonica sky Lewinsky .....
Bangkok/Sukhumvit - Wikitravel
Angkor Wat - Wikipedia
Angkor Wat (/ˌæŋkɔːr ˈwɒt/; Khmer: អង្គរវត្ត, "City/Capital of Temples") is a temple complex in Cambodia and is the largest religious monument in the world,[1] on a site measuring 162.6 hectares (1,626,000 m2; 402 acres).[2]
KHmer + Z-axis vertical standing wave .......
male human standing/ walking/
or KH (K = potassium atom atomic number 19 ...
the 19 bio-electron of an
earth electron age 19 female teenage (bio-Double e ...electrical engineering) .......
& Hydrogen life form of a H2O age 18 water molecule life form
... female teenager dancing and later her wet lips
and the French kiss)
female human dancing .....
dancing KH molecule life Z-axis vertical standing ..dancing ....
generates a KHZ body bio-radio KHZ signal and
transmits HOT WOMAN messages ......
Thus gravity interacts with atomic iron/ ferrous oxide atom
.... Iron 54 with 28 neutrons of female iron liFe
and the 26 atomic English alphabet letters of
26 proton and 26 electrons
Thus we have the human female gravity field interceptors ......
Female vertical dancer align their Bodies to gravity field languages
that gravity attaches to her blood atomic iron mass ....
the gravity thought field navigation SUBROUTINES
recognize the physical geometry difference
between Mr. male arrogant idiot of flat surfaces that talks and writes dribble for Science magazines and
television science shows and Star Trek scams .....
the gravity thought field navigation SUBROUTINES
PGM = SRP ..........
Gravity field sensing Program = Signal Recognition Particle
the physical geometry difference
of Fe - ferrous oxide interaction fe = females
that gravity attaches to her chests as
...her IBM base 2 binary ........
bio-computer breast as data set containers .....
and her blood atomic iron-54 mass ....
of a female Life of ferrous iron atom
its 26 alphabet letters in the format of a
her buttocks mathematical-physics curve
.... as delicious ..living information expression device ....
piece of ass that has atomic bio-physics mass
.... as delicious
.... as delicious
.... as Nature's delicious information displays by females
to develop
parts of the Signal Freud frequency/brain wave ...
male consciousness .......
and the BRAIN of this ....male author of this blog post
would like hands-on biology
..... empirical data gathering LAB experiences with such
EARTH LAB female specimens
Above, notice her vertical hair waves ,.....signal
.... as delicious
.... as delicious
.... as Nature's delicious information displays by females
to develop
parts of the Signal Freud frequency/brain wave ...
male consciousness .......
and the BRAIN of this ....male author of this blog post
would like hands-on biology
..... empirical data gathering LAB experiences with such
EARTH LAB female specimens
Above, notice her vertical hair waves ,.....signal LINK to the
Singer sin wave Building .....
data flow transformer
the earth land and its Singer horizontal DATABASE .....
of Singer/oscillating wave ...... Singer sewing machines across
the United States of North America geography land .....
as a horizontal platform of existence that humans and equipment exists upon - Wikipedia
The Singer Building (also known as the Singer Tower)[a] was an office building and early skyscraper in Manhattan, New York City. The headquarters of the Singer Manufacturing Company, it was at the northwestern corner of Liberty Street and Broadway in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan. Frederick Gilbert Bourne, leader of the Singer Company, commissioned the building, which architect Ernest Flagg designed in multiple phases from 1897 to 1908. The building's architecture contained elements of the Beaux-Arts and French Second Empire styles.
The building was composed of four distinct sections. The original 10-story Singer Building at 149 Broadway was erected between 1897 and 1898, and the adjoining 14-story Bourne Building on Liberty Street was built from 1898 to 1899. In the first decade of the 20th century, the two buildings were expanded to form the 14-story base of the Singer Tower, which rose another 27 stories. The facade was made of brick, stone, and terracotta. A dome with a lantern capped the tower. The foundation of the tower was excavated using caissons; the building's base rested on shallower foundations. The Singer Building used a steel skeleton, though load-bearing walls initially supported the original structure before modification. When completed, the 41-story building had a marble-clad entrance lobby, 16 elevators, 410,000 square feet (38,000 m2) of office space, and an observation deck.
With a roof height of 612 feet (187 m), the Singer Tower was the tallest building in the world from 1908 to 1909, when it was surpassed by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower. The base occupied the building's entire land lot;
the tower's floors took up just one-sixth of that area. Despite being
regarded as a city icon, the Singer Building was razed between 1967 and
1969 to make way for One Liberty Plaza, which had several times more office space than the Singer Tower. At the time of its destruction, the Singer Building was the tallest building ever to be demolished
EARTH SYSTEMS revenge on September 11, 2001
the tallest building ever to be demolished
by Nature's
earth language and military systems
The newspaper lies and BS explanation
..... violation of the English language word of Honor and Accuracy nations
Originally constructed as a Hindu temple[1] dedicated to the god Vishnu for the Khmer Empire, it was gradually transformed into a Buddhist temple towards the end of the 12th century as such it is also described as a "Hindu-Buddhist" temple.[3][4]
Thus we have the human female gravity field interceptors ......
