List of pages and topics ... covered later with the numbered, handwritten pages
2 - Beaver Dam(BD) B100D equation and the wisconSIN sin wave pulse LINK to PULSE Nightclub shhoting
3 - Battle of Water100 Wisconsin ..B100D war zone
4 - Mathematical blood codes
5 - Ferrous oxide iron and Caltech
6 - Kettle Moraine High School
7 - Genesee Depot secret potassium codes
8 - Sam Hengel I/O Port and the Portage Garlin case
9 - Turing machines
10 - Whitewater quarry death of Mark Wegener
11 - 100 block of S.Cottage
12 - South Carolina Dylann Roof
13 - Port of Milwaukee ..... 2323 Lincoln
14 - Jane Wilde Hawking secrets codes
15 - Captain Janeway
16 - David Copperfield
17 - Route 29 murders
18 - Alicia Reynolds
19 - coulombs
20 - Mr. Cho and VirginiaTECH
21 - English language DEATH SENTENCE
22 - Copper mass 63 and year 1963
23 - year 1965 Watts energy riots
24 - the EARTH electric motor concept
25 Lima Peru
26 Machu Picchu
29 Mr.CHO February 9th codes
30 Cupid
31 Curl and URL
32 Norberg Milwaukee magnetic field police
33 Watertown and County Road T ..Turns
35 County Road T and electric circuit CLUES
36 RCH organic chemistry
37 Justin Timberlake and neurotransmitters
38 song ..... Halls of Montezuma
39 Sandy Hook school wars
40 Frank Zappa music
41 Musics notes A B C murder systems
42 Sherlock Holmes Baker Street
43 Gene Hackman and Town of Genesee
44 Kathrym Stalbaum
45 Evans " Atomic Nucleus"
47 EMMET Township Watertown murder
48 KHan & Zoellick
49 Zoey Brooks and Alice
50 Milwaukee police Darryl Winston
53 bio-math cousin --> cosine math function
The evolution of the living language with math and physics equations, computer science flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams. etc has resulted in a new version of LANGUAGE ...... known by various terms as
the Universal Mind Language,
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE language,
Carl Jung collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND expression systems of behavior and feeling that sometimes rises up to a surface level of information display ( crimes, protests, demonstrations, etc) and other language / behavior mechanics.
Books and printed news articles may contain subset messages that are embedded within the larger context of the written text.
read between the lines - Collins Dictionaries › English Dictionary
Example Sentences Including 'read between the lines'.
Nothing was spelled out, yet everything was there for those who could read between the lines. Ashford ...
In this blog post ...... we shall provide information strings using WORDS and subset WORDS and see their relationship to REALITY events.
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in BASIC math and science college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
For example ............ Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities" ..... about two worlds on the EARTH surface.
What is the 2nd world?
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and THOUGHT that may get a
mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH .......
that is...... the EARTH surface as an information display surface using 3-dimensional vertical humans and their behavior and daily activities.
Given the background concepts ...... let's look at some math and science information strings ... very useful empirical data about the structure of REALITY and its descriptive words ......
data for those in science.
Thus ... in this blog post you have some information strings ..... the language fabric and its LINKS to physical reality and events.
The region of Madison to Milwaukee......
The region of Water100 and Watertown
Below, Beaver Dam and Water100 region
Battle of Waterloo, Wisconsin - Wikipedia
Battle of Waterloo - British History -
The Battle of Waterloo, which took place in Belgium on June 18, 1815, marked the final defeat of French military leader and emperor Napoleon Bonaparte ...
History / the living language repeats itself
Battle of Waterloo, Wisconsin - Wikipedia
Battle of Waterloo - British History -
The Battle of Waterloo, which took place in Belgium on June 18, 1815, marked the final defeat of French military leader and emperor Napoleon Bonaparte ...
Sunday, 18 June 18
Sunday, 18 June 18
Sunday, 18 June --> Juneau and Watertown molecule communications region
..atomic mass 18
The blood iron alphabet 26 letters .... Nature's blood SOFTWARE language and linguistics and human optical English and science languages, audio music languages, art and painting.
Below, Earth geography
EXTERNAL Highway 26 ....... with iron motor vehicles that flow .
...........that parallel
INTERNAL blood highways with HEME group Fe(2) ions
and blood Hemoglobin with 4 iron atoms
The Amazing Hemoglobin Molecule—A Miracle of Design ...
The journey for a hemoglobin molecule begins when red blood cells arrive at the ... sulfur, and oxygen that are carefully assembled around just 4 atoms of iron.
Ferdinand II | Fer --> Ferrous oxide IRON ... atomic king of Spain |
Ferdinand II, byname Ferdinand the Catholic, Spanish Fernando el Católico (born March 10, 1452, Sos, Aragon—died Jan. 23, 1516, Madrigalejo, Spain), king of Aragon and king of Castile (as Ferdinand V) from 1479, joint sovereign with Queen Isabella I. (As Spanish ruler of southern Italy, he was also known as Ferdinand III of Naples and Ferdinand II of Sicily.) He united the Spanish kingdoms into the nation of Spain and began Spain’s entry into the modern period of imperial expansion.
Ferdinand II, byname Ferdinand the Catholic, (born March 10, 1452, Sos, Aragon—
Ferdinand II, byname Ferdinand the Catholic, Sos, Aragon—
Ferdinand II, byname Ferdinand the Catholic, Sos, Aragon—
Richard Feynman - Wikipedia
Richard P. Feynman - Biographical -
Richard P. Feynman was born in New York City on the 11th May 1918. He studied at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he obtained his B.Sc. in ...
The Feynman Lectures on Physics - Caltech
Caltech and The Feynman Lectures Website are pleased to present this online ... Richard Feynman talking with a teaching assistant after the lecture on The ...
California Institute of Technology - Wikipedia
The California Institute of Technology (abbreviated Caltech) is a private doctorate -granting university located in Pasadena, California, United States. Although ...
Charge: Man was driving 100 mph over speed limit | Regional news ...
Aug 27, 2013 - Charge: Man was driving 100 mph over speed limit ... Cozy D. McNeal, now of Jefferson, is charged with attempting to flee or elude a traffic ..
Charge in ......... B.....D region
of Beaver Dam and
Battle of Waterloo - Beaver Dam (BD)
The Battle of Waterloo, which took place in Belgium on June 18, 1815, marked the final defeat of French military leader and emperor Napoleon Bonaparte ...
UPDATE: Student Murdered -
UW-Milwaukee student killed for his car. - MR2 Owners Club Message ...
from the woods about 20 minutes later carrying a bloodied knife ........
Kettle Moraine High School - Wikipedia
Kettle Moraine High School (KMHS) is a secondary school located in Wales, Wisconsin. It serves students from Delafield, Dousman, Eagle, Genesee, North ...
Genesee Depot, Wisconsin - Wikipedia
Genesee Depot is a small unincorporated community in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, United States. It is in the Town of Genesee, in southeastern Wisconsin ...
15 Year-old girl missing from Town of Genesee -
Police release new genetic SOCIAL ENGINERRING scheme details in disappearance of Kathryn Stalbaum
Nov 7, 2013 - Prior to being safely located in Chicago, Stalbaum was last seen around 6:15 a.m. on Tuesday, November 5th at her Town of Genesee ...
15 Year-old girl missing from Town of Genesee -
Nov 6, 2013 - Kathryn Stalbaum disappeared Tuesday morning on her way to school.
Missing Wis. girl, 15, found safe in Chicago ...
Nov 11, 2013 - 5 while riding her bike to school, approached a Chicago police officer ... riding her bike to Kettle Moraine High School, two miles from her home.
Chicago Loop - Wikipedia
Loop | Chicago Neighborhood extension to Waukesha area
Police release new details in disappearance of Kathryn Stalbaum
Nov 7, 2013 - While in Chicago, police say Stalbaum “did not sleep much” and ... Kathryn Stalbaum, a freshman at Kettle Moraine High School, was last seen ...
Darwin SYMBOL LIFE selection of application codes ....
G(s) --> Girl Stalbaum
H(s) --> High School
Marionette and school applications - Wikipedia
A marionette is a puppet controlled from above using wires or strings depending on regional variations. A marionette's puppeteer is called a marionettist.
Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Killed in the string theory .....
Nov 30, 2010 - The 15-year-old Wisconsin boy who took his teacher and 24 classmates hostage at gunpoint in a five-hour ordeal before shooting himself has died of his wounds, police announced today. The gunman, identified as Marinette High School sophomore Sam Hengel, was prounced dead by the ...
Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular - Jsonline
Nov 30, 2010 - What motivated 15-year-old Samuel Hengel to hold his classmates and ... Outside Hengel's home in Porterfield was a large sign that said, "We ...
Porterfield was a large sign that said,
Porterfield was a large sign that said,
Port er field was a large sign that said, -->
Portage ..... the I/O Port and the Garlin case - Wikipedia
Wisconsin House of Horrors: Scene of Scams, Sex and Murder | Fox ...
Jun 21, 2007 - The boy's sister, Felicia Garlin, and mother, Tammie Garlin, took part in the torture ... Josh Guajardo said he rented a house to Sisk and Clark in Grand ... They split up last year, Portage Police Detective Lt. Mark Hahn said.
The boy's sister, Felicia Garlin,
The boy's sister, Felicia Garlin,
The boy's sister,.......cia code ---->
Welcome to the CIA Web Site — Central Intelligence Agency
Official site provides news and information, publications, offices of the CIA, and careers. Includes links to their World Factbook, chiefs of state, and studies in ...
Careers in Portage Wisconsin
Career Opportunities - Student Opportunities - Job Fit Tool - FAQ
Garlin case - Wikipedia
The Garlin case refers to the three adults and one juvenile charged in the June 4, 2007, murder .... prosecution appeared to discount the rôle of Michaela Clerc, whose lesbian relationship with Tammy Garlin triggered the torture and homicide.
Senate Intelligence Committee report
The Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program is a report compiled by the bipartisan United States Senate ...
Garlin case - Wikipedia
The Garlin case refers to the three adults and one juvenile charged in the June 4, 2007, murder ... The juvenile was 15-year-old Felicia Mae Garlin (born August 28 , 1991)
triggered the torture ...born August 28
triggered the torture ... Max Born 1991
triggered the torture ...born August 28
triggered the torture ...born August 28
triggered the torture ...born August 28
Turing machine - Wikipedia
Alan Turing - Wikipedia What is a Turing machine?
Turing first described the Turing machine in an article published in 1936, 'On ... This tape is the machine's general purpose storage medium, serving both as the .
Alan Turing | The University of Manchester | School of Mathematics
Alan Turing is considered to be the father of modern computing and artificial ... logic at Princeton University, in the world-leading research group led by Church.
Wisconsin I/O PORT ... House of Horrors: Scene of Scams, Sex and Murder | Fox ...
Jun 21, 2007 - Prosecutors say Michael Sisk, 25; his girlfriend, Candace Clark, 23; ... and mother , Tammie Garlin, took part in the torture before the group ..
Prosecutors say Michael Sisk, 25
Top Operations: Michels Materials' Waterloo Quarry
........... sin-
The Free Particle
The simplest system in quantum mechanics has the potential energy V
equal to zero everywhere.
This is called a free particle since it has no forces acting on it.
Waterloo quarry (Michels Materials Waterloo quarry; Portland Quarry ...
, Wisconsin, USA : Large quarry east of Portland in Sec 33 & 34 T9N R13E.
Waterloo quarry --> information pointer to
What happened to Mark Wegener? Accidental fall or foul play? - Reddit
Apr 2, 2015 - Mark J. Wegener, a junior at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater .... If the pattern of deaths feels weird to you there may be something to o it!
