E051 by Herb Zinser
VinCent van Gogh French soil frequency and
Mr. GWilyn M Jenkins and Donald G Watts
..Time series analysis of human leg/body activity of the earth geography surface and
basketball hardwood floors ..... for example
Mr. GWilyn M Jenkins
Mr. GWilyn M Jenkins
Mr. Ground/floor Wave .....illinois .... yn M Jenkins
parallel expression systems with ...Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan - Wikipedia
geography surface and
basketball hardwood floors ..... for example
Mr. GWilyn M Jenkins
Mr. GWilyn M Jenkins
Mr. Ground/floor Wave .....illinois .... yn M Jenkins
parallel existences and expression systems with
..... Michael Jordan
number 23 ...molecule agent lies & schemes
Spectral Analysis and Time series .....
Its Applications -
Computer Earth geology systems ....
GeoloGy government owner of
GooGle Books
The spectrum; ...
Gw (ground waves and ground sonar)
GWilym M. Jenkins,
human interceptor and translator).
Vincent van Gogh earth message
explains key word concepts -->
The atomic molecular ......
cotton thought molecules .......
bandages ....... signals from Nature's human systems
bandwidth communications
cotton bandages on the poor pussy .......
signals from Nature's human systems
molecule bandwidth communications
..... detected by Van Gogh blood arteries.....
as a human molecular bio-sensor
cotton panty signals
from Nature's human systems
about male ears and the sub-conscious mind
Vincent van Gogh chops off ear - Dec 23, 1888 - HISTORY.com 
23rd December 1888 – Vincent van Gogh Mutilates His Ear | Dorian ... 
Vincent van Gogh chops off ear - Dec 23, 1888
Vincent van Gogh chops off earth relationship THOUGHTS
- Dec 23 ---> geography thoughts
Equator Map, Tropic of Cancer Map, Tropic of Capricorn Map, Prime ... 
What is the significance of the existence of EARTH (1st ) in hierarchy
and the existence of eye/optics (2nd) importance
and then the existence of EAR people .......
who claim supremacy with their MOUTH and MUSIC .....
asks the Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn of geography people ...
Tropic of Cancer (geography and Henry Miller book)
the Tropic of Can ......... can/ toilet and shit brains
- Wikipedia 
END of explanation
inner earth geological layers V-section and DATABASE
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