Female vertical dancer align their Bodies to gravity field languages
that gravity attaches to her blood atomic iron mass ....
the gravity thought field navigation SUBROUTINES
recognize the physical geometry difference
between Mr. male arrogant idiot of flat surfaces that talks and writes dribble for Science magazines and
television science shows and Star Trek scams .....
the gravity thought field navigation SUBROUTINES
PGM = SRP ..........
Gravity field sensing Program = Signal Recognition Particle
the physical geometry difference
of Fe - ferrous oxide interaction fe = females
Thus the Vertical gravity females
and their dancing KH + Z-axis
(Potassium and Hydrogen dancing atoms and molecules in a biology container)
generate a KHZ horizontal and vertical
(sky ionosphere radio FED government ROOMS
and radio wave F E D reflection layer) bio- radio
Thus Thus Thus Thus
SuKHumVit... RD ...graVity social actiVity interface RD Road in the gravity communications bandwidth in Bangkok ,,,,,
(Potassium and Hydrogen dancing atoms and molecules in a biology container)
generate a KHZ horizontal and vertical
(sky ionosphere radio FED government ROOMS
and radio wave F E D reflection layer) bio- radio
What to Expect at
Bandwidth gravity language of
cotton thought molecules in
cotton panty format
Bangla Road Phuket Patong
May 15, 2019 — Bangla Road is an innocuous quiet street during the daylight hours, but once the sun sets over Patong Bay,
this street transforms itself ...using Sun-Earth social engineering systems .....>
mathematical pleasure transforms
Z-axis vertical standing females curves .. women bio-math vertical curves .....
dancing to align their HOT BODIES with the vertical gravity field feelings for females
this street transforms itself ...
mathematical pleasure transforms
dancing to align their HOT BODIES
The gravity field ... computer thought
subroutine LIFE forms like to interact
female soft breast curves of the Far East ....geography region
that are Nature's software communication bridges
The gravity field ... computer thought
subroutine LIFE forms like to interact
female soft buttocks ...
the advanced human bio-computer
IF Then BUT logic ....
a female LOGIG display region to attract math and science students .....
the reward to males for serious thinking about Nature's systems ... is Nature's female sex pleasure systems
Angkor Wat (water thought and emotion molecules of H2O -
... and the water molecule continuum of expression
...... H2O need 2 wet Holes of Hot Woman ....
thus the water molecule construction
message of year 1972 .....
water President Nixon ..
watergate DATA generating EVENT
females with 2 wet lips/ 2 wet biology gates
Angkor Wat (/ˌæŋkɔːr ˈwɒt/; Khmer: អង្គរវត្ត, "City/Capital of Temples") is a temple complex in Cambodia and is the largest religious monument in the world,[1] on a site measuring 162.6 hectares (1,626,000 m2; 402 acres).[2]
KHmer + Z-axis vertical standing wave .......
male human standing/ walking/
or KH (K = potassium atom atomic number 19 ...
the 19 bio-electron of an
earth electron age 19 female teenage (bio-Double e ...electrical engineering) .......
& Hydrogen life form of a H2O age 18 water molecule life form
... female teenager dancing
Dr. Robert L. Plunkett
Dr. Robert L. Plunkett
Dr. Robert L. Plunkett --> Phuket Road
It was built by the Khmer King Suryavarman II[5] in the early 12th century in Yaśodharapura (Khmer: យសោធរបុរៈ, present-day Angkor), the capital of the Khmer Empire, as his state temple and eventual mausoleum. Breaking from the Shaiva tradition of previous kings, Angkor Wat was instead dedicated to Vishnu. As the best-preserved temple at the site, it is the only one to have remained a significant religious centre since its foundation. The temple is at the top of the high classical style of Khmer architecture. It has become a symbol of Cambodia,[6] appearing on its national flag, and it is the country's prime attraction for visitors.[7]
Angkor Wat combines two basic plans of Khmer temple architecture: the temple-mountain and the later galleried temple. It is designed to represent Mount Meru, home of the devas in Hindu mythology: within a moat more than 5 kilometres (3 mi) long[8] and an outer wall 3.6 kilometres (2.2 mi) long are three rectangular galleries, each raised above the next. At the centre of the temple stands a quincunx of towers. Unlike most Angkorian temples, Angkor Wat is oriented to the west; scholars are divided as to the significance of this. The temple is admired for the grandeur and harmony of the architecture, its extensive bas-reliefs, and for the numerous devatas adorning its walls.
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