If the pattern of deaths feels weird to you
If the pattern of deaths feels weird to you
If the pattern of deaths feels weird to you ......
WHITEWATER — Investigators say they have no reason to suspect foul play in the death of a UW-Whitewater student found at the bottom of a quarry just south of the city limits, the second death at the quarry in 14 months.
They are investigating how Benjamin R. Fuder died and what he was doing before his death.
The body of Fuder, 21, a junior majoring in international studies, was found at 6:45 a.m. Sunday at the bottom of the quarry below the north rim. He graduated from Edgerton High School, and the university listed an Edgerton address for him, although he lived in Whitewater while attending classes.
Authorities would not release his Whitewater address.
Fuder was reported missing at 11:37 p.m. Saturday, according to police. Fuder had last been seen around 12:30 a.m. Saturday in the area of downtown Whitewater.
"So far, we have seen nothing to lead us to suspect foul play, but this is an open, ongoing investigation," Walworth County Sheriff David Graves said. "This is similar to an incident last year, but we have seen nothing that would lead us to believe they are connected, but I say again that this is an open and ongoing investigation."
The body of 20-year-old Mark J. Wegener, a UW-Whitewater student, was found at the bottom of the quarry May 30, 2011. Police say he left a party about 1 a.m. May 29, 2011, and was not seen again until his body was discovered. Authorities at the time said Wegener apparently fell from a 70-foot ledge. His death was ruled an accident. An autopsy revealed Wegener had a blood-alcohol content of 0.106, which would be above the legal limit to drive.
An autopsy was performed on Fuder's body Monday morning. No autopsy results were available at press time.
Graves said about the only similarity between the two incidents was that both victims appeared to be alone. Fuder's cellphone was found, and authorities are asking the person who found it to contact the Whitewater Police Department.
"Someone found the phone and called one of Ben's friends," Whitewater Police Chief Lisa Otterbacher said. "The friend told the caller to just drop it off at Ben's house.
"We need to talk to the person who found the phone to determine where and when it was found,"
Otterbacher said. "That could go a long ways in determining what happened to Ben."
Otterbacher said both quarry deaths should remind everybody to not walk alone at night in any neighborhood.
UPDATE: Body of missing UW-Whitewater student found - WKOW 27 ...
Penn State cheerleader Paige Raque fights for life after falling five ...
Paige Raque: Penn State cheerleader, 19, makes 'miraculous ...
- Wikipedia
Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia
Who is Dylann Roof? -
Who is secret code words
Dashcam video shows arrest of Charleston church shooter in Shelby ...
BREAKDOWN: 18, 2015 - Shelby police escorted Dylann Roof from headquarters to the Cleveland County Courthouse Thursday afternoon for his first appearance.
Mary Shelley - Wikipedia
Mary Shelley - Author -
Nov 18, 2016 - English writer Mary Shelley is best known for her horror novel Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus (1818). She was married to poet Percy Bysshe Shelley. ... Writer Mary Shelley was born Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin on August 30, 1797, in London, England.
Directions to the Port - City of Milwaukee
Port of Milwaukee - City of Milwaukee
WISCONSIN - in which he held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette High School. .... Samuel Hengel, of Porterfield, had been listed in grave condition earlier
Port of Milwaukee 2323 S Lincoln Memorial Dr - City of Milwaukee
Milwaukee Port 2323 S Lincoln Memorial Dr Milwaukee, WI City ...
Get directions, reviews and information for Milwaukee Port in Milwaukee, WI.
Louis-Victor-Pierre-Raymond, 7e duc de Broglie (/dəˈbrɔɪ/; French: [dəbʁɔj][2][3] or [dəbʁœj] (
listen); 15 August 1892 – 19 March 1987) was a French physicist who made groundbreaking contributions to quantum theory. In his 1924 PhD thesis he postulated the wave nature of electrons and suggested that all matter has wave properties. This concept is known as the de Broglie hypothesis, an example of wave–particle duality, and forms a central part of the theory of quantum mechanics.
His last work made a single system of laws from the two large systems of thermodynamics and of mechanics:
Duality of the laws of nature code 19 19
Oklahoma City bombing -
On April 19, 1995, a truck-bomb explosion outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, left 168 people dead and hundreds more injured. ... Oklahoma City Bombing: April 19, 1995. At 9:02 a.m., a rental truck packed with explosives detonated in front of the ...
Shooting of Samuel DuBose
On July 19, 2015, in Cincinnati, Ohio, Samuel DuBose, an unarmed man, was fatally shot by Ray Tensing, a University of Cincinnati police officer, during a traffic ...
Jane Porter (Tarzan) - Wikipedia
Tarzan & Jane - Wikipedia
Tarzan & Jane is an animated comedy-adventure film produced by Walt Disney Television Animation, Toon City and Walt Disney Animation Australia released ...
Jane Porter
Zinjan skull .... data LINKS to
Stephen Hawking January 8, 1942
- Wikipedia
Stephen William Hawking, CH, CBE, FRS, FRSA is an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical ...
godzin : Polish » English | PONS
Translations for godzin in the PONS Online Polish » English Dictionary: osiem godzin dziennie, od dwóch do trzech godzin, pracować w pełnym/niepełnym ...
Star Trek secrets of Jane Wilde --> Janeway, Kathryn
STARFLEET PERSONNEL FILE: Janeway, Kathryn Rank: Admiral Current assignment: Starfleet Command; previously, commanding officer of U.S.S. Voyager.
Kathryn Janeway - Wikipedia
Kathryn Janeway | Memory Alpha | Fandom powered by Wikia
Kathryn Janeway was a 24th century Starfleet officer, most noted for her service as captain of...
Copper Mesh for Electromagnetic Shielding - Thorlabs
About the Faraday Cage and Screen Rooms Utilize Copper Mesh
Faraday cage - Wikipedia
A Faraday cage or Faraday shield is an enclosure used to block electromagnetic fields. It is formed by conductive material or by a mesh of such materials.
as they move the black ink pen across a sheet of white cellulose paper.
Route 29 Stalker | electrical utility compnay
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia - Wikipedia
Since 1996 there has been an unusually high number of cases involving young women ... Randy Taylor was later found guilty of first-degree murder in the commission of an abduction and abduction with intent to defile in connection with the ...
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA
May 12, 2014 - (WJLA) - Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia, lies a wooden cross weathered by ... “All we can do is pray for her,” says Annie Taylor quietly.
says Annie Taylor
says Annie Taylor
says Annie Taylor
History of Reynolds Metals Company – FundingUniverse
Reynolds Metals Company is the world's third largest aluminum and packaging company. As a fully integrated manufactuer, distributor, and marketer of primary ...
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia - Wikipedia
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA
May 12, 2014 - In 1996, Alicia Reynolds was living her dream. At 25 years old, she had been married about a year before, and was studying to get her PhD in ...
At 25 years old
At 25 years old
At 25 years old -->
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA
May 12, 2014 - Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved. by Richard Reeve ... "The really rough times were from March 2 to May 7, when her body was found." Reynolds' remains were found in a rural field in Lignum, Virginia.
found in a rural field in Lignum, Virginia.
found in a rural field in Lignum, Virginia.
found in a rural field in Lignum, Virginia.
found in a rural field in Lig --> lingistics / semantics/ dictionaries WAR
Police won't say exactly how Reynolds died, and they're not giving specifics
on DNA or other evidence ...
on DNA or other evidence ..
on DNA or other evidence ..
on DNA or other evidence BRAND NAME ....
.................................................... .DNA of living language words / proper nouns
Phd ----> numbers 16. 8, 4
Virginia Tech Shootings Fast Facts -
Massacre at Virginia Tech leaves 32 dead - Apr 16, 2007 - HISTORY ...
On this day in History, Massacre at Virginia Tech leaves 32 dead on Apr 16, 2007 . Learn more about what happened today on History.
Monday, March 12
Department of English - College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
Why study English at Virginia Tech? Our English department houses one of the best MFA programs for Creative Writing in the country. Learn more about our ...
Why study English at Virginia Tech?
Why study English at Virginia Tech?
Why study English DEATH SENTENCES at Virginia Tech?
Why study English DEATH SENTENCES and electric chairs
at Vir = Ohm's Law region of Virginia Tech ....
electric chair technology and DEATH SENTENCES approved?
Learn more about our .
Learn more about our .
Learn more about our secrets.
November 22, 1963: Death of the President - John F. Kennedy ...
John F. Kennedy assassinated - Nov 22, 1963 -
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th president of the United States, is assassinated while traveling through Dallas, Texas, in an open-top convertible. ... Kennedy was pronounced dead 30 minutes later at Dallas’ Parkland Hospital. ... Less than an hour after Kennedy was shot, Oswald killed ...
What is a Watt, Anyway? Understanding Energy and Power Metrics ...
Mathematical and Computer Modelling -
The online version of Mathematical and Computer Modelling at ScienceDirect. com, the world's leading platform for high quality peer-reviewed full-text journals
Medical College of Wisconsin
MCW is a distinguished leader and innovator in the education and development of the next generation of physicians, scientists, pharmacists and health ...
Above, copper and iron and rotation and magnetic field .....components of the motor
Earth surface ....... copper mines on the EARTH geography surface that rotate EVERY 24 hours ..thus they travel 15,000 + miles every day
Earth surface ....... copper mines on the EARTH geography surface that rotate EVERY 24 hours ..thus they travel 15,000 + miles every day ...... and the Earth magnetic field .....
creates Nature's electric motor
The EARTH equivalent ......
Pier Oddone - Wikipedia
Fermilab History and the Darwin RD ...
A native of Peru, Piermaria Oddone came to the United States in 1961 to attend MIT. After receiving his undergraduate degree in 1965, he received his PhD in ...
Machu Picchu - Wikipedia
Machu Picchu - Facts & Summary -
The breathtaking Inca city of Machu Picchu was built atop the Andes mountains in Peru. ... Historians believe Machu Picchu was built at the height of the Inca Empire, which dominated western South America in the 15th and 16th centuries. ... Many modern-day archaeologists now believe that ...
Dr. Steven Chu | Department of Energy
Dr. Steven Chu served as the Secretary of Energy from January 21, 2009, to April 22, 2013. Dr. Chu was charged with helping implement President Obama's ...
Machu secret agent -->
Pier 1 Imports - Department Stores - 481 N Randall Rd, Batavia, IL ... › Shopping › Department Stores
Rating: 3 - 3 reviews - Price range: $$3 reviews of Pier 1 Imports "While I recognize Pier 1 is a chain,
Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium has three stories filled with more than 500 exhibits, artifacts, and oddities from PERU and around the world.
Cupid - Wikipedia
In classical mythology, Cupid (Latin Cupido, meaning "desire") is the god of desire, erotic love, attraction and affection. He is often portrayed as the son of the ...
Cupid - copper atom Cu ...... Roman God of Love- Crystalinks
Cupid. In Roman mythology, Cupid (Latin cupido, meaning "desire") is the god of desire, affection and erotic love. He is often portrayed as the son of the ...
Using the Right-Hand Rule (article) | Khan Academy
We can find the magnetic field that is caused by moving charges using a second right-hand rule. The magnetic field made by a current in a straight wire curls around the wire in a ring. ... Point your thumb in the direction of the magnetic field this time and curl your fingers just as before.
What is the curl of a electric field? | Physics Forums - The ...
Divergence and Curl of the Magnetic Field
The static electric field E(x, y, z) — such as the field of static charges — obeys ... Now consider the curl equation ∇ × B = µ0J, which is the differential form of the.
The man who shot and seriously injured two Milwaukee police officers testified Wednesday he went to Badger Guns for a handgun because "everyone" knew that was the place to go.
A month later, Julius Burton shot Bryan Norberg and Graham Kunisch in the head during a routine stop on Milwaukee's south side in June year 2009.
The static electric field E(x, y, z) — such as the field of static charges — obeys ... Now consider the curl equation ∇ × B = µ0J, which is the differential form of the.
BH --> Bradley High school region of magnetic battle
with ferrous oxide IRON 26 ... atomic human agent Kunish age 26 .....
Man Charged With Shooting 2 Milwaukee Police Officers. June 11,2009. Norberg ...
Graham Kunisch age 26 on force 15 month
Man Charged With Shooting 2 Milwaukee Police Officers. June 11,2009. Norberg ...
Graham Kunisch age 26 on force 15 month
Divergence and Curl of the Magnetic Field with iron 26 protons / electrons
The static electric field E(x, y, z) — such as the field of static charges — obeys ... Now consider the curl equation ∇ × B = µ0J, which is the differential form of the.
Uniform Resource Locator with Milwaukee Police uniforms
A Uniform Resource Locator (URL), commonly informally termed a web address is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer ...
URL is another name for Web Address ~ Webopedia Definition › TERM › U
URL - Uniform Resource Locator. ... URL is the abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator. ... The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1994 and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) URI working group.
URL is another name for Web ...Webster dictionary Address ~ Webopedia Definition
URL - Uniform Resource Locator. ... URL is the abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator. ... The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1994 and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) URI working group.
4 firefighters shot, 2 killed at Web address site .....
2012 Webster, New York shooting - Wikipedia
4 Firefighters Shot, 2 Killed At Webster, New York Fire Scene; Shooter ...
Dec 24, 2012 - WEBSTER, N.Y. — Authorities say four firefighters were shot, two of them killed while responding to a house fire in western New York. Officials in the town of Webster tell local media outlets that someone shot at firefighters around 6 a.m.
It really spins around! - Simple models of electric motor - Eu-Hou
Easy-to-make models of an electric motor have been shown at the ...
copper wire with a diameter between 0.5 and 1 mm,; neodymium magnet, ... Too many turns will make the coil too heavy and too few turns will deteriorate motor functioning.
copper wire with a diameter
copper wire with a diameter
copper wire with a diameter
Too many turns will make the coil too heavy and
too few turns will deteriorate motor functioning.
The Earth geography area of Nature's messages .....
As the World Turns and IRON-56 number 56 - Wikipedia
As the World Turns (TV Series 1956–2010) - IMDb
Rating: 6.2/10 - 1,494 votes
Drama ... Rosemary Prinz and Mark Rydell in As the World Turns (1956) Meg Ryan and Scott Bryce in As the World Turns (1956) John Colenback and Kathryn Hays in As ...
As the World Turns (TV Series 1956–2010) and
Basic Chemistry (4th Edition): Karen C. Timberlake, William ...
Timberlake, Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and ...
Assuming no prior knowledge of chemistry, author Karen Timberlake engages ... Help students visualize and understand concepts: The text's engaging visual ...
Justin Timberlake - Wikipedia
Justin Timberlake - IMDb
Justin Randall Timberlake was born on January 31, 1981, in Memphis, Tennessee, to Lynn (Bomar) and Randall Timberlake, whose own father was a Baptist ...
Justin Timberlake - Wikipedia
Justin Timberlake ... molecule cia agent - IMDb
Justin Randall Timberlake was born on January 31, 1981, in Memphis, Tennessee, to Lynn (Bomar) and Randall Timberlake, whose own father was a Baptist ...
1922–2001 –-->
Traveler bringing tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, bidis) to the ...
Cigarettes may also be subject to Federal excise tax. Rates may be viewed by visiting the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB). Note: Federal ...
Welcome to the CIA Web Site — Molecules and the
Official site provides news and information, publications, offices of the CIA, and careers. Includes links to their World Factbook, chiefs of state, and studies in ...
The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a civilian foreign intelligence service of the United States federal government, tasked with gathering, processing and ...
Wounded officers' lawsuit against Badger Guns settles for $1 million
Jury rigged THOUGHTS ...... the rigged ace --> acetylcholine neurotransmitter TRIAL in Milwaukee finds for wounded officers in Badger Guns lawsuit - Jsonline
Oct 13, 2015 - Heaton Juarez, of Milwaukee, who works in the financial sector, said the jury ... In addition, Norberg and Kunisch contended that Badger Guns, ...
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor - Wikipedia
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, or nAChRs, are neuron receptor proteins that respond to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Nicotinic receptors also respond to ...
Virginia tobacoo VS Virginia TECH bull-shit
Jan 4, 2008 - The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR), a key player in neuronal communication, converts neurotransmitter binding into membrane ...
Nicotinic acetyl cho line
Seung-Hui Cho - Wikipedia

US Marine Corps - Halls Of Montezuma Lyrics | MetroLyrics
From the Halls of Montezuma / To the Shores of Tripoli; / We will fight our country's battles / In the air, ... Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941.
Marines' Hymn - Wikipedia
- Wikipedia
A Natural Minor: A B C D E F G A;
A Harmonic Minor: A B C D E F G♯ A;
A Melodic Minor Ascending: A B C D E F♯ ...
Fundamental Frequency and Harmonics - The Physics Classroom
Standing Waves: Harmonics and Patterns - The Physics Classroom
Harmonic - Wikipedia
The term harmonic in its strictest sense describes any member of the harmonic series. The term is employed in various disciplines, including music and acoustics, electronic power transmission, radio technology, etc. It is typically applied to repeating signals, such as sinusoidal waves. ... Rather, a musical note is perceived as one sound, the quality or timbre of ...
Johann Sebastian Bach - Wikipedia
List of compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach - Wikipedia
Johann Sebastian Bach composed cantatas, motets, masses, Magnificats, Passions, oratorios, four-part chorales, songs and arias. His instrumental music ...
Overview of COBOL Batch Processing - IBM
5 Things To Know About CICS and Batch Processing - IBM
[PDF]New Ways of Running Batch Applications on z/OS Vol ... - IBM Redbooks
Modernizing enterprise batch with hybrid Java/COBOL applications. . . . . 1. 1.1 What ..... Batch processing is still a fundamental, mission-critical component of the.
221B Baker Street - Wikipedia
221B Baker Street | Baker Street Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
The Mystery of 221B Baker Street | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian
Jul 18, 2012 - According to Arthur Conan Doyle's stories, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson lived at 221B Baker Street from 1881 to 1904. But 221B Baker ...
Dr. Watson and evolution of SYMBOL LIFE - Wikipedia
Sherlock Holmes - Wikipedia
Jump to "Elementary, my dear Watson" - Sherlock Holmes is a fictional private detective created by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Lee M. Silver
Lee M. Silver (born 1952) is an American biologist. He is a professor at Princeton University in ... Silver is the author of the book Remaking Eden: How Genetic Engineering
15 Year-old girl missing ...missing gene ...
Lac La Belle (Oconomowoc and the gene Town of Genesee , Wisconsin region):
Search launched for missing Town of Genesee girl and
Nov 6, 2013 - A 15-year-old Town of Genesee girl not seen by her family since early ... Kathryn J. Stalbaum, a freshman at Kettle Moraine High School, ...
Kathryn Stalbaum, 15 Year Old Girl, Genesee, WI - JusticeQuest
Nov 7, 2013 - The Waukesha County Sheriff's Department said Kathryn Stalbaum was last seen at 6:15 a.m. Tuesday at her home in the town of Genesee.
The Conversation - Wikipedia
The Conversation is a 1974 American psychological mystery thriller film written, produced and directed by Francis Ford Coppola and starring Gene Hackman ...
Harry Caul (Gene Hackman) is a surveillance expert who runs his own company in San Francisco. He is highly respected by others in the profession. Caul is obsessed with his own privacy; his apartment is almost bare behind its triple-locked door and burglar alarm, he uses pay phones to make calls, claims to have no home telephone and his office is enclosed in wire mesh in a corner of a much larger warehouse.
Caul is utterly professional at work but finds personal contact extremely difficult because he is intensely secretive about even the most trivial aspects of his life. Dense crowds make him feel uncomfortable and he is withdrawn and taciturn in more intimate social situations. He is also reticent and obsessively secretive with colleagues.
His appearance is nondescript, except for his habit of wearing a translucent grey plastic raincoat almost everywhere he goes, even when it is not raining.
Although Caul cannot understand the true meaning of the conversation, he finds the cryptic nuances and emotional undercurrents contained within it deeply troubling. Sensing danger, Caul feels increasingly uneasy about what may happen to the couple
Although Caul cannot understand the true meaning of the conversation, he finds the cryptic nuances and emotional undercurrents contained within it deeply troubling. Sensing danger, Caul feels increasingly uneasy about what may happen to the couple -->
couple --> the electromagnetic(EM) coupling constant BATTLE at EM township by Watertown,
Town of Em + met
UPDATE: Student Murdered -
Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car - Jsonline
Oct 8, 2008 - Tammi LaFave met Travis Zoellick on MySpace in mid-September, about two ... murder in the Oct. 1 homicide of 31-year-old Haroon Khan, who was ... According to the complaint, Zoellick killed Khan so he could steal his car.
The Conversation is a 1974 American mystery thriller
The Conversation is a 1974 American mystery thriller
The Conversation is a 1974 American mystery thriller
Originally, Paramount Pictures distributed the film worldwide. Paramount retains American rights to this day but international rights are now held by Miramax Films and StudioCanal in conjunction with American Zoetrope.
Originally, Paramount Pictures rights ....American Zoetrope.
Originally, Paramount Pictures rights ....American Zoetrope.
Originally, Paramount Pictures rights ....American Zoetrope.
Originally, Para ................................. RNA .....rights .......................Zoe
Originally, Parallel messenger RNA rights ........ Zoellick
Travis Zoellick (20) .....
Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car - Jsonline
Oct 8, 2008 - Tammi LaFave met Travis Zoellick on MySpace in mid-September, about two ... Zoellick, 20, who lived in Watertown, is listed as “Travis” on his ...
Tammy LaFave, 21, of Delafield
Tammy LaFave, 21, of Delafield ..... Nature's molecular agent
T am my --> amino acids and myoglobin proteins expand the MURDER SYSTEM of the community
Tammy LaFave, 21, of Delafield
Tammy LaFave, 21, of Delafield ..... Nature's molecular agent
T am my --> amino acids and myoglobin proteins
Tammy LaFave, 21, of Delafield
Tammy La Fave, 21, of Delafield ..... Nature's molecular agent
T am my La --> amino acids and myoglobin proteins and Lac gene
--> pointer to Oconomowoc region
The lac operon | Gene regulation
The lac operon contains three genes: lacZ, lacY, and lacA. ... is an example of an inducer, a small molecule that triggers expression of a gene or operon. The lac ...
The lac Operon at Lac La belle : An Inducer Operon - Boundless
any protein that binds to DNA and thus regulates the expression of genes by decreasing the ... Only lacZ and lacY appear to be necessary for lactose catabolism.

DNA and gene Transcription ...with Gene Hackman tapes in the movie
UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say - Jsonline
Oct 7, 2008 - When Khan put his car up for sale, Zoellick answered the ad. ... repeatedly and buried on a 20-acre parcel where Zoellick was helping his parents ..
Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis W. Zoellick wanted one just like it.
When Khan put his up for sale, Zoellick answered the ad.
Genetics [Hardcover]:
Buy Genetics [Hardcover] on ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders. ... by Leland; Hood, Leroy; Goldberg, Michael; Reynolds, Ann; Silver, Lee; ...
Genetics and the August 1970 Sterling Hall bombing cover-up :
Uracil - Wikipedia
Uracil /ˈjʊərəsɪl/ (U) is one of the four nucleobases in the nucleic acid of RNA that are represented by the letters A, G, C and U. The others are adenine (A), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). In RNA, uracil binds to adenine via two hydrogen bonds. In DNA, the uracil nucleobase is replaced by thymine.
Sterling silver flatware - Place Setting & Serving Pieces
Sterling Hall flatware - Place Setting (Madison, Wisconsin)
The First Days of Spring ,.... college campus systems - Wikipedia
The First Days of Spring (1929) is a painting by the Spanish surrealist Salvador Dalí. This is probably the most famous example of Dalí's early surrealist work.
221B Baker Street - Wikipedia
Jump to Sherlock Holmes Museum - The Sherlock Holmes Museum is situated within an 1815 ... The main study overlooked Baker Street, and Holmes' ...
Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars Q | Scholastic
PreK-K 1-2 3-5 6-8 ALL. PreK-K 1-2 ... 3–5, 6–8. Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars is such a creative and fun idea for a series of middle-grade novels. ... The characters of the Baker Street Irregulars are unique and memorable.
Disgraced Preacher Jim Bakker's New Doomsday Pitch - Newsweek
Jim Bakker - Wikipedia
James Orsen "Jim" Bakker (pronounced "Baker"; born January 2, 1940) is an American televangelist, a former Assemblies of God minister and a former host of ... Televangelist Jim Bakker's Road to Redemption
Aug 11, 1999 - Jim Bakker "was like being around a king," as his son recently put it. .... their own minister didn't have the gift, they could hear it on TV and radio, ...
The agony of Iowa's evans .....evangelicals - -
How Ted Cruz's Evangelical Strategy Won Him Iowa, And Why It ...
Feb 2, 2016 - How Ted Cruz's Evangelical Strategy Won Him Iowa, And Why It Could ... who worked so hard to secure him his win — evangelical Christians.
EM code word --> Stem
UPDATE: Student Murdered -
Sep 7, 2009 - Zoellick killed Khan and stole the vehicle. .... Milwaukee PD, Watertown PD, UW- Milw PD, Town of Emmett PD, and several others who are ...
UPDATE: Student Murdered -
Sep 7, 2009
Zoey Brooks, 67th Alice in Dairyland... - Wisconsin Department of ...
Zoey Brooks, 67th Alice in Dairyland - The Star: School
- Wikipedia
Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia
Winston Smith in 1984 - Shmoop
by George Orwell ... Winston Smith is pretty much you
Assistant Chief Involved In Investigation To Receive Pension
Assistant police chief has powers suspended - Milwaukee Journal ...
Dec 21, 2011 - Milwaukee Assistant Police Chief Darryl Winston has been placed on administrative leave and his police powers suspended after a police stop ...
Assistant Police Chief Darryl Winston
Assistant Police Chief Darryl Winston
Assistant Police Chief D arry --> Data Array agent
Milwaukee Assistant Police Chief Darryl Winston
Milwaukee Assistant Police Chief Darryl Winston
Milwaukee Assistant Police Chief Da arry l Winston
Milwaukee Assistant Police Chief Data array land Wi = Wisconsin
Milwaukee Assistant Police Chief Mat.RICE.s explains Rice Lake math battle
'Tree Stand Murders' recounts St. Paul man's Wisconsin deer hunter ...
Mar 21, 2015 - Vang was convicted on six charges of first-degree murder in the Nov. ... two others after being confronted for trespassing near Rice Lake.
'(Decision)Tree Stand Murders' recounts St. Paul (Dirac) manuscript Wisconsin deer hunter ...
Mar 21, 2015 - Vang was convicted on six charges of first-degree murder in the Nov. ... two others after being confronted for trespassing near Rice Lake.
Assistant Milwaukee Police Chief Darwin
Dec 21, 2011 - Milwaukee Assistant Police Chief Darryl Winston has been placed on administrative leave and his police powers suspended after a police stop ...
Cousin.... sin wave energy properties
- Wikipedia
"Second Cousins," "Once Removed", and More Explained in Chart Form
What is a Second Cousin, Twice Removed? -
Chart of bio-math ...... cosine life forms
Nov 5, 2014 - Then select the relationship of the first relative to the common ... Therefore, the second person is the first cousin once removed from the first.
Black Holes & Time Warps | W. W. Norton & Company › Science › Astronomy
W. W. Norton & Company
Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ... Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
Information string ....... BLOG POST
W. W. Norton & Company
Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ... Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
Information string ....... BLOG POST
The region of Madison to Milwaukee......
The region of Water100 and Watertown
Below, Beaver Dam and Water100 region
Battle of Waterloo, Wisconsin - Wikipedia
The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815, near Waterloo in present-day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Battle of Waterloo - British History -
History / the living language repeats itself
it gets an accurate answer from human consciousness
Battle of Waterloo, Wisconsin - Wikipedia
The Battle of Waterloo was fought on Sunday, 18 June 1815, near Waterloo in present-day Belgium, then part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Battle of Waterloo - British History -
Sunday, 18 June 18
Sunday, 18 June 18
Sunday, 18 June --> Juneau and Watertown molecule communications region
..atomic mass 18
Below, Juneau (County seat government unit) and Watertown
The blood iron alphabet 26 letters .... Nature's blood SOFTWARE language and linguistics and human optical English and science languages, audio music languages, art and painting.
Below, Earth geography
EXTERNAL Highway 26 ....... with iron motor vehicles that flow .
...........that parallel
INTERNAL blood highways with HEME group Fe(2) ions
and blood Hemoglobin with 4 iron atoms
The Amazing Hemoglobin Molecule—A Miracle of Design ... journey for a hemoglobin molecule begins when red blood cells arrive at the ... sulfur, and oxygen that are carefully assembled around just 4 atoms of iron.
...and those INTERNAL ,,,,,, carefully assembled around just 4 atoms of iron
helped the ...EXTERNAL iron automobile construction process ,,.................
...... carefully assembled around just 4 atomic rubber wheels
with an iron rim for the iron frame of the car
...... carefully assembled around just 4 atomic rubber wheels
with an iron rim for the iron frame of the car
Ferdinand II | Fer --> Ferrous oxide IRON ... atomic king of Spain |
Ferdinand II, byname Ferdinand the Catholic, Spanish Fernando el Católico (born March 10, 1452, Sos, Aragon—died Jan. 23, 1516, Madrigalejo, Spain), king of Aragon and king of Castile (as Ferdinand V) from 1479, joint sovereign with Queen Isabella I. (As Spanish ruler of southern Italy, he was also known as Ferdinand III of Naples and Ferdinand II of Sicily.) He united the Spanish kingdoms into the nation of Spain and began Spain’s entry into the modern period of imperial expansion.
Ferdinand II, byname Ferdinand the Catholic, (born March 10, 1452, Sos, Aragon—
Ferdinand II, byname Ferdinand the Catholic, Sos, Aragon—
Ferdinand II, byname Ferdinand the Catholic, Sos, Aragon—
Ferdinand , Sos, Aragon—
Ferdinand , Sos, Aragon—
Fer ...............SOS /help Aragon
FermiLAB SOS/help .......... Argonne National Labs
Ferdinand , Sos, Aragon—
Fer --> ferrous oxide IRON atomic thought .... SOS / help / infer logic
Fer ...............SOS /help Aragon
FermiLAB SOS/help .......... Argonne National Labs
Ferdinand , Sos, Aragon—
Fer ...............SOS /help Aragon
FermiLAB SOS/help .......... Argonne National Labs
Ferdinand , Sos, Aragon—
Fer --> ferrous oxide IRON atomic thought .... SOS / help / infer logic
Fer ...............SOS /help Aragon
FermiLAB SOS/help .......... Argonne National Labs
Richard Feynman - Wikipedia
Richard Phillips Feynman was an American theoretical physicist known for his work in the path ...... Feynman, Richard P.; Vernon, F. L.; Hellwarth, R. W. (1957).
Richard P. Feynman - Biographical -
The Feynman Lectures on Physics - Caltech
California Institute of Technology - Wikipedia
California Institute of Technology
Charge: Man was driving 100 mph over speed limit | Regional news ... 27, 2013 - Charge: Man was driving 100 mph over speed limit ... Cozy D. McNeal, now of Jefferson, is charged with attempting to flee or elude a traffic ..
Man was driving 100 mph over speed limit
A 31-year-old former Beaver Dam man made his initial appearance Tuesday after being charged with driving 127 mph in a 30 mph zone early Monday.
Cozy D. McNeal, now of Jefferson, is charged with attempting to flee or elude a traffic officer, his fourth offense of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and operating a motor vehicle with a revoked license.
If convicted, he faces more than three-and-a-half years of imprisonment.
Court commissioner Steven Seim ordered a $500 cash bond in the case, with the conditions that McNeal not consume alcohol, maintain absolute sobriety, not go onto the premises of any establishment whose main business involves the sale or distribution of alcohol, not be in a motor vehicle operated by anyone under the influence of an intoxicant and not operate a motor vehicle without the permission of the court.
According to the criminal complaint, a deputy was on patrol at 3:09 a.m. Monday when he noticed a silver 2008 Chevrolet Impala coming toward him on Highway A near Dodge County’s town of Oak Grove at a high rate of speed. The deputy pulled over, and radar showed the vehicle traveling at a speed of 127 mph in a 30 mph speed zone. The deputy made a U-turn and attempted to stop the vehicle.
The complaint states that McNeal continued at a high rate of speed, passing in close proximity a man walking his dog on the side of the road. As McNeal neared Highway 26, he slowed, made a righthand turn and quickly sped up again. He slowed down and swerved before finally pulling over, leading the deputy to believe McNeal was concentrating on something else in the vehicle.
Cozy D. McNeal, now of Jefferson, is charged with attempting to flee or elude a traffic officer, his fourth offense of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated and operating a motor vehicle with a revoked license.
If convicted, he faces more than three-and-a-half years of imprisonment.
Court commissioner Steven Seim ordered a $500 cash bond in the case, with the conditions that McNeal not consume alcohol, maintain absolute sobriety, not go onto the premises of any establishment whose main business involves the sale or distribution of alcohol, not be in a motor vehicle operated by anyone under the influence of an intoxicant and not operate a motor vehicle without the permission of the court.
According to the criminal complaint, a deputy was on patrol at 3:09 a.m. Monday when he noticed a silver 2008 Chevrolet Impala coming toward him on Highway A near Dodge County’s town of Oak Grove at a high rate of speed. The deputy pulled over, and radar showed the vehicle traveling at a speed of 127 mph in a 30 mph speed zone. The deputy made a U-turn and attempted to stop the vehicle.
Beaver Dam man made his initial appearance Tuesday
Beaver Dam man made his initial appearance Tuesday
B..........D ...... hematology/ blood SOFTWARE manuscript agent .... made his initial appearance Tuesday
Charge in ......... B.....D region
Man was driving 100 mph over speed limit
---> B + 100 + D --> spells B100D
of Beaver Dam and
........B100D -->
Battle of Waterloo - Beaver Dam (BD)
--> equation 100 + BD = B100D
ritish History -
UPDATE: Student Murdered -
Sep 7, 2009 - Tammi L. LaFave is accused of helping kidnap Haroon Khan, whose ... Milwaukee PD, Watertown PD, UW-Milw PD, Town of Emmett PD, and ...
Missing: knife
Sep 7, 2009 - Tammi L. LaFave is accused of helping kidnap Haroon Khan, whose ... Milwaukee PD, Watertown PD, UW-Milw PD, Town of Emmett PD, and ...
Missing: knife
UW-Milwaukee student killed for his car. - MR2 Owners Club Message ...
Oct 22, 2008 - 9 posts - 6 authors
According to the criminal complaint, Zoellick killed Khan to steal his ... to Watertown where she would meet up with Zoellick and Khan near a wooded area , it noted. ... from the woods about 20 minutes later carrying a bloodied knife. ... Zoellick drove the Mitsubishi to a storage facility in the Town of Emmett.
from the woods about 20 minutes later carrying a bloodied knife.
from the woods about 20 minutes later carrying a bloodied knife.
from the woods about 20 minutes later carrying a bloodied knife ........
blood information FLOW for the nearby communities of Water100 and BD
Kettle Moraine High School - Wikipedia Moraine High School (KMHS) is a secondary school located in Wales, Wisconsin. It serves students from Delafield, Dousman, Eagle, Genesee, North ...
Genesee Depot, Wisconsin - Wikipedia,_Wisconsin
Genesee Depot,
Gene see coDe potassium K atom --> Kat
15 Year-old girl missing from Town of Genesee -
Nov 6, 2013 - Kathryn Stalbaum disappeared Tuesday morning on her way to school.
Police release new genetic SOCIAL ENGINERRING scheme details in disappearance of Kathryn Stalbaum
15 Year-old girl missing from Town of Genesee -
Kathryn Stalbaum Update on Feedback signal mechnaism:
Missing Wis. girl, 15, found safe in Chicago ...
Chicago Loop - Wikipedia
The Loop is the central business district of Chicago, Illinois. It is one of the city's 77 designated community areas. The Loop is home to Chicago's commercial ...
Loop | Chicago Neighborhood extension to Waukesha area
| Choose Chicago › Chicago Neighborhoods › Downtown
Learn more about Loop in Chicago! Loop has a lot to offer, from restaurants to nightlife. Discover the history behind Loop here!
Police release new details in disappearance of Kathryn Stalbaum
Darwin SYMBOL LIFE selection of application codes ....
G(s) --> Girl Stalbaum
H(s) --> High School
Marionette and school applications - Wikipedia marionette is a puppet controlled from above using wires or strings depending on regional variations. A marionette's puppeteer is called a marionettist.
Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel Killed in the string theory .....
HOST/ Parasite war ...
Marinette hostage-taker was Boy Scout, popular - Jsonline
Porterfield was a large sign that said,
Porterfield was a large sign that said,
Port er field was a large sign that said, -->
Portage ..... the I/O Port and the Garlin case - Wikipedia
The Garlin case refers to the three adults and one juvenile charged in the June 4, 2007, murder ... Portage, Wisconsin, law-enforcement officers became aware of the situation on June 15, 2007 ... The Florida complaint indicated that Sisk was the father of the two younger girls (including the child involved in the custody case).
Wisconsin House of Horrors: Scene of Scams, Sex and Murder | Fox ...
The boy's sister, Felicia Garlin,
The boy's sister, Felicia Garlin,
The boy's sister,.......cia code ---->
Welcome to the CIA Web Site — Central Intelligence Agency
Careers in Portage Wisconsin 
Career Opportunities - Student Opportunities - Job Fit Tool - FAQ
Garlin case - Wikipedia
triggered the torture triggered the t ort ur e triggered the t orbit uranium 92 electrons
Senate Intelligence Committee report
on CIA torture with .... cia Garlin,- Wikipedia
Garlin case - Wikipedia
triggered the torture
triggered the torture code DATABASE
triggered the torture ...born August 28 , 1991)
triggered the torture ... Max Born 1991
19 <--> 91 mirror code with the
Tamir Rice murder codes
....mir R..... m ur der codes
....mir Ror atom uranium dermatology /skin codes
triggered the torture code DATABASE
triggered the torture ...born August 28 , 1991)
triggered the .....ur --> uranium atomic computer
DATABASE ... 238 --> 2 exponent 3 = 8 data bits
triggered the torture ...born August 28 , 1991)
triggered the torture ...born August 28 , 1991)
triggered the torture ...Max Born address space
0 to 91 equivalent to
1 to 92 electrons
Turing machine - Wikipedia
Jump to Alan Turing's a-machine - In the spring of 1935, Turing as a young Master's ... Turing had a lifelong interest in machines: "Alan had ...
Alan Turing - Wikipedia
Alan Mathison Turing OBE FRS was an English computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and theoretical biologist. He was highly influential in the development of theoretical computer science, providing a formalisation of the concepts of algorithm and computation with the Turing machine, which ...
Education: Sherborne School
Doctoral students: Robin Gandy
Notable awards: Smith's Prize (1936)
Doctoral advisor: Alonzo Church What is a Turing machine?
Alan Turing | The University of Manchester | School of Mathematics
The University of Manchester |
The University of Mantissa LIFE forms
Wisconsin I/O PORT ... House of Horrors: Scene of Scams, Sex and Murder | Fox ...
Prosecutors say Michael Sisk, 25
Prosecutors say Michael Sisk, 25
Prosecutors say Michael Sisk, 25 Port of Portage
Prosecutors say Michael ........ Port of ????
Prosecutors say Mic..hael Quarry ... Port of Portland
Top Operations: Michels Materials' Waterloo Quarry
Sep 21, 2015 - Portable plants are key in keeping Waterloo Quarry productive and ... Wisconsin- based Michels Materials, a division of Michels Corp., does ...
Wisconsin- based Michels
Wisconsin- based Mic
........... sin- base atoMIC ...... wave mechanics sin functions simplest system in quantum mechanics has the potential energy V .... n.
Finally we can write the normalized eigenfunctions:
Finally we can write the normalized eigenfunctions:
ψn(x) = (. 2 a). 1/2 sin nπx a.
The Free Particle
The simplest system in quantum mechanics has the potential energy V
equal to zero everywhere.
This is called a free particle since it has no forces acting on it.
Below, the sin of wisconSIN.
thus ----> const sinkx
--> pointer to --> cons sin --> pointer to code word --> Wisconsin
--> pointer to --> cons sin --> pointer to code word --> Wisconsin
Waterloo quarry (Michels Materials Waterloo quarry; Portland Quarry ...
Waterloo quarry (Michels Materials Waterloo quarry; Portland Quarry), Dodge Co.
Waterloo quarry --> information pointer to
--> water molecule continuum .... quantum array --> pointer to
--> White water --> Whitewater quarry .... message site
What happened to Mark Wegener? Accidental fall or foul play? - Reddit
If the pattern of deaths feels weird to you
If the pattern of deaths feels weird to you
If the pattern of deaths feels weird to you ......
WHITEWATER — Investigators say they have no reason to suspect foul play in the death of a UW-Whitewater student found at the bottom of a quarry just south of the city limits, the second death at the quarry in 14 months.
They are investigating how Benjamin R. Fuder died and what he was doing before his death.
The body of Fuder, 21, a junior majoring in international studies, was found at 6:45 a.m. Sunday at the bottom of the quarry below the north rim. He graduated from Edgerton High School, and the university listed an Edgerton address for him, although he lived in Whitewater while attending classes.
Authorities would not release his Whitewater address.
Fuder was reported missing at 11:37 p.m. Saturday, according to police. Fuder had last been seen around 12:30 a.m. Saturday in the area of downtown Whitewater.
"So far, we have seen nothing to lead us to suspect foul play, but this is an open, ongoing investigation," Walworth County Sheriff David Graves said. "This is similar to an incident last year, but we have seen nothing that would lead us to believe they are connected, but I say again that this is an open and ongoing investigation."
The body of 20-year-old Mark J. Wegener, a UW-Whitewater student, was found at the bottom of the quarry May 30, 2011. Police say he left a party about 1 a.m. May 29, 2011, and was not seen again until his body was discovered. Authorities at the time said Wegener apparently fell from a 70-foot ledge. His death was ruled an accident. An autopsy revealed Wegener had a blood-alcohol content of 0.106, which would be above the legal limit to drive.
An autopsy was performed on Fuder's body Monday morning. No autopsy results were available at press time.
Graves said about the only similarity between the two incidents was that both victims appeared to be alone. Fuder's cellphone was found, and authorities are asking the person who found it to contact the Whitewater Police Department.
"Someone found the phone and called one of Ben's friends," Whitewater Police Chief Lisa Otterbacher said. "The friend told the caller to just drop it off at Ben's house.
"We need to talk to the person who found the phone to determine where and when it was found,"
Otterbacher said. "That could go a long ways in determining what happened to Ben."
Otterbacher said both quarry deaths should remind everybody to not walk alone at night in any neighborhood.
Investigators ruled the death of a 20-year-old UW-Whitewater student found at the bottom of a local limestone quarry accidental.
The body of Mark Wegener was found on May 30 in the Whitewater Limestone Quarry, nearly a mile from his last known location.
Investigators closed the case this week after determining no foul play was involved.
According to the coroner’s report, Wegener’s blood alcohol content was 0.106 and died of multiple fractures after falling into the quarry.
He was last seen on May 28 around 1 a.m. at a party near the intersection of Boone Court and Center Street.
Wegener, who lived two blocks away, was last heard from at 1:42 a.m. after leaving the party to walk home.
Wegener’s last phone call was traced to the intersection of Prairie and Center Streets.
UPDATE: Body of missing UW-Whitewater student found - WKOW 27 ...
May 29, 2011 - Sarah Podella, a friend of Wegener's at Whitewater, said, "This is so unreal. ... At this point, police say the death appears to be accidental, but say the ...
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University .
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and is in attendance / existence
in the Milky Way Universe system
in the Milky Way Universe system
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street
Mark lives in the B100D block of S. Co --> Sub-conscious mind output message
Wegener apparently fell from a 70-foot ledge. His death was ruled an accident
Wegener apparently fell from a 70-foot ledge. His death was ruled an accident
Wegener apparently fell from a 70-foot ledge.
His death was ruled a BRAIN bio-computer software message
His death was ruled a BRAIN bio-computer software message
Wegener apparently fell
Wegener apparently fell
Wegener apparently fell
Wegener apparently fell
Wegener apparently fell from a 70-foot ledge.
Wegener apparently fell from a 70-foot ledge.
Wegener apparently fell from a 70-foot ledge.
Wegener apparently fell from a 70-foot ledge.
Wegener apparently fell from a 70-foot ledge.
Wegener apparently fell from a 370 system BRAIN MODEL ledge.
Wegener apparently fell from a 70-foot ledge.
Wegener apparently fell from a 70-foot ledge.
Wegener apparently fell from a 370 system BRAIN MODEL ledge.
Wegener apparently fell from a 70-foot ledge.
Paige Raque apparently fell from a 39-foot ledge.
Penn State cheerleader Paige Raque fights for life after falling five ...
Oct 17, 2012 - Paige Raque, pictured, fell 39 feet from an off-campus apartment window near Penn State over the weekend, and remains in critical condition.
falling-floors of thought...
Paige Raque: Penn State cheerleader, 19, makes 'miraculous ...
Dec 5, 2012 - The Penn State cheerleader who almost died after falling 39-feet from an apartment window has been released from hospital and is speaking
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University ...
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University ...
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University ...
Mark my Words .....B100D ..... data blocks ...
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University ...
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University ...
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University ...
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University ...
Mark lives in the 100 lock
Mark lives in the 100 lock
University of Wisconsin–Whitewater problems
- Wikipedia–Whitewater
The University of Wisconsin–Whitewater, also known as UW–Whitewater, is part of the University of Wisconsin System and is located in Whitewater, Wisconsin.
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University ...
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University ...
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University ...
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University ...
Mark lives in the 100 lock
Mark lives in the 100 lock
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University ...
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University ...
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University ...
Mark lives in the 100 block of S. Cottage Street and attends the University ...
Mark the spot--> B100D lock of SC= South Carolina
Mark the spot--> B100D lock of SC= South Carolina
Charleston church shooting - Wikipedia
The Charleston church shooting was a mass shooting and hate crime that took place at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston ... Separately, Roof has been charged with nine counts of murder in the State of South .... (; it had been registered to a " Dylann Roof" on ...
Who is Dylann Roof? -
Dec 16, 2016 - (CNN) Dylan Storm Roof's website hinted at why he chose "historic" Charleston to shoot nine people to death at Emanuel African Methodist
Who is secret code words
--> Emanuel African Methodist and Dylann Roof?
--> Empirical Proof ?
Dashcam video shows arrest of Charleston church shooter in Shelby ...
Jun 23, 2015 - Dylan Storm Roof, the 21-year-old man who police say is responsible for the shooting, was arrested in Shelby, N.C., on Thursday.
Dylann Roof Arrest Video Dashcam - June 18 - Shelby NC - YouTube
How Dylann Roof was caught in the Margaret Mead
atomic social science WAR ZONE .... Shelby ..... with Mary Shelly
| WSOC-TV 18, 2015 - Shelby police escorted Dylann Roof from headquarters to the Cleveland County Courthouse Thursday afternoon for his first appearance.
Mary Shelley - Wikipedia
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (née Godwin; 30 August 1797 – 1 February 1851) was an English novelist, short story writer, dramatist, essayist, biographer, and ...
Mary Shelley - Author -
Directions to the Port - City of Milwaukee
Port Administration Building: 2323 S. Lincoln Memorial Drive, Milwaukee, ... The three main roads at the Port of Milwaukee (Harbor Drive, Carferry Drive and S.
Port of Milwaukee - City of Milwaukee
The Mission of the Port of Milwaukee is to enhance the overall economic and social environment of the City and region by ... 2323 S. Lincoln Memorial Dr.
Directions to the I/O Port -
Armed Student Reportedly Holding High School Classroom Full of ... in which he held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette High School. .... Samuel Hengel, of Porterfield, had been listed in grave condition earlier
he held 23 students hostage .... of Porterfield,
he held 23 students hostage .... of Porterfield,
he held 23 of Port
Port of Milwaukee 2323 S Lincoln Memorial Dr - City of Milwaukee
The Mission of the Port of Milwaukee is to enhance the overall economic and social environment of the City and region by ... 2323 S. Lincoln Memorial Dr.
Milwaukee Port 2323 S Lincoln Memorial Dr Milwaukee, WI City ... directions, reviews and information for Milwaukee Port in Milwaukee, WI.

Duality of the laws of nature
Far from claiming to make "the contradiction disappear" which Max Born thought could be achieved with a statistical approach, de Broglie extended wave–particle duality to all particles (and to crystals which revealed the effects of diffraction) and extended the principle of duality to the laws of nature.His last work made a single system of laws from the two large systems of thermodynamics and of mechanics:
Duality of the laws of nature
Duality of the laws of nature
Duality of the laws of nature
Duality of the laws of nature
Duality of the laws of nature
Duality of the laws of nature code 19 19
--> Map ..
...............19, 19 ...message site
On April 19, 1995,
On April 19, 1995,
Oklahoma City bombing -
Rigged Facts & Summary of cover-up
Shooting of Samuel DuBose
in the Cin Cin duality region - Wikipedia
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S
Date: July 19, 2015
Jane Porter (Tarzan) - Wikipedia
Jane Porter is a major character in Edgar Rice Burroughs's series of Tarzan novels and in adaptations of the saga to other media, particularly film. Contents.
Tarzan & Jane - Wikipedia
Release date: July 23, 2002
Music by: Patrick Griffin; Don Harper; Dave Me...
Jane Porter
(Tarzan and the
Carl Jung
----> Jungle at Cambridge university) - Wikipedia
Jane Porter is a major character in Edgar Rice Burroughs's series of Tarzan novels and in adaptations of the saga to other media, particularly film. Contents.
Jane Porter astrophysics .....
Porter --> Porterfield Iron-54 Boy Scout Troop 1054
Jane Porter
Jane Porter astrophysics .....
planet EARTH evolution of codes / nouns / concepts
Jane Porter
Jane Porter House /Lodge
Jane Porter .... Jane Wilde
Jane Porter .... Jane Wi --> Wisconsin postal code
Jane --> Janesville
Porter --> Porterfield Iron-54 Boy Scout Troop 1054 IRON MOUNTAIN region
return message to the IRON Lady .......
Margaret Thatcher ......
code thatched ROOF --> pointer Dylann Roof
Zinjan skull .... data LINKS to
Zinjan skull .... data LINKS to
......jan --> January 8 day --> 8 da --> 8 data bits
Stephen Hawking January 8, 1942
- Wikipedia
godzin : Polish » English | PONS
Star Trek secrets of Jane Wilde --> Janeway, Kathryn
Kathryn Janeway - Wikipedia
Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway is a fictional character in the Star Trek franchise. As the captain of the Starfleet starship USS Voyager, she was the lead character ...
Kathryn Janeway | Memory Alpha | Fandom powered by Wikia
Father: Vice Admiral Janeway
Species: Human
Born: May 20 Bloomington, Indiana, Earth
Sibling(s): One sister
Copper Mesh for Electromagnetic Shielding - Thorlabs
This plain square weave copper mesh is the same mesh incorporated into our Faraday Cages. It can be used in electrophysiology and other sensitive ...
About the Faraday Cage and Screen Rooms Utilize Copper Mesh
Jan 2, 2017 - A Faraday cage (or shield) is an enclosure formed by a woven wire mesh of conducting material. Such an enclosure blocks out external static ...
Faraday cage - Wikipedia
This plain square weave copper mesh is the same mesh incorporated into our Faraday Cages
This plain square weave
This plain square weave copper mesh is the same mesh incorporated into our Faraday Cages
This plain square weave of English language words ...copper field ----> creates an equivalent Faraday Cage...... the book words as a cage .... input to the human body/brain electron THOUGHT system.
The right-hand RULE of the right-handed author/ writer .... arm muscles .......
myoglobin protein electrons ...... as they move the black ink pen across a sheet of white cellulose paper.
Route 29 Stalker | electrical utility compnay
Unsolved Mysteries
of copper metal and
David Copperfield metabolism book
Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
A composite of the Route 29 Stalker. Real Name: Unrevealed Aliases: Larry Breeden Wanted For: Murder, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping Missing Since: March ...
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia - Wikipedia
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA
May 12, 2014 - (WJLA) - Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia, lies a wooden cross ... It's a tragic and terrible unsolved murder that he lives with each and ...
May 12, 2014 - (WJLA) - Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia, lies a wooden cross ... It's a tragic and terrible unsolved murder that he lives with each and ...
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia,
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia,
Along Route 29 in Cu = Copper ....... Vir = Ohm's Law of Resistance to bull-shit
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA 12, 2014 - (WJLA) - Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia, lies a wooden cross weathered by ... “All we can do is pray for her,” says Annie Taylor quietly.
says Annie Taylor
says Annie Taylor
says An = Atomic number
says Annie Taylor
says Annie Taylor
says .....nie --> Nietzsche
says Annie Taylor
says Annie Taylor
says ............Taylor
Alicia Reynolds:
History of Reynolds Metals Company – FundingUniverse
History of Reynolds Metals
Base 16 Hex'1d" = 29 --> copper 29 electrons
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia - Wikipedia
Since 1996 there has been an unusually high number of cases involving young women ... Then 25-year-old Alicia Showalter Reynolds disappeared March 2, 1996, ... degree murder and abduction with intent to defile in the murder of Morgan ...
March 2, 1996,
March 2, 1996,
March 2, 1996,
Morgan Dana Harrington...
the murder of Morgan ...
the murder of Morgan
--> Mo + organ --> Molecules organic chemistry -->
molecular social chemistry WAR ZONE...
--> Mo + organ --> Molecules organic chemistry -->
molecular social chemistry WAR ZONE...
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA
At 25 years old
At 25 years old
At 25 years old -->
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA
found in a rural field in Lignum, Virginia.
found in a rural field in Lignum, Virginia.
found in a rural field in Lignum, Virginia.
found in a rural field in Lig --> lingistics / semantics/ dictionaries WAR
Police won't say exactly how Reynolds died, and they're not giving specifics
on DNA or other evidence ...
on DNA or other evidence ..
on DNA or other evidence ..
on DNA or other evidence BRAND NAME ....
.................................................... .DNA of living language words / proper nouns
Phd ----> numbers 16. 8, 4
Virginia Tech Shootings Fast Facts -
Mar 30, 2016 - (CNN)Here is some background information about the shootings at Virginia Tech in April 2007, the deadliest shooting rampage in U.S. history. Twenty-three year old Seung-Hui Cho killed 32 people on the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University campus in Blacksburg ...
Massacre at Virginia Tech leaves 32 dead - Apr 16, 2007 - HISTORY ...
2007 ..... Mr. CHO database
Friday, February 2- Cho ordered a handgun online. He purchased the .22 caliber Walther P22 on the Internet from TGSCOM, Inc. in Green Bay, Wisconsin
- Cho picked up the .22 caliber Walther P22 from J-N-D Pawnbrokers pawnshop in Blacksburg, Virginia[23][24] across the street from the school.[26]
Monday, March 12
- Cho rented a burgundy Kia Sedona van from Enterprise Rent-A-Car at the Roanoke Regional Airport that he kept for almost a month. Cho videotaped some of his diatribe in the van.[28][29]
- Cho purchased a 9 millimeter Glock 19 handgun and a $10 box of 50 9-mm full metal jacket ammunition.[30]
Friday, February 9
Friday, 2nd month 9 --> pointer to copper 29 alternating cycles
Friday, February 9
Friday, 2nd month 9 --> pointer to copper 29 alternating cycles
gun from Green bay, WisconSIN
Department of English - College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
Why study English at Virginia Tech?
Why study English at Virginia Tech?
Why study English DEATH SENTENCES at Virginia Tech?
Why study English DEATH SENTENCES and electric chairs
at Vir = Ohm's Law region of Virginia Tech ....
electric chair technology and DEATH SENTENCES approved?
Learn more about our .
Learn more about our .
Learn more about our secrets.
November 22, 1963: Death of the President - John F. Kennedy ...
Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza in downtown Dallas, ...
John F. Kennedy assassinated - Nov 22, 1963 -
The watt (symbol: W) is a derived unit of power in the International System of Units (SI) defined ..... The watt second is a unit of energy, equal to the joule.
Copper isotope 65 ....
On this day in History, Watts Riot begins on Aug 11, 1965. Learn more about REALITY .....
what happened today on History.
SI base units: kg⋅m2⋅s−3
Unit of: Power
Unit system: SI derived unit
CGS units: 1×107 erg s−1
Copper isotope 65 ....
Watts Riot begins - Aug 11, 1965 -
what happened today on History.
What is a Watt, Anyway? Understanding Energy and Power Metrics ...
Apr 20, 2011 - It's easy to get confused about the difference between energy and power, between watts and watt-hours. ... How many Energy Solutions columnists does it take to change a 60-watt lightbulb? ... Power is a measure of the rate at which energy flows, and in electrical systems it is measured in ...
Mathematical and Computer Modelling -
Mathematical a
........hemat --> hematology /blood and bio-math
Medical College of Wisconsin
Medical College
..........calculus College
Above, copper and iron and rotation and magnetic field .....components of the motor
The EARTH version
Earth surface ....... copper mines on the EARTH geography surface that rotate EVERY 24 hours ..thus they travel 15,000 + miles every day
Earth surface ....... copper mines on the EARTH geography surface that rotate EVERY 24 hours ..thus they travel 15,000 + miles every day ...... and the Earth magnetic field .....
creates Nature's electric motor
The EARTH equivalent ......
Pier Oddone - Wikipedia
Fermilab History and the Darwin RD ...
Archives Project | Piermaria Oddone
Machu Picchu - Wikipedia
Machu Picchu (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈmatʃu ˈpitʃu]) (Quechua: Machu Pikchu; [ˈmɑtʃu ˈpixtʃu]) is a 15th-century Inca citadel situated on a mountain ...
Machu Picchu - Facts & Summary -
Machu secret agent --> Ma + chu --> Massachusetts
..................set theory systems
Dr. Steven Chu | Department of Energy Steven Chu served as the Secretary of Energy from January 21, 2009, to April 22, 2013. Dr. Chu was charged with helping implement President Obama's ...
Dr. Steven Chu | Department of Energy
..........even Chu --> number 2 Chu of the set
Machu and the Oddone
Machu secret agent -->
Ma + chu ODD one (1) -->
......... chu ODD ..of the set of CHU codes of the secret words
--> Mass a chu set ts
--> Mass a chu set ts ...... above Pier Oddone ...... Machu
--> Mass a chu set ts ..... above the event Steven ...Steven Chu
Thus we have a basic algebra set ... of 2 elements ..t
he Odd CHU and the Even Chu --> together they are a set --> thus
energy STATE code words --> Chu + set --> massachusetts
Pier 1 Imports - Department Stores - 481 N Randall Rd, Batavia, IL ... › Shopping › Department StoresRating: 3 - 3 reviews - Price range: $$3 reviews of Pier 1 Imports "While I recognize Pier 1 is a chain,
Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium in Batavia Illinois
Pier 1 Imports used by FermiLAB purchasing in Batavia ..
.................... special purchase order parameters
Pier 1 Important Ran --> Random variable needed with the ODDS
Pier 1 Important Ran --> Random variable needed with the ODDS
Pier One with the ODDS --> giving the --> Oddone
Cupid - Wikipedia
Symbol: Bow and arrow
Consort: Psyche
Cupid - copper atom Cu ...... Roman God of Love- Crystalinks
Using the Right-Hand Rule (article) | Khan Academy
What is the curl of a electric field? | Physics Forums - The ... › Physics › Classical Physics
Feb 7, 2013 - 3 posts - 2 authors
This should be simple but I know I'm going wrong somewhere and I can't figure out where. The curl of a electric field is zero, i.e. ⃗∇×⃗E=0 .
Divergence and Curl of the Magnetic Field
A month later, Julius Burton shot Bryan Norberg and Graham Kunisch in the head during a routine stop on Milwaukee's south side in June year 2009.
Divergence and Curl of the Magnetic Field by BH site --> Bradley High school
BH --> Bradley High school region of magnetic battle
with ferrous oxide IRON 26 ... atomic human agent Kunish age 26 .....
Man Charged With Shooting 2 Milwaukee Police Officers. June 11,2009. Norberg ...
Graham Kunisch age 26 on force 15 month
Man Charged With Shooting 2 Milwaukee Police Officers. June 11,2009. Norberg ...
Graham Kunisch age 26 on force 15 month
Divergence and Curl of the Magnetic Field with iron 26 protons / electrons
by BH site --> Bradley High school
The static electric field E(x, y, z) — such as the field of static charges — obeys ... Now consider the curl equation ∇ × B = µ0J, which is the differential form of the.
Divergence and Curl
Uniform Resource Locator with Milwaukee Police uniforms
- Wikipedia
URL is another name for Web Address ~ Webopedia Definition › TERM › UURL - Uniform Resource Locator. ... URL is the abbreviation of Uniform Resource Locator. ... The Uniform Resource Locator (URL) was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1994 and the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) URI working group.
URL is another name for Web ...Webster dictionary Address ~ Webopedia Definition › TERM › U
URL is another name for Web Address
URL is another name for Web Address
URL is another name for Web Address battle in Webster New York
4 firefighters shot, 2 killed at Web address site .....
Webster, N.Y., fire - USA Today
Dec 24, 2012 - — A gunman ambushed firefighters at a house fire in the Rochester suburb of Webster, N.Y., early Monday, killing two firemen and injuring two others before killing himself on a Lake Ontario beach. ... The gunman, who shot himself at the scene, was identified as 62-year-old William ...
2012 Webster, New York shooting - Wikipedia,_New_York_shooting
4 Firefighters Shot, 2 Killed At Webster, New York Fire Scene; Shooter ...
It really spins around! - Simple models of electric motor - Eu-Hou › Exercises › Classroom experiments and activities
copper wire with a diameter between 0.5 and 1 mm,; neodymium magnet, ... Too many turns will make the coil too heavy and too few turns will deteriorate motor functioning.
copper wire with a diameter
copper wire with a diameter
copper wire with a diameter
Too many turns will make the coil too heavy and
too few turns will deteriorate motor functioning.
The Earth geography area of Nature's messages .....
As the World Turns and IRON-56 number 56 - Wikipedia
Jump to American Daytime Television Firsts - As the World Turns is an American television soap opera that aired on CBS for 54 years from April 2, 1956, ...
As the World Turns (TV Series 1956–2010) - IMDb
As the World Turns (TV Series 1956–2010)
As the World T --> County Road T turns / winds / curves as
parallel existences agent Turner drives his iron automobile along the turning County Road T ...
past ac = acres of farm/agriculture land and his thoughts = achieving success and the electric utility wires ... = alternating cycles
As the World Turns (TV Series 1956–2010) and
Earth daily rotation on its axis .....
a reminder of the electric motor of Nikola Tesla
EARTH components of electric motor ...
EARTH iron core, magnetic field, earth rotation every 24 hours,
EARTH iron core, magnetic field, earth rotation every 24 hours,
EARTH geography surface copper MINES ......
THAT travel as the geography surface travels in a circle every 24 hours.
THAT travel as the geography surface travels in a circle every 24 hours.
another copper message site .
Basic Chemistry (4th Edition): Karen C. Timberlake, William ...
Timberlake, Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and ...
Justin Timberlake - Wikipedia
Justin Randall Timberlake (born January 31, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, actor and record producer. Born in Memphis, Tennessee, he appeared on ...
Justin Timberlake - IMDb
Justin Timber---> cellulose continuum codes of LU = LUMBER
Justin Timberlake - Wikipedia
Justin Randall Timberlake (born January 31, 1981) is an American singer, songwriter, actor and record producer. Born in Memphis, Tennessee, he appeared on ...
Justin Timberlake ... molecule cia agent - IMDb
1922–2001 –-->
United States Tobacco (UST) Company
Traveler bringing tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, bidis) to the ...,-cigars,-bidis)-t...
(cigarettes, cigars,
Welcome to the CIA Web Site — Molecules and the
Central Intelligence Agency ... as a model
Central Nervous Systems and its subset human expression groups -->
Central Intelligence Agency and Washington, DC..........
Center of male bragging and male superiority over all knowledge in existence
- Wikipedia
Wounded officers' lawsuit against Badger Guns settles for $1 million
Jury rigged THOUGHTS ...... the rigged ace --> acetylcholine neurotransmitter TRIAL in Milwaukee finds for wounded officers in Badger Guns lawsuit - Jsonline
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor - Wikipedia
Virginia tobacoo VS Virginia TECH bull-shit
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors - Scholarpedia
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
Nicotinic acetyl cho line
--> messenger Mr. CHO and line of English words/nouns/ sentence
Seung-Hui Cho - Wikipedia
Seung-Hui Cho was a South Korean expatriate spree killer and mass murderer who killed 32 .... Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English, and teachers pointed to him as an example for other students. At that time ...
Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English
US Marine Corps - Halls Of Montezuma Lyrics | MetroLyrics the Halls of Montezuma / To the Shores of Tripoli; / We will fight our country's battles / In the air, ... Song Discussions is protected by U.S. Patent 9401941.
Marines' Hymn - Wikipedia'_Hymn
The "Marines' Hymn" is the official hymn of the United States Marine Corps, introduced by the first Director of USMC Band, Francesco Maria Scala. It is the oldest official song in the United States Armed Forces. ... "The Halls of Montezuma" refers to the Battle of Chapultepec on 12/13 September 1847 during the ...
Marines' Hymn (The Halls of Montezuma) /w lyrics - YouTube
From the Halls of Montezuma
To the Shores of Tripoli;
We will fight our country's battles
In the air, on land ,and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
of United States Marine.
To the Shores of Tripoli;
We will fight our country's battles
In the air, on land ,and sea;
First to fight for right and freedom
And to keep our honor clean;
We are proud to claim the title
of United States Marine.
Our flag's unfurled to every breeze
From dawn to setting sun;
We have fought in every clime and place
Where we could take a gun;
In the snow of far-off Northern lands
And in sunny tropic scenes;
You will find us always on the job--
The United States Marines.
From dawn to setting sun;
We have fought in every clime and place
Where we could take a gun;
In the snow of far-off Northern lands
And in sunny tropic scenes;
You will find us always on the job--
The United States Marines.
Here's health to you and to our Corps
Which we are proud to serve
In many a strife we've fought for life
And never lost our nerve;
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven's scenes;
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines.
Which we are proud to serve
In many a strife we've fought for life
And never lost our nerve;
If the Army and the Navy
Ever look on Heaven's scenes;
They will find the streets are guarded
By United States Marines.
A (musical note ......... murder commands VIA music notes )
- Wikipedia
A Harmonic Minor: A B C D E F G♯ A;
A Melodic Minor Ascending: A B C D E F♯
Fundamental Frequency and Harmonics - The Physics Classroom › Physics Tutorial › Sound Waves and Music › Physics Tutorial › Sound Waves and Music
Sound Waves and Music - Lesson 4 - Resonance and Standing Waves ... First, consider a guitar string vibrating at its natural frequency or harmonic frequency.
Standing Waves: Harmonics and Patterns - The Physics Classroom › Physics Tutorial › Waves
Harmonic - Wikipedia
Fundamental Frequency and Harmonics
...........mental Fre (Freaks) and Harm / damage/
Johann Sebastian Bach - Wikipedia
Johann Sebastian Bach was a German composer and musician of the Baroque period. ... His music is revered for its technical command, artistic beauty, and ..... came with The Well-Tempered Clavier, using all keys, which Bach seems to have ..... the late 19th-century "Air on the G string" helped in popularising Bach's music.
List of compositions by Johann Sebastian Bach - Wikipedia
Search Results
Overview of COBOL Batch Processing - IBM
|Updated September 19, 2010 by COBOL_Cafe2700024MQ5|Tags: None. Page Actions ▽. Overview of COBOL Batch Processing. Comments (0); Versions (1) ...
5 Things To Know About CICS and Batch Processing - IBM
Dec 12, 2013 - Here are 5 helpful things to know about today's batch processing. ... aspects of Java and procedural programming languages such as COBOL.
[PDF]New Ways of Running Batch Applications on z/OS Vol ... - IBM Redbooks
New Ways of Running Batch Applications
New Ways of Running Batch Applications on April 15, 2013 in Boston
221B Baker Street - Wikipedia
Jump to Sherlock Holmes Museum - The Sherlock Holmes Museum is situated within an 1815 ... stories and is located between 237 and 241 Baker Street.
221B Baker Street | Baker Street Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia
The Mystery of 221B Baker Street | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian
Dr. Watson and evolution of SYMBOL LIFE - Wikipedia
Jump to Watson as Holmes's biographer - At the end of the first published Holmes story, ... those exploits of my friend, Mr. Sherlock Holmes, ...
Tom Watson, Jr. quoted - IBM
Tom Watson, Jr. quoted - IBM
Tom Watson, Jr. quoted. (writings and comments) - page 2. Other Watson comments: Nothing is more vital to the continuous improvement of IBM than ...
Sherlock Holmes - Wikipedia
First appearance: A Study in Scarlet
Created by: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Family: Mycroft Holmes (brother)
Nationality: British
Lee M. Silver
..Intellectual cowboy ... and Gene Autry - Wikipedia
15 Year-old girl missing ...missing gene ...
from Town of Genesee -
Nov 6, 2013 - Kathryn Stalbaum disappeared Tuesday morning on her way to school.
Lac La Belle (Oconomowoc and the gene Town of Genesee , Wisconsin region):
Top Tips Before You Go - TripAdvisor › ... › Oconomowoc › Things to Do in Oconomowoc
Rating: 4.5 - 21 reviews
Lac La Belle, Oconomowoc: See 21 reviews, articles, and photos of Lac La Belle, ranked No.3 on TripAdvisor among 16 attractions in Oconomowoc. › ... › Oconomowoc › Things to Do in Oconomowoc
Silver Lake and Town of Gene messages for
genetic LANGUAGE :cowboy ,,,,, Lee M . Silver
Search launched for missing Town of Genesee girl and
Lee M. Silver gene textbook
Kathryn Stalbaum, 15 Year Old Girl, Genesee, WI - JusticeQuest › JusticeQuest › Missing, NOT forgotten › Found!
Town of GeneseeTown of GeneseeTown of Genesee in Kettle Moraine
Town of Gene see in Kettle Mo raine
Town of Genes see in Kettle Molecular Brain earth
Town of Gene see Gene in Mo --> Movie
The Conversation - Wikipedia Conversation is a 1974 American psychological mystery thriller film written, produced and directed by Francis Ford Coppola and starring Gene Hackman ...
Caul is utterly professional at work but finds personal contact extremely difficult because he is intensely secretive about even the most trivial aspects of his life. Dense crowds make him feel uncomfortable and he is withdrawn and taciturn in more intimate social situations. He is also reticent and obsessively secretive with colleagues.
His appearance is nondescript, except for his habit of wearing a translucent grey plastic raincoat almost everywhere he goes, even when it is not raining.
Although Caul cannot understand the true meaning of the conversation, he finds the cryptic nuances and emotional undercurrents contained within it deeply troubling. Sensing danger, Caul feels increasingly uneasy about what may happen to the couple
Although Caul cannot understand the true meaning of the conversation, he finds the cryptic nuances and emotional undercurrents contained within it deeply troubling. Sensing danger, Caul feels increasingly uneasy about what may happen to the couple -->
couple --> the electromagnetic(EM) coupling constant BATTLE at EM township by Watertown,
Town of Emmett PD, ...
Town of Emmett PD, ...
Town of Em met t PD, ...
Town of Em + met
--> Electromagnetic field interface Metabolism WAR ZONE ...
UPDATE: Student Murdered -
Sep 7, 2009 - Zoellick killed Khan and stole the vehicle. ... of 31-year-old University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student and businessman Haroon Khan, ... numerous agencies, Milwaukee PD, Watertown PD, UW-Milw PD, Town of Emmett PD, ...
Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car - Jsonline
The Conversation is a 1974 American mystery thriller
The Conversation is a 1974 American mystery thriller
The Conversation is a 1974 American mystery thriller
Originally, Paramount Pictures distributed the film worldwide. Paramount retains American rights to this day but international rights are now held by Miramax Films and StudioCanal in conjunction with American Zoetrope.
Originally, Paramount Pictures rights ....American Zoetrope.
Originally, Paramount Pictures rights ....American Zoetrope.
Originally, Paramount Pictures rights ....American Zoetrope.
Originally, Para ................................. RNA .....rights .......................Zoe
Originally, Parallel messenger RNA rights ........ Zoellick
Travis Zoellick (20) .....
his 20 standard amino acids and
his biology RNA cells are bought and
sold by citizen/ community economic schemes
Oct 8, 2008 - That man, 20-year-old Travis Zoellick of Watertown, shot himself while ... Zoellick's girlfriend, Tammy LaFave, 21, of Delafield, is expected to be ...
Woman charged in slaying of UW-Milwaukee student over car - Jsonline
Tammy LaFave, 21, of Delafield
Tammy LaFave, 21, of Delafield ..... Nature's molecular agent
T am my --> amino acids and myoglobin proteins expand the MURDER SYSTEM of the community
Tammy LaFave, 21, of Delafield
Tammy LaFave, 21, of Delafield ..... Nature's molecular agent
T am my --> amino acids and myoglobin proteins
Tammy LaFave, 21, of Delafield
Tammy La Fave, 21, of Delafield ..... Nature's molecular agent
T am my La --> amino acids and myoglobin proteins and Lac gene
--> pointer to Oconomowoc region
The lac operon | Gene regulation
with Town of Gene optics at Genesee
| Khan Academy
The lac Operon at Lac La belle : An Inducer Operon - Boundless › ... › Gene Expression › Prokaryotic Gene Regulation
DNA and gene Transcription ...with Gene Hackman tapes in the movie
| Learn Science at Scitable - Nature
by S Clancy - 2008 - Cited by 21 - Related articles
The genetic code is frequently referred to as a "blueprint" because it contains the instructions a cell requires in order to sustain itself. We now know that there is ...Images for expression lacz lacy
La --> LaFave from ..... LAField (Delafield) near
the Kettle Moraine High school region
the Kettle Moraine High school region
ac --> 20 acres of land in Emmet Township
UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say - Jsonline
When Khan put his up for sale, Zoellick answered the ad.
But instead of showing up with cash or a checkbook, Zoellick met Khan armed with a handgun, zip ties and duct tape..
ties and duct tape..
ties and duct tape..
ties and duct tape....string theory ties and deductions
c = car /motor vehicle // silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution with a metal automobile hood
Codes --> silver and hood
Genetics [Hardcover]:
Genetics and the August 1970 Sterling Hall bombing cover-up :
Genetics and the August 1970 Sterling Hall bombing cover-up :
Hood --> EARTH LAB ...... using LAB hoods at science building
Goldberg --> atom Au --> August
Silver --> Sterling Silver --> atom Ag / Wisconsin agriculture
and Sterling Hall message site
The Sterling Hall Bombing that occurred on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on August 24, 1970 was committed by four
was committed by four
was committed by four DNA nucleotides and genetics military
was committed by four --> AUGUST --> Code A, U, G, T --> Adenine, Uracil, Guanine , Thymine
Uracil - Wikipedia
Properties · Synthesis · Reactions · Uses
was committed by four
was committed by four DNA nucleotides and genetics military
was committed by four --> AUGUST .....
.........................................................ST --> Sterling Hall and UW bull-shit social science and philosophy school
.........................................................ST --> Sterling Hall and UW bull-shit social science and philosophy school
Sterling silver flatware - Place Setting & Serving Pieces
for Lee. M. Silver and supremacy people at Princeton University
4.5 rating for
Sterling, stainless, and silverplate.
Sterling Hall flatware - Place Setting (Madison, Wisconsin)
& Serving Pieces of ASS on the campus system
.............................................................. pussy school BRAINs ..
4.5 rating for
Sterling, stainless, and silverplate.
The First Days of Spring ,.... college campus systems - Wikipedia
221B Baker Street - Wikipedia
Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars Q | Scholastic
the Baker Street Irregulars
Disgraced Preacher Jim Bakker's New Doomsday Pitch - Newsweek
Mar 27, 2016 - From left, televangelist Jim Bakker, his son Jamie and wife, Tammy ... My late father, Rubin, was one of the TV-radio voice-over kings of the ...
Jim Bakker - Wikipedia
is an American televangelist,
is an American televangelist,
is an American ....evan .... output messenger
, Televangelist Jim Bakker's Road to Redemption
The agony of Iowa's evans .....evangelicals - -
How Ted Cruz's Evangelical Strategy Won Him Iowa, And Why It ...
EM code word --> Stem
UPDATE: Student Murdered -
Zoellick killed KhanZoellick killed Khan
--> code KHan Zoellick --> KHZ
UPDATE: Student Murdered -
Sep 7, 2009
- Zoellick -->
Z oe ll --> System Z order entry parallel existences
Zoey Brooks, 67th Alice in Dairyland... - Wisconsin Department of ...
Zoey Brooks, 67th Alice in Dairyland - The Star: School
Zoey Brooks, 67th Alice in Dairyland. State of Wisconsin photo | Posted: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 2:22 pm ...
Winston and the Milwaukee Police secret agent
- Wikipedia
Winston Smith is a character and the protagonist of George Orwell's 1949 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. The character was employed by Orwell as an ...
Nineteen Eighty-Four - Wikipedia
Nineteen Eighty-Four, often published as 1984, is a dystopian novel by English author George ... The protagonist of the novel, Winston Smith, is a member of the Outer Party, who works for the Ministry of Truth (or ... George Orwell "encapsulate[ d] the thesis at the heart of his unforgiving novel" in 1944, the implications of ...
Winston Smith in 1984 - Shmoop › Literature › 1984 › Characters
Assistant Chief Involved In Investigation To Receive Pension
Jan 11, 2012 - A Milwaukee police executive who resigned rather than face a misconduct ... Darryl Winston Resigned After Investigation Launched. Updated: ...
Assistant police chief has powers suspended - Milwaukee Journal ...
Assistant Police Chief Darryl Winston
Assistant Police Chief Darryl Winston
Assistant Police Chief D arry --> Data Array agent
Milwaukee Assistant Police Chief Darryl Winston
Milwaukee Assistant Police Chief Darryl Winston
Milwaukee Assistant Police Chief Da arry l Winston
Milwaukee Assistant Police Chief Data array land Wi = Wisconsin
Milwaukee Assistant Police Chief Mat.RICE.s explains Rice Lake math battle
'Tree Stand Murders' recounts St. Paul man's Wisconsin deer hunter ...
..... in other words ........
'(Decision)Tree Stand Murders' recounts St. Paul (Dirac) manuscript Wisconsin deer hunter ...
Assistant Milwaukee Police Chief Darwin
--> Dar + Win --> Darryl Winston
Assistant police chief explains " Descent of Man"
Milwaukee Journal and its 1984 biased and myopic wimp newspaper ...
Cousin.... sin wave energy properties
in humanoid expression format
- Wikipedia
A cousin is a relative with whom a person shares one or more common ancestors . In the general sense, cousins are two or more generations away from any ...
A cousin is a relative with
A cousin is a relative with
A cousin is a sin wave relative with a 90 degree phase difference to you
A cousin is a relative with
A cousin is a relative with
A cousin is a relative with
A cousin is a relative with
A cousin is a relative with
A cousin ..Cosine life form ..... is a relative of Einstein's theory of relativity
with human relatives
with human relatives
"Second Cousins," "Once Removed", and More Explained in Chart Form
Nov 22, 2014 - Figure out the common ancestor between two relatives. Then select the relationship of the first relative to the common ancestor in the top row.
What is a Second Cousin, Twice Removed? -
If someone walked up to you and said "Howdy, I'm your third cousin, twice removed," would you have any idea what they meant? Most people have a good ...
Chart of bio-math ...... cosine life forms
..........Cousins | FlowingData
DEFINITIONS Relative means husband, wife, father, mother, son ...
Relative means husband
Relative means husband, wife, father,
In SI base units: s−1
Unit of: Frequency
Unit system: SI derived unit
Named after: Heinrich Hertz
The Two Cultures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Snow's position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:
A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is the scientific equivalent of: Have you read a work of Shakespeare’s?[5]
I now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question — such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying, Can you read? — not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language. So the great edifice of modern physics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western world have about as much insight into it as their neolithic ancestors would have had.[5]
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